Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 318: Lightning retreats the enemy


With the Gale Flow palm blade attached to the palm, an ordinary off-road palm possesses the power of a peerless magic weapon!

Using the Wind Blink, Cross Country quickly arrived in front of the first Mist Ninja. The palm attached to the Wind Flow Blade directly penetrated the Mist Ninja's chest, and his heart was completely shattered in Cross Country's palm. The Mist Ninja It is obvious that he cannot die anymore.

 When using the Wind Shuttle when off-road, a "swish" sound came in front of the Mist Ninja, and there was another "swish" sound.

Kakashi, who also used the teleportation technique, was surprisingly a step too late. He waited until Cross Country killed the mist nin before coming to Cross Country's side.

However, just like the previous cross-country trip, Kakashi's eyes were filled with murderous intent when he saw that the enemy was a mist ninja.

 In other words, when Uzumaki Kushina was giving birth, as long as no ninja from Konoha Village came, Kakashi's first thought was to kill him. Therefore, I didn’t think much about Cross Country killing a fog ninja first. When Kakashi discovered that there were still six enemies around him, he opened his forehead protector and Kakashi said to Cross Country next to him. :

“Off-road, there are six more people, they all seem to be jounin, be careful!”

"no problem."

Nodding to Kakashi, Cross Country sneered and sensed the surrounding environment, especially when he noticed that the ANBU sent by the Third Hokage failed to detect the enemy's approach, Cross Country couldn't help but said:

"Kakashi, are these ANBU too incompetent? We haven't found the enemy so close. Is it useful for the Third Hokage to send them here?"

 “It seems to be of no use.”

Although Kakashi believed in the Third Hokage very much, as Cross Country said, the people sent by the Third Hokage were so bad that it was hard to comment on Kakashi.

 After getting Kakashi's reply, besides sighing, Cross Country didn't know what to say to the Third Hokage.

Then, after using the sense of wind to determine the location of the remaining six fog ninjas, and finding that they were basically jounin-level strength as Kakashi said, he hurriedly formulated a battle plan with Kakashi and used it again The wind's instant cross-country journey came directly in front of the second Mist Ninja!

 Speaking of which, Cross Country was able to get off to a good start by killing a Mist Ninja. No wonder Kakashi didn't care much about it.

  After all, the Mist ninja killed before going off-road was just an elite chuunin, and the rest of the Mist ninja were at worst ordinary jounin level.

 Elite chuunin are said to be able to fight with ordinary jounin, but the gap between the two is still quite large.

Therefore, after allocating enemies with Cross Country, Kakashi came to a Jōnin-level Mist ninja. He fought hard for a long time, and finally grasped a little advantage before killing the Jōnin-level Mist ninja. die.

 And when killing a fog ninja at the Jonin level, it is naturally impossible to say that there is no pride at all!

After all, they are all jounin-level ninjas that are difficult to kill. Even if Kakashi is an elite jounin, how could he kill a jounin-level mist ninja in such a short time if he had not grasped the timing very well?

But just when Kakashi's eyes were full of pride and he turned his head to see the cross-country battle, the pride in Kakashi's eyes disappeared in an instant, and there was even a look of shock in his eyes. !


 Because, when Kakashi took the risk and seized the opportunity to kill a jounin-level mist ninja, he turned around and saw that Cross Country had killed two jounin-level mist ninjas!

 For a moment, Kakashi felt a little crazy.

He felt a bit proud when he killed a Jōnin-level Mist ninja before. But when he killed two Jōnin-level Mist ninjas off-road, would his tail be raised to the sky?

 After a few seconds of silence, Kakashi couldn't help but sigh deeply again.

 “The gap between me and cross-country seems to be getting bigger and bigger!”

 “No, I have to work hard!”

“I must deal with the remaining two mist ninjas faster than off-road!”

Huttered to himself, without using Raikiri, Kakashi pounced on the jounin-level fog nin next to him, and started a rather difficult battle.

On the contrary, it was cross-country. He was already at the half-step quasi-kage level. At this time, facing the fog ninja at the Jonin level was no longer as difficult as it was before.

