Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 313: The pros outweigh the cons

 In the ninja world, there must be very few families that master the secret technique of cultivating spiritual energy.

Among these families who master the secrets of spiritual energy cultivation, ninjas who can gradually awaken their spiritual talents through the cultivation of spiritual energy are rare in the ninja world.

Therefore, even if Cross Country masters the inheritance of the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape Secret Technique, Cross Country cannot understand the accurate classification of spiritual talents from the relevant records inside.

However, in the confrontation with the ninjas who were separated from the Hyuga clan in front of him, Cross Country awakened his own spiritual talent. When he understood that his own spiritual talent was a spiritual talent used to absorb the spiritual energy of others, never mind whether Cross Country knew the classification of spiritual talent. , cross-country people can all confirm his mental talent, it must be one of the top mental talents!

 If you want to ask why, the reason is actually very simple.

 Others rely on accumulation of spiritual energy over time.

Even if Cross Country masters the cultivation method of spiritual energy and has unique advantages, doesn’t it still need to be accumulated slowly?

 After awakening the spiritual talent, it becomes much easier to cultivate spiritual energy.

People need to rely on the accumulation of time to obtain huge spiritual energy. Cross-country only needs to absorb the spiritual energy of others, and your own spiritual energy can be infinitely improved. It is simply a bug-like spiritual talent, okay?

If placed in a martial arts novel, off-roading would be like a knight who has practiced Beiming's magical skills.

 It takes decades of hard work for people to become a master of internal strength. Using Beiming Shengong to casually recruit a few masters of internal strength cross-country can be worth others' decades of hard work.

Of course, there is nothing in this world that comes without hard work.

 Even if you awaken your spiritual talents while traveling cross-country, I feel that in terms of accumulating spiritual energy, you only need to absorb the spiritual energy of others.

 But for the sake of insurance, the spiritual energy cultivation of the cross-country itself cannot be given up.

 Furthermore, even if you are absorbing other people's spiritual energy, you need to be very careful when going off-road to see if there are any drawbacks to your own spiritual talents.

However, the situation that Cross Country faces at this time is somewhat special, so even if the mental talent may have disadvantages, Cross Country must use its own mental talent to break the formations used by the ninjas of the Hyuga clan in front of them.

Let’s talk about the formations used by the Hyuga clan ninjas.

  Why does the mental talent of off-roading happen to restrain the formations used by the ninjas of the Hyuga clan?

Relying on cross-country judgment, he felt that the real core of the formations used by the Hyuga clan ninjas lay in spiritual energy!

 In other words, the formations used by these Hyuga clan ninjas are actually some kind of Yin Escape formations!

As mentioned before, the method used by these Hyuga clan ninjas to construct formations is to rely on the small Bagua marks under each person's feet to condense into a large Bagua mark. As long as they are in the large Bagua Mark, every chuunin-level Hyuga clan ninja has the terrifying defensive capabilities of a true Kage-level powerhouse.

As for those small Bagua marks, the off-road feeling at this time is nothing more than spiritual energy, or an application of Yin Escape!

 Relying on the effect of Yin Escape Secret Technique, spiritual energy is condensed into a small Bagua shield.

 Use the mystery of the Yin Escape Formation to transform the small Bagua shield into a large Bagua shield!

In this way, the Bagua shield, referred to as "turtle shell", on each Hyuga clan ninja has the strength of the spiritual energy of more than 20 people. The defensive effect is simply better than the shadow shield mastered by cross-country. The Shadow Armor is several times stronger.

It is also because of this that Kakashi's strength, gathered off-road, was able to break the "turtle shell" of a Hyuga clan ninja.

But it’s fine now.

Off-road has awakened his own spiritual talent and can absorb the spiritual energy of others. He can instantly absorb the spiritual energy of the Hyuga clan ninjas walking in front, making them unable to maintain the formation needs.

 The next thing becomes very simple.

Facing a chuunin-level ninja from the Hyuga clan, how much effort does it take to go off-road?

 It only takes a few punches at most!

