Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 348: kaleidoscope

 “The Fourth Hokage?”

A golden figure suddenly appeared and instantly snatched Uzumaki Naruto from the hand of the "masked man" behind him, causing the pupils of the two "masked men" to shrink slightly.

And when the two "masked men" saw the face of the golden figure clearly, what did they discover?

 They actually discovered that the golden figure who took away Uzumaki Naruto was Uzumaki Naruto's father!

The Fourth Hokage, who was busy fighting the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, actually did not leave the Leaf Village. Instead, he stayed by Uzumaki Kushina's side, waiting for the birth of his child!

 There is no doubt that the appearance of the Fourth Hokage directly destroyed the advantages of the two "masked men".

 A fourth-generation Hokage, coupled with the off-roading that has repeatedly interfered with Madara's plans, can already threaten the safety of the two "masked men"!

Moreover, there are the Fourth Hokage guarding Uzumaki Naruto who has just been born, and Cross Country protecting Uzumaki Kushina who has just given birth. The strength of the two "masked men" is very strong, but between Cross Country and the Fourth Generation When Hokage joins forces, they want to complete Madara's plan, but the success rate is not even three levels!

However, like the two "masked men", those who looked at the back of the Fourth Hokage with a little surprise were also Yuchi, Kakashi, and the Uzumaki Kushina Sannin.

 Among them, Cross Country saw the Fourth Hokage appear, his eyes were slightly startled at first, and then a hint of realization appeared in his eyes!

 No wonder the Fourth Hokage believed so much that the Third Hokage could protect Kushina Uzumaki.

  No wonder there was no news about the Fourth Hokage on the battlefield ahead, as if he was completely hidden in the camp of Konoha Village.

It turns out that in order to protect Kushina Uzumaki, the Fourth Hokage said he was preparing for the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, but in fact he had always been guarding the Leaf Village in order to avoid accidents.

Thinking about the meaning of the Fourth Hokage in his mind, Crossroads was a little shocked when he realized that the Fourth Hokage's plan actually deceived two "masked men" and even deceived many of his own people.

Who knows, the reason why the Fourth Hokage stayed in Konoha Village was because he went off-road.

 Just like what the Fourth Hokage said before, as Hokage, he must consider the interests of Konoha Village.

Compared with Uzumaki Kushina's childbirth, the war between the Country of Fire and the Country of Thunder is undoubtedly more in line with the interests of the Leaf Village. Therefore, if the Fourth Hokage chose the identity of Hokage, he must still be busy in the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder. However, the current Fourth Hokage is a husband and a father of a child, so the Fourth Hokage appeared in front of two "masked men" to protect Uzumaki Kushina and the newly born Uzumaki Naruto , is the responsibility of a husband and a father!

Furthermore, had it not been for the cross-country mention of Madara, it would have been impossible for the Fourth Hokage to stay in the Leaf Village.

It was Madara's threat that made the Fourth Hokage finally make up his mind to stay in Konoha Village.

 Similarly because of fear of Madara, the Fourth Hokage did not even tell the Third Hokage about his stay in Konoha Village.

At this moment, seeing the two "masked men" almost threatening his newborn child, and only one step away from taking away his wife, the Fourth Hokage's eyes suddenly became much firmer, and it was obvious that he felt obedient. Off-road advice, not leaving Konoha Village is the right choice.

 On the contrary, it was Kakashi and Kushina Uzumaki who stared at the back of the Fourth Hokage for a long time without speaking.

Especially Uzumaki Kushina, after looking at the back of the Fourth Hokage in shock for a long time, she finally couldn't help but cursed angrily: "Damn Minato, where were you when I gave birth to the baby just now? Do you know, It hurt me so much just now!”


Uzumaki Kushina's voice came, instantly destroying the solemn atmosphere.

Holding the newborn Uzumaki Naruto in his arms, the Fourth Hokage looked at Uzumaki Kushina with embarrassment in his eyes.

Similarly, Kakashi did not expect that Kushina Uzumaki would still remember the things that the Fourth Hokage had hidden before in such a dangerous situation.

  However, the two "masked men" did not let go when Uzumaki Kushina was talking. The Fourth Hokage, Kakashi and others were all paying attention to Uzumaki Kushina's moment.

