Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 330: sharp gun flow




 In the roar of the cross-country, the word "death" had just reached the ears of the "masked man". The "masked man" who had always been very calm in front of the cross-country finally showed a horrified look!

 In an instant, the secret ice escape technique used by the "masked man" shattered.

Moreover, almost at the moment when the secret ice escape technique used by the "masked man" was shattered, a frightening power enveloped the entire body of Off-Road!

Just as Mist Ninja Bluebird saw, it was the sharp blue spear that almost killed him!

At that moment, Off-Road used his body to evolve the secret of a sharp-edged spear. He transformed into a sharp spear and rushed directly in the direction of the "masked man", the Mist Ninja Blue Bird!

 Then, as I said before going off-road, if you transform yourself into a sharp gun, you will be invincible!

With endless momentum, Cross-country, who transformed into a sharp gun, quickly passed by the "masked man", the fog ninja Blue Bird. However, the figure just passed by the "masked man", Mist Ninja Blue Bird. Cross Country didn't even know whether he had hurt the "masked man", Mist Ninja Blue Bird, and just knelt down on the ground.

Obviously, at this time, Off-Road was still unable to withstand the backlash of the incarnated sharp gun, and even more so, there was no way to control the power of the incarnated sharp gun, so as a result, Off-Road fell to his knees, and it was even more difficult for Off-Road to detect the "masked man" "Whether the Mist Ninja Blue Bird was injured or whether he died there.

So, the trick of transforming into a sharp gun off-road, was it something you had already thought about, or was it just an impromptu idea?

If this question is left to cross-country to answer, the answer must be...

 The technique of transforming into a sharp spear was something he started to develop a long time ago.

 It’s just that the trick of transforming into a sharp gun has not been successfully developed for off-road use so far!

 The move that transforms into a sharp spear is called the sharp spear style!

Just like the Chidori style created by the two pillars of Uchiha in the original plot, the sharp gun style created by Cross Country is a new secret technique that combines attack and defense.

  A terrifying move that can show some absolute defense and at the same time injure the enemy.

 But if you think that the purpose of creating the sharp gun style off-road is to imitate the two Uchiha pillars in the original plot, you are really wrong.

 In fact, the real purpose of cross-country research and development of sharp gun flow is to study the activation of body cells.

 Hence, didn’t research on off-roading begin a long time ago?

Since the thunder escape in the original plot can be used to activate human cells.

So when going off-road, I feel that the Wind Escape, which contains the characteristics of "annihilation", can also be used to activate human cells.

Unfortunately, if you want to perfectly master the activation of human cells by wind escape, you must perfectly master the new characteristic of "annihilation" of wind attribute chakra.

At this stage, the off-road Yin Escape brand has been condensed. The secret technique of the blast flow that was used before and has backlash can now be basically controlled perfectly without any backlash effect.

 Like wielding a thousand books, wielding a sharp spear, or even wielding a trident.

After the cross-country Yin Escape brand was successfully condensed and the spiritual energy underwent another "qualitative" change, cross-country was able to use these fast wind flow secret techniques without injury, and took a new step in the research of wind escape activated cells. .

However, the new secret technique that can really assist Cross Country in completing the research on activated wind escape cells, the new secret technique called Sharp Spear Flow, is still in a research stage, and Cross Country is still not sure that it can be used without hurting oneself. .

So, what is the reason why off-roaders resolutely use sharp gun flow, regardless of the fact that the backlash effect of sharp gun flow may be very terrifying?

 The answer actually lies in the "mask man"!

It was the unsolvable ice escape of the "Mask Man" that made Cross Country regard the new secret technique of the Gale Wind Style, the Sharp Spear Style, as his second trump card!

In the previous confrontation with the "Mask Man", Cross Country discovered a problem, that is, the "Mask Man"'s secret ice escape technique was unable to defend against the attack of the palm blade Qianbon, and could not freeze the palm blade cast by Cross Country. Thousands of books.

What does that mean?

The unsolvable secret art of ice escape, and the inability to freeze the cross-country palm blade Senbon in the hands of the "masked man", shows that the secret art of ice escape cannot be used on the wind attribute chakra with the "annihilation" characteristic!

 So, after observing this, a flash of light flashed in Zi Xue's eyes!

“Since Ice Escape cannot be used on the secret technique of the Swift Wind Flow that has the “annihilation” characteristic, does that mean that the way to break the ice escape is hidden in the “annihilation” characteristic?”

