Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 350: Shadow level battle

 “The order of seal formation is...”


Suddenly he saw the "masked man" making seals with his hands. The Third Hokage, who had the title of "Doctor Ninja", narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately recognized the order of the "masked man" seals, which were the sealing methods of spiritualism.

 So, even though the Third Hokage was the fourth Hokage’s trump card, he should have been secretly wary of the psychic technique used by the “masked man”. But first, the "Mask Man" formed seals very quickly. Even if the Fourth Hokage used the Flying Thunder God Technique, he could barely stop it. Secondly, the Third Hokage did not feel that the psychic technique used by the "Mask Man" could channel a psychic beast that was comparable to a Kage-level powerhouse. This led to the Third Hokage seeing through the "Mask Man"'s trump card and not going there. Prevent the opponent from performing spells.

 But, is the "Mask Man"'s trump card really a psychic beast?

Certainly not!

 In the ninja world, the person with the strongest ability to use psychic skills is undoubtedly Madara who hides behind the scenes in the Mist Ninja Village.

However, Madara's psychic technique is not an ordinary psychic technique, but the Nine-Tails that can sweep through a ninja village, or he can use the power of the samsara eye to summon a heretic demon that suppresses the ninja world. .

 Under Madara, the people with the strongest psychic skills are the dead demigods and half-zodiacs.

It is a pity that Sanjiaoyu died tragically at the hands of the outsider demon.

However, the psychic beast that can defeat the three ninjas with the help of Sanshouyu shows that Sanshoyu is the strongest psychic beast in the ninja world.

At this moment, the Third Hokage did not believe that the "Mask Man" could channel a psychic beast that was comparable to the Sansho Fish, so when the "Mask Man" used the psychic technique, he arranged for several ANBU next to him to set up a barrier. I hope that together with the Fourth Hokage, I can kill the two "masked men" from before I bought them in the barrier.

 But just when several Anbu under the Third Hokage were preparing to set up the barrier, the spiral-shaped atmosphere of time and space suddenly enveloped the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage.

 The next second, there was a "buzz" sound!

 Uchiha Obito's ability to unleash his divine power when he awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan was completely beyond the imagination of the Third and Fourth Hokages. Just using Kamui once, the ANBU under the Third Hokage were all absorbed into Kamui's space under Uchiha Obito's Mangekyō Sharingan!

 “Dare you hurt my subordinates?”

 “Die to me!”

 For a moment, how could the Third Hokage not be angry when he saw the lives and deaths of several ANBU under his command unknown?

 Indeed, the Third Hokage has begun to age and gradually withdraws from the stage of the Ninja world's hegemony.

 But who is he?

He is the First Hokage, the most proud disciple of the Second Hokage, and the Third Hokage who leads the Leaf Village to its peak!

Seeing the life and death of the Anbu under his command unknown, if the Third Hokage cannot give an explanation to his subordinates, where will the prestige of the Third Hokage be placed?

Then, just a second ago, when Uchiha Obito had just used his divine power to capture the ANBU under the Third Hokage, the Third Hokage stepped forward and appeared in front of Uchiha Obito very strangely. !

Uzumaki Kushina has previously commented on the strength of Uchiha Obito, saying that except for his good use of time and space ninjutsu, he is simply inferior to jounin-level ninjas in other aspects.

 This is undoubtedly the weakness of Uchiha Obito, and it is also the weakness of insufficient accumulation!

If we place it in the Fourth War period in the original plot, slowly hone its own strength over time, and accumulate bit by bit, Uchiha Obito during the Fourth War in the original plot can be regarded as a true Kage-level powerhouse. , unlike Uchiha Obito during the Nine-Tails War in the original plot, who barely managed to achieve Kage-level strength by relying on Madara's "stimulation".

And the current Uchiha Obito, didn't he increase his strength by leaps and bounds under Madara's "stimulation", and suddenly became a shadow-level powerhouse who was proud of the ninja world?

In the situation of overthrowing the situation, Uchiha Obito fought against the ordinary shadow-level powerhouses. He could also rely on the Mangekyo Sharingan and Kamui to fight against the shadow-level powerhouses in front of him.

But in front of the Third Hokage, a veteran shadow-level powerhouse, Uchiha Obito's weaknesses were completely exposed.

Just relying on Taijutsu, the Third Hokage was able to suppress Uchiha Obito, leaving Uchiha Obito with no chance to fight back.

However, just when the Third Hokage was overwhelming Obito Uchiha and was about to use taijutsu to capture Obito Uchiha, there was a sudden "bang"!

The "masked man" in front of the Fourth Hokage completed the seal and suddenly slapped his palm on the ground.

When the smoke from the psychic technique gradually dissipated, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage were shocked to discover that what the "masked man" channeled was not a psychic beast, but a person!

 “Long time no see, Third Hokage, Fourth Hokage!”

 A figure slowly walked out of the smoke. The Third Hokage was shocked. He quickly returned to the Fourth Hokage and stared at the figure in front of him.

When the figure slowly revealed the familiar face of the Third Hokage, even the Third Hokage could not help but frown, and said in shock: " lost your position?"

 “That’s right, it’s me!”

The thin Fourth Mizukage came pacing out of control, waved his hand lightly, and Uchiha Obito and the "masked man" retreated behind him.

On the contrary, it was the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage who saw the Fourth Mizukage appear, and the solemn look in their eyes became more intense.

 There is no doubt that the cooperation between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage is very good. Uchiha Obito and the "Mask Man" are completely inadequate in front of them. However, if Obito Uchiha and the "Mask Man" add a mysterious fourth-generation water shadow to lose their position, the third-generation Hokage and the third-generation Hokage will feel that the situation in front of them is a bit tricky.

 But the Fourth Mizukage lost his position and came to Konoha Village in person. Is there any way out for the Third and Fourth Hokage?


 So, not long after the Fourth Mizukage showed up, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage were ready for a hard fight.

However, when the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage fought together, and the Fourth Hokage suppressed the "masked man" fiercely, trying to end the melee earlier, under the slightly nervous eyes of the Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Obito's figure actually disappeared into this shadow-level battlefield with a "buzz" sound.


"The "masked man" who can use time and space ninjutsu is probably their real trump card!"

 In Konoha Village, the shadow-level battle is in full swing, but in the home of the Fourth Hokage, there is a brief period of tranquility.

Escorting Uzumaki Kushina back home, with the help of Cross Country and Kakashi, Uzumaki Kushina quickly established a barrier. Unless there are several shadow-level strongmen attacking outside, otherwise the Fourth Hokage's Home is the safest place.

In the quiet home, Uzumaki Kushina was already exhausted after giving birth, and she fell into a deep sleep in the bedroom with Naruto Uzumaki, who was also tired.

As for Kakashi, seeing Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto faintly asleep, he also let down his guard.

Only when going off-road, watching Kakashi relax his guard, sensing the sleeping Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto, there is always a bit of a bad feeling.

Then, just when the bad feeling in Cross Country's heart continued to deepen, making Cross Country a little restless in the safety of the Fourth Hokage's home, suddenly Kakashi's body in front of Cross Country stiffened there, spinning like a spiral shape The breath of time and space suddenly echoed in the home of the Fourth Hokage!

 “Nara Cross Country, meet again!”

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