Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 353: Defeat and opening

 Kagura Heart Eye!

The secret technique in the Yin Escape inheritance of the Uzumaki clan, what is recorded in the original plot is the ability of the Uzumaki clan!

Whether it is viewed by ordinary ninjas or by experts of Madara's level, Kagura's inner vision of the Uzumaki clan is worthy of the title of the number one secret of perception in the ninja world.

  In the original plot, why did Orochimaru take in the orphan of the Uzumaki clan?

 Thinking about it while going off-road, the most important reason is probably that Orochimaru also peeks into the Kagura mind of the Uzumaki clan!

 As for the role of Kagura's inner eye, it is actually explained very clearly in the original plot.

 The Kagura Heart Eye of the Uzumaki clan is a super powerful and wide-ranging perceptual secret technique.

 The moment he closes his eyes and opens Kagura's inner eye, Kagura in the original plot can sense abnormalities within a radius of dozens of kilometers. If there is a specific aura, the fragrant phosphorus in the original plot can even sense the person's movements in detail. When sensing the enemy, Kagura's inner eye can even perceive the opponent's number, characteristics, and even some small details during combat.

In addition, when encountering danger, the fragrant phosphorus of Kagura's heart's eye is used in the original plot, and the power of Kagura's heart's eye can be used to hide oneself, and has the power to escape from all dangers. Using Kagura's inner eye to test the words spoken by others, you can also judge whether the other person is telling the truth. It can be said to be a terrifying secret technique with many functions. Once mastered, it can understand everything in the world.

And the time he spent cross-country practicing Kagura's Heart Eye was the time he had just condensed the Yin Escape Brand.

In the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance, Kagura's mind's eye cultivation method is very clearly described. However, there is a drawback for cross-country without the Uzumaki clan's blood in the body to practice, that is, it must be after the Yin Escape brand is condensed.

Ordinary members of the Uzumaki clan, regardless of whether they have condensed the Yin escape brand, can slowly master Kagura's mind through practice.

On the contrary, for ninjas who are not members of the Uzumaki clan and are familiar with Kagura's mind-eye training methods, such as off-roading, if they want to master it, they must have the prerequisites to condense the Yin Escape brand.

 Fortunately, Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand has been successfully condensed. Otherwise, such a terrifying perception-based secret technique would have missed out on Cross Country.

But when Off-Road used Kagura's Heart Eye for the first time, he just closed his eyes, and the mental energy in the Yin Escape Brand was output in a surge. The rapid consumption of mental energy still surprised Off-Road.

I never expected that using Kagura’s Heart Eye would be so expensive.

Of course, from Xijiao's point of view, it has something to do with the fact that he is not a member of the Uzumaki clan.

 After all, many secret techniques in the ninja world are passed down by family and blood!

However, while a huge amount of mental energy was consumed, Cross Country also felt the terror in Kagura's mind. Not to mention anything else, the moment he opened Kagura's inner eye, Yue Yue found that when he closed his eyes, the world he "saw" with Kagura's inner eye became much clearer than before. Even the world that Madara controlled with his secret skills Uchiha Obito was unable to hide under the perception of Kagura's inner eye.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he used Kagura's inner eye to perceive the world in front of him. Cross Country suddenly discovered that after having Kagura's inner eye, he could give up practicing other secrets of perception.

 Once you master Kagura's Eye of Mind, no other secret technique can compare with it.

 Once you are used to seeing the world with Kagura's mind's eye, using other secret techniques of perception is like eating a rotten meal.

 From this we can see that it is really easy to go from simplicity to luxury, but it is difficult to go from simplicity to luxury!


In front of Uchiha Obito controlled by Madara, Cross Country suddenly used Kagura's Heart Eye, which symbolizes his trump card. Is it really just to clearly sense the movements of Madara's control of Uchiha Obito?

Madara discovered that Kagura's inner eye was opened by off-roading. Uchiha Obito's eyes under control exuded an intriguing look. Is he really afraid of the terrifying perception after Kagura's inner eye was opened by off-roading?

totally not!

 What kind of person is Mr. Ban?

Even if Kagura’s eyes are opened during off-roading and his perceptual abilities are doubled, how can he be Madara’s opponent?

 However, there is a prerequisite for Banye to be able to compete with cross-country at this time!

That premise is when Madara controls Obito Uchiha!

  What kind of power Madara used to control Obito Uchiha, it is completely impossible to know before Kagura's eyes are opened. However, when he closed his eyes, consumed the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and opened Kagura's Heart Eyes, Cross Country used Kagura's Heart Eyes to sense the location of Uchiha Obito, and suddenly discovered that there was a dark thread connected to Uchiha Obito's body. The shackles!