"Now I can't get close to the "Mask Man", and the main reason is his unsolvable ice escape."

“If I could cover my whole body with wind chakra that has the characteristic of “annihilation”, then I…”

"Is there a way to resist the "Mask Man"'s ice escape?"

  thought secretly, the light in Cross Country's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Especially when he saw the "masked man" stepping out of the barrier of Konoha Village with the Mist Ninja Blue Bird, Cross Country first used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to cover his body with a secret technique of Shadow Escape. The Shadow Shield. Immediately afterwards, when he rushed towards the "masked man" and the Mist Ninja Blue Bird, Cross Country silently turned into the wind attribute chakra in his body for the second time, and the nature changed to the extreme!

 What happened next was as mentioned above.

Cross Country wearing the Shadow Armor rushed to the "Mask Man", and in front of the Mist Ninja Blue Bird, he was attacked by the "Mask Man"'s incomprehensible ice escape secret technique. The Shadow Armor was instantly shattered in front of the "Mask Man" .

In the second when the Shadow Armor was shattered, Cross Country hesitated to use the secret technique of the Swift Wind Flow, the Sharp Spear Flow, which he had not mastered, and then directly used the Palm Blade Sharp Spear, hoping to kill him with it. Mist Ninja Blue Bird.

  Unfortunately, under the strength of the "masked man", the off-road sharp gun was frozen there.

 Such a result, the one second of life and death that originally belonged to the Blue Bird Kiri Ninja became the one second of life and death of off-roading!

 There is no doubt that in that last second, there is no time for any hesitation when going off-road!

 So, when the "Mask Man"'s secret ice escape technique had just enveloped the whole body of Cross Country, and was about to freeze Cross Country into an ice sculpture...

 Sharp gun flow!

break out!

Transformed into a sharp gun, he used the terrifying power of the sharp gun style when going off-road, instantly shattering the "masked man"'s secret ice escape technique!

 For a time, not to mention the "Mask Man"'s secret ice escape technique, even Off-Road himself was unable to contain the explosion of the new secret technique, sharp gun flow!

 In the midst of the sharp gun genre, off-roading suddenly felt like an invincible one!

Similarly enveloped in the stream of sharp guns, the "masked man", the Mist Ninja Blue Bird, passed by in an instant while off-road.

The only pity is that the backlash of the sharp spear stream is too terrifying!

 Maintaining the sharp gun flow for only two seconds, all the cells in Cross Country's body were suffering from the painful torture of the "annihilation" property of the wind attribute.

Every inch of skin on the body feels like it is about to collapse under the stream of sharp guns!

Moreover, this is the result of sharp gun flow under off-road control!

As time passed while maintaining the sharp spear flow, the chakra in Cross Country's body was exhausted. Even the spiritual energy stored in the Yin Escape Brand was consumed by half in just a few seconds!

I never expected that the consumption of sharp spear flow would be so huge.

  While half-kneeling there, hidden under the ANBU mask, Cross Country couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face!

“The body suffered severe damage, all the chakra was consumed, and half of the mental energy was consumed.”

"If this fails to kill the fog ninja and successfully injure the "masked man", I'm afraid I will have to run for my life!"

"However, when I transformed into a sharp gun just now, I clearly bumped into the "masked man" and the fog ninja."


"Why don't the "masked man" and the fog ninja... seem to have no intention of getting hurt?"

I didn't expect that I would force myself into a desperate situation by reluctantly using the Sharp Spear Style once.

 As the chakra was exhausted, the blue light of the sharp spear flow finally disappeared from the cross-country body.

On the contrary, the "masked man" behind the off-road vehicle, Mist Ninja Blue Bird, still seemed to be silent, standing quietly at the rear of the off-road vehicle.

However, when the bitter smile on Cross Country's face deepened, making Cross Country think that the "mask man" and the Mist Ninja Blue Bird were not hurt by the sharp gun flow, and when they were ready to escape, suddenly "click" and "click" Twice!

The first "click" sounded, and with the help of his spiritual energy perception, Cross Country suddenly discovered that the Mist Ninja Blue Bird had fallen to the ground miserably, his life or death unknown!

 And when the second "click" sounded, what did the off-road feel?

At that moment, under the slightly horrified eyes of the off-roaders, the strange mask on the face of the "masked man" suddenly had a crack in the middle!

 “Nara off-roading, I...”

 “I seem to be looking down on you!”

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