Especially, the cross-country has swallowed up the spiritual energy of more than twenty people. Now the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand is at a very sufficient stage. As long as you want to quickly deal with jounin-level ninjas, the cross-country can be completed smoothly.

 Previously, Cross Country could quickly kill the two jounin-level fog ninjas in front of him, and the method he used was to ignore consumption.


 Suddenly appeared in front of the first Mist Ninja. When the Mist Ninja realized that he was exposed, he immediately prepared to go up and fight off-road.

 In general, the first round of confrontation between Cross Country and the Mist Ninja was just like Kakashi's confrontation with the Mist Ninja he killed. He tried his best.

 The result is the same, it’s just a draw.

 But when the fog ninja in front of the cross-country felt that he had the ability to kill the cross-country, there was a sudden "bang"!

 There are no seals, and there is no chakra fluctuation at all.

 Just staring at the mist ninja in front of him, Cross Country has completed the use of the Shadow Sewing Technique!

 “Shadow Suture!”


The black shadow under his feet suddenly rose up and hit the fog ninja **** the jaw.

Following the inertia, the Mist Ninja will fly into the air. If it were not for the Jonin level strength, the Mist Ninja might have died from the cross-country Shadow Sewing Technique.

However, just when the fog ninja tried his best to stabilize his body, thinking that there might be a slight gap between himself and the cross-country strength, there were three more "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounds!

At that moment, off-roading was like using a secret technique, without any consumption, using the Shadow Sewing Technique three times in a row!

 The Shadow Sewing Technique was used exactly three times, and the place it hit was the jaw of the Mist Ninja.

Presumably even if that Mist Ninja was made of iron, the bones of his jaw would have been shattered by the blows of the Continuous Shadow Sewing Technique, right?

 Shortly afterwards, the Mist Ninja's combat power must have dropped a lot since his jaw was injured.

Off-road took advantage of the fog ninja's reduced combat power, and quickly approached the fog ninja. With the use of the blast blade, the fog ninja's life was easily harvested.

“Well, the condensed Yin Escape Brand, coupled with the spiritual talent of absorbing other people’s spiritual energy, is indeed very useful.”

"Except for using the Hayate Flow Palm Blade just now, killing a Mist Ninja didn't consume much of my mental energy at all. Even if I consumed some mental energy, it was a one-time consumption of mental energy. My own mental energy is still at its peak. status."

"Furthermore, I killed the Mist Ninja with the Shadow Sewing Technique. Without the Mist Ninja noticing, I absorbed all his spiritual energy."

“That is to say, when I kill a Mist Ninja, not only is there no consumption at all, but it actually increases the duration of my combat.”

“The condensation of the Yin Escape Brand and the awakening of my spiritual talent really made me a ninja who is not afraid of group battles!”

 “If that’s the case, then you should die too!”

  thought secretly, the off-road perception locked onto the other two mist ninjas.

 There is no need to say more about the next battle.

The cross-country secret techniques of shadow escape were used one by one, and the mist ninjas they fought did not even have a chance to parry.

Although those Mist ninjas are all Jōnin-level ninjas, under the suppression of the continuous secret technique of Shadow Escape, how much strength can the Jōnin-level be able to exert?

In this way, the result became that as soon as Kakashi killed the first Mist ninja, Cross Country killed two Mist ninjas.

By the time Kakashi was injured and killed the second Mist ninja, Cross Country had already eliminated all the Mist ninjas!

After the battle was over, Kakashi was not happy at all after killing two Jonin-level fog ninjas, especially when he saw the figure turning and leaving. He silently calculated that it took just a few minutes before the cross-country was solved. After losing four jounin-level mist ninjas and adding one elite chuunin-level mist ninja, Kakashi couldn't help but angrily scolded the ANBU who was protecting Uzumaki Kushina because he was late:

"The Third Hokage sent you here to protect Kushina-sama, or are you under our protection?"

“Next time something like this happens, you don’t need to continue to be ANBU!”

 “What are you looking at? Are you not convinced?”

 “Come and challenge me if you don’t agree!”

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