Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 345: Battle

 “Long wait?”

 “Do you know I’m waiting for you?”

 The birth of Uzumaki Naruto and the appearance of the "masked man" were all expected in Cross Country.

  However, there was one thing that was unexpected in Cross Country, and that was that two "masked men" appeared in Uzumaki Kushina's delivery room at the same time.

In the original plot, when Uzumaki Kushina gave birth, apart from Sarutobi Lake Biwa and the Fourth Hokage, there was only one Anbu sent by the Third Hokage. A female Anbu who was proficient in medical ninja was in the delivery room, and what they had to face was The only enemy was the "blackened" Uchiha Obito. In the end, the "blackened" Uchiha Obito successfully released the Kyuubi.

At this moment, as the cross-country rushed into Uzumaki Kushina's delivery room, Kakashi also came.

 But, can an off-roader and a Kakashi really compare to the Fourth Hokage?

Let’s not talk about cross-country. Whether Kakashi can have a combat power comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage? Let’s just say that the Fourth Hokage is also here, but in the face of two “masked men”, the situation on the cross-country side is quite the same. Not good.

Uzumaki Kushina has just given birth, and her combat power is basically zero. It can even be said to be a negative number, which is a drag.

Sarutobi Biwako, as well as the female Anbu beside Yuki, tried their best to ensure that Uzumaki Kushina gave birth, and their condition was also very bad. In this way, Cross Country and Kakashi need to get rid of the two "masked men" in order to successfully avoid the tragedy in the original plot. How difficult is that?

 So, after listening to the "masked man" he had fought with before, he replied that he was stalling for time.

If the ANBU sent by the Third Hokage outside can arrive in time, Cross Country will still be sure to protect Uzumaki Kushina and the newly born Uzumaki Naruto.

 But just as he was preparing to delay the cross-country trip, he suddenly saw the contemptuous look in the eyes of the "masked man" in front of him!

"Nara Cross Country, I thought you were all prepared, but I didn't expect that you actually need to rely on the ANBU sent by the Third Hokage."

 “Okay, then let me show you something!”

 The "masked man" in the front said this, and the "masked man" in the back sneered.



The breath of time and space emerged again, followed by the sounds of "bang", "bang" and "bang".

As the "masked man" behind used the space-time ninjutsu, the dead ANBU one after another came into the sight of Kakashi and others off-road.

It turns out that while Cross Country was paying attention to Uzumaki Kushina's situation, two "masked men" quietly killed all the ANBU!

 That is to say, there is no helper for off-roading!

Unless off-road can defeat the two "masked men", he can successfully protect the safety of Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto.

However, those are not the things that cross-country cares about most. What makes cross-country care most about is Sarutobi Lake Biwa and Kakashi's mentality!

Finding that all the Anbu sent by the Third Hokage were dead, Sarutobi Biwako and Kakashi were all stunned there, obviously losing their sense of normalcy!

The cross-country situation was not very good to begin with. Sarutobi Biwako and Kakashi were stunned again. How could the two "masked men" let go of the opportunity in front of them?

 Next second!


The "masked man" headed by ˜ took one step forward and came directly to Sarutobi Lake Biwa.

At that moment, if Cross Country had taken action in time, he would have been certain to save Sarutobi Lake Biwa's life.

However, as he watched the leading "masked man" approach Sarutobi Lake Biwa, Cross Country remained unmoved at all. As if he didn't care about Sarutobi Lake Biwa's life, Cross Country stared at the "masked man" in front of him with cold eyes. He watched as frost condensed around the "masked man", directly freezing Sarutobi Lake Biwa. Got there.

“Nara Cross Country, aren’t you ready to save people?”

Seeing that Off-Road had no intention of taking action, the “masked man” in the lead showed a look of astonishment.

 That is the wife of the Third Hokage!

How can you watch the third Hokage's wife die?

Shocked eyes filled the eyes of the leading "masked man", causing him to slow down his execution of Kakashi by half a step. Therefore, taking advantage of the "masked man"'s astonishment, Kakashi exploded the chakra under his feet and successfully snatched the newly born Uzumaki Naruto from the hands of the female Anbu sent by the Third Hokage.

