Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 356: Fighting the Three-Tailed (Part 1)

"Yes, I know!"

Although there was still a trace of hesitation on his face, when the huge body of Sanbi Isato came into the sight of the Fourth Hokage, even if the Fourth Hokage did not want to kill his beloved disciple with his own hands, as a Hokage , knowing that the status of Konoha Village is the most important, the Fourth Hokage still nodded vigorously, and immediately prepared to go to Konoha Village to summon the ninja troops to deal with the three-tailed Isozu.

 However, if the Fourth Mizukage were not here, the Third Hokage's instructions might be able to be completed.

 But the Fourth Mizukage was right in front of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage. How could it be possible that the Three-Tailed Isozu, who had just appeared not long ago, failed miserably in the Leaf Village?

Therefore, just as the Third Hokage was getting ready to fight the Three-Tailed Isozu, and the Fourth Hokage was getting ready to summon the ninja troops, a hint of the use of space-time ninjutsu appeared in the Fourth Hokage's perception. Then there was a "buzz" sound, and the figures of the Fourth Mizukage and the Three-Tailed Izodiac disappeared at the same time!

Furthermore, when the Three-Tailed Isophobia appeared again, the Fourth Hokage looked far away and happened to see the figure of the Three-Tailed Isophobia appearing inside the Leaf Village!

 “Oops, Kushina and the others are all in the village!”

 “The Art of the Flying Thunder God!”


Witnessing the Three-Tailed Izodiac's invasion of Konoha Village, the Fourth Hokage knew that Uzumaki Kushina was in Konoha Village. On the one hand, it was to protect his relatives, and on the other hand, it was to protect the Nine Uzumaki Kushina's body. Finally, the Fourth Hokage used the Flying Thunder God Technique without any hesitation, and the place where he appeared using the Flying Thunder God Technique happened to be in his home.

 Inside the home protected by the barrier.

After returning home, I learned about the cross-country situation, Kakashi's situation, and knew that Uzumaki Kushina was not safe for the time being. The Fourth Hokage could finally feel more at ease. Even if he went to **** with the three-tailed Isora, as long as Uzumaki Kushina and Go The fourth generation Hokage felt that all the things he had done were worthwhile since the newborn Uzumaki Naruto was safe.

Who knows, now the safety of Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto is protected by the barrier, but what about the other people in Konoha Village?

  Not everyone is Uzumaki Kushina!

 Not all residents of Konoha Village are protected by strong barriers!

  It was almost as if Sanwei Iso's figure appeared in Konoha Village with the emergence of fluctuations in time and space...


 The huge body fell from the sky, and the three-tailed Isodon just landed in Konoha Village, and actually flattened countless buildings in Konoha Village.

 In that building, there may be ordinary ninja families living there, or even more ordinary civilian families, but in front of the huge body of Sanwei Iso, everything turned into nothing!

 Let alone a corpse, there is no way to determine whether someone is dead!

 The appearance of Sanwei Isoba left a deep depression in Konoha Village.

 In that depression, flesh and blood were mixed with mud, turning into dark brown soil. Who knows how many people died there, and how many people died due to the appearance of the three-tailed rock?

What's more, the death of those people is just the beginning?

Standing indifferently on the body of Sanwei Isozu, the Fourth Mizukage looked at the surrounding buildings and crowds without any emotion. They died tragically under the body of Sanwei Isozu. There was no pain of murder on his face, and some were just after revenge. Just the pleasure!

Furthermore, if anyone could see the movement trajectory of the three-tailed sandstorm at this time, that person would definitely be very shocked.

 Because the direction of movement of the three-tailed Izodiac is obviously not the direction where the Hokage's office is!

Under the control of the Fourth Mizukage, the direction the Three-Tailed Izodiac headed turned out to be the direction of the Uchiha clan!

 The fourth generation of Mizukage under the control of Madara is actually preparing to lead the three-tailed Isoba to destroy the family that once betrayed him!

 The Uchiha clan!

 At the same time, the Uchiha clan was stationed.

Erzhu, who holds the future in his arms, knew the inside story of some things from his father Uchiha Fugaku early. Almost the moment Sanbi Isato appeared, the young Itachi gathered most of the members of the family and led him He led his mother to the shelter that had been prepared early. On the other side was Erzhu, who was comforting the baby in his arms and said nervously:

 “Sasuke, don’t cry!”

 “No matter what time, my brother will always be by your side!”

