Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 340: Elementalize?

Chidori Sharp Spear?

 Is it really the two-pillar Chidori Spear?

When the lightning in Lin Juyu Yuli's palm collided with the sharp spear in the palm of the cross-country, the cross-country with slightly contracted pupils really felt that the scene in front of him was incredible!

 It is clear that the second pillar has only been a full moon for a short time, and it is clear that Kakashi has not simplified his own S-level ninjutsu, Raikiri!

Even if she, Yuri Lin, has an astonishing talent in practicing thunder escape ninjutsu, she can't create the two-pillar Chidori Spear in the original plot across the ages, right?

So, staring closely at the lightning in Lin Yuli's hand, colliding with the sharp spear in his own hand, Cross Country quickly used his mental energy perception to begin to sense what the thunder escape ninjutsu used by Lin Yuli was.

 Then, using the perception of spiritual energy, he knew that Lin Juyu was not using the Chidori Spear, and Cross Country finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he knew that Lin Yuri was using his thunder escape ninjutsu skills to imitate the way he wielded a sharp spear, and used a ninjutsu that was like a Chidori sharp spear, the corners of his mouth were still unbearable. He twitched violently!

“Is that guy Yuri Lin really a monster?”

"She looks like she is only six or seven years old at most. Her mastery of Thunder Release Ninjutsu actually surpasses her peers Kakashi? And even surpasses her senior Black Hoe Raiga?"

“In the original plot, if Yuri Lin had not died of illness, would her name have definitely been included in the hall of shadow-level powerhouses?”

 “No, you shouldn’t say that!”

“It should be said that in the palace of shadow-level experts, Lin Yuri’s name has long been known!”

“She is now comparable to a half-step quasi-shadow level expert!”

"Among my peers, apart from Shisui, neither Kakashi nor the Itachi God who has grown up can compete with me now!"

“She, Yuri Lin, is the most terrifying opponent besides Shisui!”

“Among her peers, she is the only one who has caught up with me. What a terrifying person!”

Secretly commenting on Lin Yuyu's terror, when he discovered that the opponent was a genuine half-step quasi-shadow level, in addition to the awe-inspiring fighting spirit in his eyes, the only thing left in his eyes was the eagerness to defeat the opponent.

 When I first crossed over, I had neither talent nor golden fingers for cross-country, so naturally I had no pride at all.

 However, as Cross Country mastered the golden finger of APP, and as Cross Country's strength improved, without even feeling it himself, Cross Country actually also had the arrogance of a genius, but it was just not as obvious as Kakashi.

Therefore, whether it is to prove oneself among peers or to prove that one is the first among peers, one must defeat Yuri Lin in cross-country.

Who knows, when Cross Country secretly commented that Yuri Lin was a monster, Yuri Lin was also exclaiming that Cross Country was a monster?

How many people at Yuri Lin's age can enter the halls of shadow-level experts in cross-country?

In the original plot, Uchiha Shisui and Itachi didn't have that kind of talent, and the fourth Hokage was somewhat of a late bloomer!

 In other words, the confrontation between Cross Country and Yuri Lin at this time is a confrontation between evildoers and monsters. Presumably, if Shisui Uchiha, Itachi and others witnessed the battle between Yuki and Yuri, they would be determined to work hard again and want to catch up with Yuri and Yuri as soon as possible!

Looking back at the cross-country competition, Lin Jiaoyu Yuli, today's confrontation seems very simple, but in fact there are endless dangers in the confrontation between the two!

The off-road sharp spear collided with Yuri Lin's ninjutsu that resembled the Chidori Sharp Spear. That was a direct collision between Wind Release and Thunder Release!

At this moment, the cross-country sharp gun collided with the lightning in Yuri Lin's palm. To outsiders, it looked like the final confrontation between Voldemort and Harry Potter in the movie Harry Potter. In addition to not holding the staff, the blue light in Yu Yuli's hand kept colliding with the silver light in Lin Yuyu's palm.

Two kinds of light are intertwined. Sometimes Cross Country has the upper hand, and sometimes Lin Yuli has the upper hand.

The fight between the two is like a competition of internal strength in a martial arts novel.

There are no fancy moves, it just depends on who has the deeper level of escape skills!

 In such a confrontation, Cross Country and Lin Yuri can be said to be engaged in the most primitive struggle. However, because Feng Dun restrained Thunder Dun, when the chakra in Cross Country's body continued to be consumed, his sharp spear quickly suppressed the lightning in front, causing Yuri Lin's face to turn pale. stand up.

  followed by.