At that moment, Cross Country obviously wanted to thank Kakashi.

 Because, if Kakashi hadn't taken Uzumaki Naruto away, I'm afraid the situation that Cross Country would have faced would have been even more difficult.

 One second ago, Kakashi had just snatched Naruto Uzumaki from the female ANBU.

 One second later, there was only a "bang" sound!

  The "masked man" at the back mysteriously disappeared there, and when he appeared again, he killed the female ANBU sent by the Third Hokage.

 In just a short moment, two people on the off-road side died, but on the other hand, the "masked man" was still in peak condition.

However, what made Kakashi and the two "masked men" feel a little bad was that Cross Country was still silent, as if he didn't see what was happening in front of him.

 The silence of Cross Country undoubtedly made the two "masked men" feel trouble.

In terms of Madara's plan, what worries the two "masked men" the most is not the Fourth Hokage, let alone the Third Hokage, but the off-roading that has disrupted Madara's plan many times!

 In the battle between Konoha Village and Mist Ninja Village, it was cross-country that disrupted Madara’s plan.

 In the incident in the Land of Rain, the appearance of off-road also caused a little trouble for Madara.

Now, it was suddenly discovered that the off-road performance was a bit abnormal. The two "masked men" looked at each other. The leading "masked man" was ready to entangle the off-road. The "masked man" behind was ready to use the space-time ninjutsu, and suddenly they saw Standing next to Uzumaki Kushina, he took away the important Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki in Konoha Village.

 But just when the leading "masked man" was ready to burst out the chakra under his feet, there was a sudden "bang"!

  After a long silent cross-country trip, one palm fell to the ground!

At the moment when the off-road palm hit the ground, the S-level secret technique of shadow escape came to use from the shadow world!

 The dark shadow followed the direction of the cross-country, and directly enveloped the room where Uzumaki Kushina gave birth.

 At almost the moment when a black shadow came over, both Kakashi on the off-road side and the two "masked men" on the enemy's side felt the extremely powerful momentum from off-road!

It's a pity that the leader of the "masked man" stepped within the range of the arrival of the shadow world, and was imprisoned by the arrival of the shadow world. He could only stare at the cross country in pain, and there was no way to escape for the time being.

On the contrary, the "masked man" behind felt the restraint of the shadow world, and the pupils under the mask suddenly turned blood-colored!

 Space-time ninjutsu!

 It’s the space-time ninjutsu!

The "masked man" at the back apparently used the time and space ninjutsu when he was using the Shadow World's Advent on a cross-country trip to release the shackles of the Shadow World's Advent. Moreover, when the "masked man" behind used the space-time ninjutsu and successfully escaped from the shackles of the shadow world, his figure suddenly appeared next to Uzumaki Kushina, stretched out his palm and watched It was time to grab Uzumaki Kushina's body.


 There is a but!

However, just when the palm of the "masked man" behind was only half a centimeter away from grabbing Kushina Uzumaki's body and using the space-time ninjutsu to **** Kushina Uzumaki away, Cross Country was hidden on the face under the ANBU mask. Suddenly a faint sneer appeared!

“Do you think the space-time ninjutsu is really that useful?”

 “Too naive!”

  "I want to take away Kushina-san in front of me, so I asked..."

 “Have you asked about the Rasengan in my hand?”

With a loud shout, the "masked man" in the lead was obviously stunned for a moment, while the "masked man" behind him directly grabbed Uzumaki Kushina's sleeve!

 It only takes a second.

 No, not even a second!

 The next moment, the "masked man" behind can use the time and space ninjutsu to successfully **** Kushina Uzumaki from the cross country.

But in the next moment, the "masked man" behind him finished preparing the time and space ninjutsu, and the breath of time and space filled the room. Just as he was about to complete the use of the time and space ninjutsu, the eyes of the "masked man" behind him suddenly lit up. A touch of blue light!

That blue light…

 It is the light of the Rasengan!

 “Time and Space…Rasengan!”


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