Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 343: filter

 “Okay, Kushina-sama!”

 From Uzumaki Kushina, I learned more about "Tianjealousy", all the panic in my heart dissipated, and my mood for cross-country became much better.

 Then, the matter discussed in the spiritual communication between Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina changed from "natural jealousy" to spiritual talent. In cross-country thinking, the problem of his own spiritual talent is obviously much more important than the issue of "jealousy", so in the spiritual communication, cross-country has no intention of keeping it secret at all, and tells all the flaws in the use of his spiritual talent.

You must know that this kind of unreserved approach is very dangerous in the ninja world.

If he tells his secret to other ninjas and spreads it to the ninja world, he may face difficulties in the ninja world.

 A ninja cannot avoid hiding his secrets unless he is as strong as Madara and the First Hokage.

 After all, the strength of Madara, the first Hokage, is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even if others know their weaknesses, so what?

Faced with Madara and the terrifying strength of the first Hokage, didn’t countless shadow-level strong men who knew their weaknesses still die miserably in their hands?

On the contrary, it is cross-country. As a half-step quasi-kage level expert, there is no way to be like Madara, the first Hokage, who can not avoid others knowing his secrets.

Just like Shimura Danzo in the original plot!

He has captured most of the Sharingan from when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, and can use the Uchiha clan's magical technique almost unlimitedly, the terrifying secret technique called Izanagi. It would be unreasonable to say that Danzo Shimura is a true Kage-level powerhouse. Have you passed it?

However, what if someone, like the two Uchiha pillars, gradually understands the shortcomings of Shimura Danzo's secret technique?

 In that case, a ninja who is at the same level as Shimura Danzo, or is not as strong as Shimura Danzo, will naturally know how to target Shimura Danzo.

As a result, wouldn’t Shimura Danzo’s so-called shadow-level strength be compromised?

However, in front of Uzumaki Kushina, there is no need to worry about cross-country. Let’s not talk about the relationship between Kushina Uzumaki and Cross Country. Let’s talk about Kushina Uzumaki’s character. Cross Country believes it 100%. Even Cross Country feels that Kushina Uzumaki’s character is better than that of becoming Hokage. The Fourth Hokage is much better.

But when Cross Country fully revealed the mystery of her spiritual talent, Uzumaki Kushina remained silent.

After being silent for a long time, Uzumaki Kushina sighed silently during the mental communication: "Xiujiao, I'm sorry, I was distracted just now. You don't know, our Uzumaki clan is a family that is proficient in the secret art of escape, but even like this , We in the Uzumaki clan are unable to study all the mysteries of spiritual talents, because even within our Uzumaki clan, there are too few people who can awaken spiritual talents. "

“Cross-country, you are only five years old this year, right?”

“A five-year-old who has this kind of strength, can condense the Yin Escape Brand, and awaken his spiritual talent, is like a proud being.”

“I’m afraid even the first Hokage and the second Hokage didn’t have such talent as you when they were young.”

“The reason why I was distracted just now is that your talent is too amazing!”

 Speaking, Uzumaki Kushina smiled, and then joked about Cross Country: "Xiu Road, since you are so talented, remember to take good care of Minato and I's child when it is born!"

 “If we weren’t with him, the responsibility of protecting him would be on you!”

"no problem!"

Listening to Uzumaki Kushina's words, Cross Country smiled, thinking that he must protect Uzumaki Naruto.

The Fourth Hokage is the cross-country teacher, and Uzumaki Kushina is also responsible for the cross-country teacher, and has been teaching cross-country silently.

There is a relationship between the two people. Even if the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina are really dead, is it possible that Cross Country is like Kakashi in the original plot, and his attitude towards Uzumaki Naruto is to ignore it?

 Of course not!

What's more, Cross-Country is preparing to do its best to save the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina in the Battle of the Nine-Tails.

 So, when Uzumaki Kushina's words just fell, Cross Country said silently in her heart: "Kushina-sama, don't worry..."

"As long as I am here, I will definitely let you and Mr. Minato watch Naruto grow up. The Uzumaki Naruto in our world now cannot grow up alone like in the original plot!"

  Silently firming up his beliefs, soon after the cross-country came to his senses, Uzumaki Kushina began to talk about the shortcomings of his mental talent.