A roaring explosion sounded, and the blue and silver light dissipated at the same time!

In the primitive escape competition, Cross Country, who used a sharp spear with a palm blade, clearly defeated Yuri Lin in front of him after consuming most of his chakra.

Immediately, the light of the sharp spear directly broke through the silver lightning in front, and followed the control of the off-road and penetrated deeply into Lin Yuli's shoulder.

There is no doubt that after experiencing the previous escape battles, it is impossible to underestimate Lin Yuri in cross-country.

 To talk about something practical, Cross Country won the previous escape skill competition by relying on wind escape to restrain thunder escape.

In this way, off-road knew that his victory was very lucky, so he naturally directly controlled the sharp gun in his hand to kill the powerful enemy in front of him. Who would have thought that Lin Yuri's alertness was still much beyond the imagination of Cross Country. At the most dangerous moment, Lin Yuri suddenly moved his body and avoided the vital point, making Cross Country's sharp gun useless. Kill her directly.

Furthermore, just when the off-road sharp-edged gun went awry and failed to directly kill Lin Jiaoyu Yuli, Lin Jiaoyu Yuli suddenly had a sneer on his face!

A sneer appeared on Yuri Lin's face, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

But this time, Yuri Lin didn't give Cross Country any chance, and instantly used Thunder Escape to communicate with Thunder Saber Fang.

 Next second!


Lei Daoya, who communicated with Lei Dun, flew directly into Lin Yuyu's hands!

 “He is indeed a powerful enemy!”

Finding that the captured Lei Daoya was missing, Cross Country smiled faintly and didn't care about the loss of Lei Daoya.

Then the faint words of the cross country came, and the smile that Lin Yuli raised obviously became a little stronger. Then, carefully wiping the Thunder Fang in his hand, feeling the terrifying power contained in the Thunder Fang, Lin Yuyu looked at the Cross Country, and suddenly asked the Cross Country: "Nara Cross Country, do you know why I want to kill the Black Hoe Thunder?" Teeth?"

 “It’s a boring question, it’s just for the sake of Thunder Fang.”

Cross Country said calmly: "Among the seven mist ninjas, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang's Thunder Fang is the ninja way that can guide thunder and lightning. As a ninja who specializes in Thunder Escape, if the Thunder Fang is in your hands, you can do it without saying a word. Improve your lightning escape skills by nearly half. So, you sneaked into Konoha Village just to track down the Black Hoe Thunder Fang, right?"

“After all, Black Hoe Thunder Fang is a traitor. Killing him is not as easy as you think, isn’t it?”

 “Hmm… I guess you guessed half of it right!”

After pondering for a moment, Lin Yuyu smiled nonchalantly and said: "As you said, killing Senior Black Hoe Lei Ya has already been in my plan, and taking away Lei Dao Ya is also within my plan. But , Nara Cross Country, you are wrong about one thing. In fact, I took away the Thunder Saber Fang not to enhance my Thunder Escape skills, but..."

 Speaking, Lin Yuyu suddenly paused.

On the contrary, it was off-roading. Looking at Lin Jiaoyu Yuli holding the Thunder Fang in his hand, the pupils in his eyes narrowed slightly.

At that moment, what did Cross Country see?

Off-road suddenly saw it, Lei Daoya slowly "melted" into Lin Yuyu's body!

 That looks like Yuri Ringo swallowed Thunder Fang!

Moreover, just when Lin Jiaoyu Yuri "swallowed" Lei Daoya, her voice continued to reach the ears of the off-road: "My real purpose of taking Lei Daoya away is because of my body. There is no way to use the essence of Thunder Escape that I have mastered. Therefore, I can only display my Thunder Escape skills by mastering a medium, and Thunder Saber Fang is the best medium. Since I successfully obtained them, Nara Cross Country. , let me show you what the real Lei Dun is like!"



As soon as Lin Yuyu said this, the dazzling thunder light enveloped her body.

However, seeing with his own eyes the sight of Yuri Lin "swallowing" Thunder Fang, off-roading was naturally not shocked by Yuri Lin's terrifying thunder escape skills.

At that moment, Cross Country was a little shocked. After Yuri Lin "swallowed" the Thunder Fang, his body gradually disappeared under the silver electric light, and suddenly transformed into a dazzling thunder light!

 “Are you kidding me?”

“Yuri Lin, are you sure you are not a natural devil fruit user?”

 “You can actually...can become elemental!”

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