 On the other side, the Hyuga clan, who are also members of the wealthy family of Konoha Village, are stationed there.

Not long ago, Hyuga Hiashi, the leader of the Hyuga clan who had just experienced the change of clan division, saw the huge body of Sanwei Isozu from a distance, and with his eyes radiating coldness, he directly pointed at him. The ninja next to him ordered:

  "Pass my order, all the ninjas of the Hyuga clan should go to the refuge for refuge, and all branch members, including Hizashi, go to the aid of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage to fight against the Three-Tails!"

“But, Chief Patriarch, within our clan…”

As soon as Hinata Hinata finished speaking, the Hyuga clan clan ninja who had received the order felt something was wrong and wanted to transfer some members of the Hyuga clan branch.

Who would have thought that when the ninja from the Hyuga clan had just finished speaking, what greeted him was not a compliment from Hyuga Hizashi, but a slap from Hyuuga Hizashi!

“Idiot, only the Zong family is the true inheritance of the Hyuga clan, why do you care so much?”

“What’s more, my younger brother, Hyuga Hizu, is going to fight against the Three-Tails in person, so why shouldn’t the others go?”

 “Why don’t you hurry up and give the order?”

Huttering his red face, the ninja from the Hyuga clan was stunned for a moment, and could only go forward to issue the cold orders of Hinata and Hibiscus.

On the contrary, from Hinata Nizu's point of view, the order he issued was a very correct choice.

Even when he imagined that his biological brother, Hyuga Hizashi, might die tragically in the war against Sanwei, Hyuga Hizashi could not help but raise a faint smile at the corner of his mouth!

“Hizashi, as a clan leader, sometimes you have to consider the interests of the family.”

 “I hope you can understand my brother’s painstaking efforts!”

“After all, the Hyuga clan is complete only when you die, isn’t it?”

Hyuga secretly thought to himself, and the cold-eyed Hinata Hiashi led his family to move to the shelter first.

So, except for the wealthy Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan, what is the situation of other families in Konoha Village?

 Speaking of it, it may arouse ridicule in the ninja world!

In Konoha Village, except for the wealthy Uchiha clan, Hyuga clan, and some members of the Nara, Yamazaka, and Akimichi clans who led the cross-country to seek refuge, the other clans had no idea of ​​​​escape. The clan members went outside the public shelter of Konoha Village. The ninjas of all the families used their lives to block the progress of Sanwei Isozu almost as soon as he appeared.

However, in front of Sanwei Isozu, what can an ordinary ninja be?

Jounin-level ninjas are relatively powerful in the ninja world, right?

 Even in ninja battles, people rarely die, right?

But in front of the three-tailed Izodiac, the jounin-level ninjas are going to "send" them, and they only need to use the terrifying chakra that is full of them. In just a few seconds, he would die tragically due to the backlash of Sanwei Iso's chakra. When he finally died, even his bones would be burning!

Only elite jounin level, or ninjas above the elite jounin level, can withstand the chakra backlash of tailed beasts.

 This is the horror of what tailed beasts call weapons of war!

Of course, the Jinchuriki does not have this power, making it impossible for ninjas at the Jonin level to get close. Only tailed beasts that lose control of the jinchūriki, such as today's three-tailed zodiac and the nine-tailed demon fox in the original plot, can have such terrifying power that ninjas under the elite jounin cannot even fight back. .

Immediately afterwards, as Sanwei Isao got closer to the Uchiha clan's residence, the scene in Konoha Village was simply like purgatory on earth!

In front of Sanwei Isozu, countless ninjas were rushing forward, hoping to use their lives to stop Sanwei Isozu's footsteps so that more people could escape.

It’s a pity that behind Sanweijiao, what exists is a completely collapsed building, and what exists is a miserable scene of a river of blood!

Especially as Sanwei Isozu stepped forward, cries rang out among the newly assembled ninja troops, making those ninjas blocking Sanwei Isozu feel that there was no more "hope" in front of them. Said.

 But just when everyone had almost given up hope and their gray eyes were full of despair, there was a sudden "whoosh"!

A thin figure suddenly appeared in the midst of everyone's despair, blocking the way of Sanwei Izo!

The owner of that thin figure is the cross-country guy who entrusted Kakashi to Akai!

 At this stage, the only Nara cross-country that can block the progress of Sanwei Isozu!

 “Three tails!”

 “Let’s fight!”

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