Relying on his attainments in physical arts, Cross Country can easily defeat the Hyuga clan ninjas in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Kakashi, who was watching the battle from the side, saw the cross-country using the secret "acceleration" technique of the Fourth Hokage, constantly flashing next to every ninja of the Hyuga clan.

 When Cross Country appears in front of every Hyuga clan ninja, all they need to do is exert the power of the Yin Escape brand and use the secret technique of Shadow Escape. Off-road casts the shadow transformed from the secret technique of Shadow Escape, which can be combined with off-road's spiritual talent to directly disintegrate the "turtle shells" of those Hyuga clan ninjas, and then kill the Hyuga clan ninja in an instant, and then transfer to another Hyuga clan. Just fine in front of the ninja.

 Having excellent spiritual talent at hand, it only took more than three minutes.

 In front of the cross-country, no ninja from the Hyuga clan blocked the road.

 The ninjas of the Hyuga clan who had built a formation to trap Cross Country and Kakashi suddenly died under the iron fist of Cross Country!

 Is it scary?

 It’s really scary!

 It’s really scary!

Combined with the fact that it took so much time to kill a ninja from the Hyuga clan when he and Off-Road teamed up before, Kakashi looked at Off-Road as he easily killed each of the Hyuga clan ninjas. , it’s almost no different from looking at a monster.

 Subconsciously, Kakashi wanted to ask Cross Country how he cracked the formations of those Hyuga clan ninjas.

However, knowing that every ninja's secret technique is a secret, Kakashi resisted the urge to ask questions, walked towards Yukio, and said in a low voice: "Yujiu, you can take a rest, I will deal with these corpses! "

 “Sorry, Kakashi.”

Seeing Kakashi want to help dispose of the body, off-roading is really what I want!

 In an instant, Cross Country used his own spiritual talent, which absorbed the spiritual energy of more than twenty ninjas from the Hyuga clan.

Even if every ninja of the Hyuga clan is an ordinary chunin-level ninja, they hold very little spiritual energy. But in the case of adding up, the spiritual energy absorbed by cross-country is still a huge value. Now that the battle is over, cross-country needs to see if there are any drawbacks to the spiritual energy absorbed.

Then, watching Kakashi go to dispose of the body, Cross Country sat there cross-legged and carefully observed his Yin Escape brand.

 Don’t even say it!

  It has absorbed the spiritual energy of more than twenty people, and the spiritual energy stored in the cross-country Yin Escape brand is almost full!

If these spiritual energies can be perfectly integrated into Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand, then Cross Country will soon be able to proceed to the next stage of Yin Escape Brand training.

 But it’s such a pity!

Observing his Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country soon discovered the anomaly in the Yin Escape Brand.

In the Yin Escape Brand, the spiritual energy from previous cross-country training is perfectly stored in the Yin Escape Brand, glowing with a dark light. However, the spiritual energy that Cross Country absorbed from those Hyuga clan ninjas, and the light that was stored in the Yin escape brand, was completely different from the spiritual energy that Cross Country had cultivated itself, all of which were milky white in appearance.

 Obviously, there are two completely different spiritual energies stored in the Yin Escape Brand, which indeed did not cause any loss or any harm to the cross-country.

 But off-roaders understand that the purer the spiritual energy, the higher the quality.

If you simply pursue "quantity", the spiritual energy stored in the Yin Escape Brand is obviously enough to carry out the next stage of cross-country training in the Yin Escape Brand.

 However, the "quantitative" aspect has improved, and the "qualitative" aspect has problems, which will more or less affect the ability to escape the Yin Escape Brand.

Therefore, Cross-country, who did not pay perfect attention to his tendencies, immediately discovered the problem of his own Yin Escape imprint, and was ready to wait until he had enough time to expel or purify the spiritual energy of insufficient quality, and then wait for the opportunity to complete Yin Escape. The next stage of imprinting is practiced.

“In general, my spiritual talents have pros and cons.”

“But now it seems that the awakening of my spiritual talent still has more advantages than disadvantages!”

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