That shackles are undoubtedly the method Madara uses to control Obito Uchiha!

 In other words, that shackle is the secret technique used by Madara to control Obito Uchiha!

It was Kagura’s inner eye that helped Cross Country discover what the principle behind Madara’s technique was, and what method Madara used to control Obito Uchiha.

Then, using Kagura’s eyes to deeply perceive the dark shackles, what did Cross Country discover?

Under the terrifying perception of Kagura's inner eye, Cross Country suddenly discovered that the dark shackles were shackles constructed by Master Madara using the secret technique of escape!

"I see!"

"The method Madara used to control Obito Uchiha was not the secret technique I imagined at all. Instead, he used the secret technique of Yin Escape to communicate with Uchiha Obito's spiritual energy, and controlled Uchiha using mind control methods. Obito."

“Such a method is similar to the secret technique of the Mountain Clan, but it is far stronger than the secret technique of the Mountain Clan.”

"Having mastered this secret technique of escape, I'm afraid Madara, even in the Mist Ninja Village thousands of miles away, can still control Obito Uchiha, the Fourth Mizukage he controlled early, and that A "masked man" who can use ice escape ninjutsu, right?"

"In this case, as long as I can cut off the shackles of escape..."

 “Master Ban, you are going to fail!”

Huttered to himself, relying on the strength of Kagura's inner eye, Cross Country instantly grasped the direction of defeating Madara.

Then what happens next is naturally beyond words!

With his eyes fixed on the Yin Escape Shackles, the offensive and defensive battle between Cross Country and Master Ban suddenly turned into a cross country attack, and Master Ban defended!


Suddenly, aiming in the direction of the Yin Escape Shackles, Cross Country's right hand stretched out directly, and immediately the azure light turned into a sharp spear.

 That is the secret technique of off-road galloping flow!

 Sharp bladed spear!

 The palm-bladed sharp gun suddenly flew in the direction of Uchiha Obito under the control of the off-road. Because he was unable to use his divine power, Madara controlled Uchiha Obito and had to give up Kakashi not far ahead. On the one hand, he protected the shackles he used to control Uchiha Obito, and on the other hand, he tried to find a way Take Uzumaki Kushina from the hands of the cross country.

However, just when Uchiha Obito, controlled by Madara, suddenly retreated under the cross-country sharp gun, there were suddenly "swish", "swish" and "swish" sounds!

 The sharp spear for cross-country use has transformed into a thousand-blade spear in an instant!

The palm blade Senbon, which contains the characteristics of "annihilation", flew out. Madara controlled Uchiha Obito to frown slightly, and could only turn around quickly in the air. Then, Uchiha Obito's flexible figure under Madara's control quickly avoided the palm blade Senbon that shot out from across the country. Unfortunately, when Master Madara was controlling Uchiha Obito to avoid those palm blades Senbon, even Master Madara never expected that Cross Country would actually use another secret technique of Shadow Escape in front of him!

That's the Shadow Suture Technique!

 “Shadow Suture!”


Suddenly, the black shadow under Uchiha Obito's feet burst out again. He continued to dodge the sharp spears, and Madara, who wielded Senbon, could not control Uchiha Obito to avoid the attack of the black shadow. .

Moreover, when he saw that the black shadow condensed by the shadow suture technique did not fall on Uchiha Obito, but instead fell on the Yin Escape Shackles, Madara, who was hiding in the dark, sighed deeply. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then after retreating, he took a deep look at Cross Country and said, "Nara Cross Country, I didn't expect that you mastered the secret art of escape so well."

"It seems that your value in my heart is going to increase a bit."

 “But like you said before, it’s still a pity.”

 “Because, Nara cross-country, my defeat...”

 “Actually, it’s just the beginning of another fierce battle!”

 Speaking, the Yin Escape Shackles were completely shattered, and Madara’s will could no longer control Uchiha Obito.

On the contrary, Uchiha Obito, after losing Madara's control, suddenly used his divine power to disappear in front of the cross country, leaving the cross country with no time to stop him.

 It’s just that after Madara’s successive defeats in Obito Uchiha, the focus of cross-country is no longer on the defeated people.

Because, at the moment when Uchiha Obito and Madara were defeated continuously, Cross Country, who could sense all the situations in Konoha Village with Kagura's inner eye, suddenly discovered that just like what Madara said before his defeat, inside Konoha Village The real fierce battle has really just begun!

 “That breath…”

 “Is it a tailed beast?”

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