“Off-road, you have three main flaws in your mental talent, so let’s solve them one by one.”

“Starting from the simplest, the first flaw is that absorbing other people’s spiritual energy requires consuming one’s own spiritual energy.”

 “ to say it.”

"Cross-country, your spiritual talent is actually incredible, so even if you absorb other people's spiritual energy, you need to consume your own spiritual energy. The consumed spiritual energy can be replenished with practice, so this flaw is not It’s considered a flaw, but a necessary consumption for using spiritual talents.”

“The second flaw is absorbing other people’s spiritual energy and having memory impact.”

"Sorry, off-road, I don't have a good solution for this. After all, spiritual energy is a very mysterious thing. I'm afraid that the shortcomings in this aspect will have to be slowly found as your Yin Escape skills improve, and you will slowly find ways to make up for it!"

"As for the third flaw, it is that other people's spiritual energy is too complex and cannot be used, or it is completely applied to the cultivation of the Yin Escape Brand..."

 Speaking, Uzumaki Kushina gave a mysterious smile, actually stepped in front of the cross-country, and asked:

“Off-road, do you know what my spiritual talent is?”

"have no idea."

Off-road shook his head and asked: "Master Kushina, could it be that your spiritual talent just makes up for the shortcomings of my spiritual talent?"

"all hit!"

Smiling and nodding, Uzumaki Kushina began to give directions to Cross Country and said: "Xiao Cross Country, you start practicing the Yin Escape Brand. To start practicing the Yin Escape Brand, you use the mixed spiritual energy in your own Yin Escape Brand, Enter it into the inheritance brand I condensed for you first, and then see how it works!"


After Uzumaki Kushina said this, she sat down cross-legged and started practicing the Yin Escape Brand.

Immediately afterwards, just as Uzumaki Kushina instructed, Cross Country did not directly practice the Yin Release Brand, but first input all the mixed spiritual energy in the Yin Release Brand into Uzumaki Kushina's inheritance brand, and also It's that brand new Uzumaki clan emblem, ready to see what wonderful things will happen.

 The next second, almost off-road, when he input the mixed spiritual energy into the brand new Uzumaki clan emblem, what happened?

At that moment, Cross Country was surprised to find that the mixed spiritual energy was input into the brand new Uzumaki clan emblem, and all turned into pure spiritual energy!

 There’s no need to say more about the next practice, right?

 The mixed spiritual energy becomes pure, and the cross-country controls the pure spiritual energy and returns to its own Yin Escape brand. Immediately, staring at the huge amount of spiritual energy with pure quality, it returned to his own Yin Escape brand, and soon replenished it and turned it into his own spiritual energy. Not only could he use it at will, but it also accelerated his own Yin Escape. After practicing the brand, Cross Country opened his eyes in shock and looked at Uzumaki Kushina.

 “Off-road, how is the effect?”

"good results!"

Looking at the mysterious smile on Kushina Uzumaki's face, Cross Country suddenly realized that it was Kushina Uzumaki's spiritual talent!

Suppose that the spiritual talent of cross-country is the incomplete Beiming Divine Skill, which can absorb the spiritual energy of others and make it one's own. Then, Uzumaki Kushina's spiritual talent is an enhanced version of the Xiaowu Phase Kung Fu, which not only can accommodate all kinds of strange spiritual energy, but also has a "filter" effect, which can filter the mixed spiritual energy into pure Spiritual energy.

At this time, Cross Country didn't understand why he could use the Uzumaki clan emblem condensed by Uzumaki Kushina to give her spiritual talent to him.

But Cross Country understands that if he can use Uzumaki Kushina's spiritual talent, his path to cultivating the Yin Escape Brand will definitely be smoother.

 So, when Uzumaki Kushina gave guidance to Cross Country and perfected his spiritual talent, all he thought about in Cross Country's mind was how to repay Kushina Uzumaki. Who would have thought that just when Cross Country was thinking about how to repay Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina shook her head at Cross Country.

Then, without even giving Uzumaki a chance to speak, Uzumaki Kushina slowly closed her eyes and said with a smile:

 “I’m a little tired from cross-country.”

“You should first consolidate your Yin Escape Brand practice!”

"I need to…"

 “Have a good rest!”

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