 The next moment, only two sounds of "swish" and "swish" were heard!

 The "masked man" in front of him attacked directly in the direction of the Fourth Hokage, and his target was Kushina Uzumaki in the arms of the Fourth Hokage.

As for the "masked man" at the back, he seized the opportunity and directly used the space-time ninjutsu.

But just when the "masked man" behind him was using the space-time ninjutsu, who would have thought that a sharp kunai would go in the direction of Uzumaki Kushina and pierce directly in front of the "masked man" behind him!

 “Damn Minato, it’s up to you!”

 “No problem, Kushina!”

There is no doubt that the kunai thrown by Uzumaki Kushina is the special kunai of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

  She had previously used her mental energy to observe the cross-country fight with the "masked man" at the rear. How could Uzumaki Kushina not understand the weaknesses of the "masked man" at the rear?

In Uzumaki Kushina's view, the "masked man" behind him was nothing but a scumbag in other areas except for being good at the space-time ninjutsu.

  Let alone a shadow-level powerhouse, even in cross-country, he can severely abuse the "masked man" behind him without the opponent using time and space ninjutsu.

So, when she saw the "masked man" behind her using the space-time ninjutsu again, Uzumaki Kushina did not hesitate at all and directly threw the special kunai that the Fourth Hokage had given her long ago.

And when the special kunai flew in front of the "masked man", how did the scene in front of him change?

The "masked man" who was about to be hit by the special kunai suddenly turned into a state of "nothingness" before the special kunai stabbed him!

 Because of this, the "masked man" easily dodged the special kunai thrown by Uzumaki Kushina.

But just after the body of the "masked man" behind became "void" and he was about to attack the cross-country in front of Uzumaki Kushina, the golden figure suddenly appeared!

The Fourth Hokage with the Rasengan in his right hand, just like the scene in the original plot where the "masked man" was seriously injured, took advantage of the moment when the "masked man" behind turned into an "entity" and was about to attack off-road, a spiral shot Maru directly hit the "masked man" behind him into the ground!


At this moment, the Rasengan used by the Fourth Hokage was undoubtedly much more powerful than the Space-Time Rasengan used before the cross-country trip.

So, when the Rasengan hit the "masked man" behind him, he fell to the ground and was unable to stand up again for a long time.

Instead, the "masked man" who attacked the Fourth Hokage before saw the "masked man" behind him fall to the ground, and the target of the attack was directly changed to the cross-country in front of Uzumaki Kushina.

 But when the "masked man" in front was about to use the ice escape ninjutsu, there were "swish", "swish" and "swish" sounds again!

 Use the palm blade Qianben!

The palm blade Senbon, which contains the characteristics of "annihilation", suddenly followed the direction of the cross-country and pierced the chest of the "masked man" in front, forcing the other party to be unable to use ice escape ninjutsu and at the same time, causing the man in front to The "Mask Man" is about to face the attack of the Fourth Hokage again!

 “What a… What a great cooperation!”

Looking at the cross-country, the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina who were lying there quickly cooperated together. The two "masked men" who were beaten by a "combination punch" did not even have the strength to fight back. Kakashi was When Cross Country was shocked that the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina could cooperate so well, I was also shocked by the strength of Cross Country, which could vaguely compete with the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina.

Thinking about Uzumaki Kushina handing over her inheritance to Cross Country...

 Thinking about going beyond cross-country...

 Thinking about the mistakes I made before...

 For a moment, Kakashi felt as if he had knocked over a bottle of gojimi, and he didn’t know what it was like.

However, Kakashi was still a little unwilling in his heart. He was unwilling to cooperate with Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage, and Uzumaki Kushina instead of himself with them. Suddenly, a very familiar breath came from the fall. The "masked man" on the ground emerged, causing Kakashi to cast his gaze directly on the "masked man" who stood up slowly.

 Follow up!

Looking into the eyes of the "masked man" who slowly stood up, Kakashi saw a scene that he would never forget!

At that moment, the eyes of the "masked man" who slowly stood up suddenly lit up with red light!

Moreover, when the crimson light lit up, the three magatama in the "masked man" Sharingan eyes gradually connected together!


 “It’s the Mangekyo Sharingan!”

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