Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 377: Isn't it a trap?

after one day.

The Country of Grass, the Cloud Ninja Camp.

“Lord Toshiro, the ANBU’s latest information has been delivered back. Should I hand it over to you now?”

 “Hand it over.”

 In the camp, Toshiro, who is the commander of the ninja troops of Cloud Ninja Village, was originally thinking about conquering the Land of Fire. At this time, he suddenly heard an ANBU outside passing back information. Toshiro, who always focused on strategy, slowly raised his head, and immediately took the scroll recording the latest information from the hands of the Kumo ninja ANBU in front of him.

 But what did Toshiro do when he just finished browsing the information on the scroll?

 Suddenly, there was a "bang" sound!

Even the Kumo ninja ANBU in front of Toshiro never expected that Toshiro, who had always had a very stable personality and rarely lost his temper in front of others, actually raised a faint sneer, clenched his right hand into a fist, and said angrily. Hit it on the table.

 “Are you really deceiving me that there is no one in Yunren Village?”

 “Pass the latest information to the captain of the special forces and let him handle the matter!”


"Kill those who try to take advantage of the situation? Kill those who betray your trust?"

"I have never heard of the Shadow Mage in Konoha Village. If he dares to come here to provoke me, then let me die in the Country of Grass!"

Having said that, Toshiro's eyes were still slightly annoyed, and he frowned as he remained silent on his seat, beginning to recall whether there was a "Shadow Mage" in Konoha Village.

However, Toshiro is doomed to do useless work. After all, the name of Shadow Mage was made up by Cross Country himself!

Moreover, when Cross Country used the corpses of Kumo Ninja and Kuso Ninja as a tool of provocation, and directly pointed at Kumo Ninja and Kuso Ninja to start provoking, it only took half a day for Cross Country to discover the Kumo Ninja perceived in Kagura's inner eyes. , the number of grass ninjas has increased, which undoubtedly allows the cross-country plan to be formulated smoothly.

 Why do off-roaders challenge cloud ninjas and grass ninjas?

Isn’t it just to anger the Kumo ninja and Grass ninja, and make them reveal more flaws, so that Cross Country can complete the beheading operation in the mind of the Fourth Hokage?

Almost as soon as the Kumo Ninja ANBU showed up, ready to send the information about Yun Ninja's provocation back to the camp in Yun Ninja Village, Yun Xiu quietly followed behind the Kumo Ninja ANBU, and soon discovered the location of the Kumo Ninja camp. However, knowing the location of the Kumo Ninja camp, Cross Country still had no way to directly sneak into it and assassinate Toshiro, the commander of the ninja force in the Kumo Ninja Village.

 As for the reason?

Isn’t it that the security of the Yunren Village camp is too tight, making it impossible to infiltrate off-road?

“You must have been thinking about taking advantage of the situation in Yunren Village for a long time, right?”

“There are at least sixty jounin-level ninjas and nearly two hundred chuunin-level ninjas in this ninja force. Are you sure the Cloud Ninja Village didn’t come directly to capture the Land of Fire?”

“Furthermore, those perceptive ninjas in Yun Ninja Village are really powerful. They were able to suppress my Kagura mind and mislead part of my perception.”

“I’m afraid, the place I am now is no longer safe, I must move as soon as possible!”

 Secretly analyzing the situation outside the camp of Yun Nin Village, the cross-country team quickly moved, and immediately prepared to consume some of the Yun Nin Village's combat power before carrying out the beheading operation.

 There is no doubt that the initial training for cross-country travel begins with the ANBU, so when dealing with some difficult problems, the first idea of ​​​​cross-country travel is to use assassination to solve it. What's more, having studied under the Fourth Hokage and mastering the wind attribute chakra whose nature has changed to the second stage, Cross Country is like an assassin born for assassination in some aspects.

Even if the enemy you face is several times your own, cross-country can slowly weaken the enemy's power like a thief in the game, making your own side stronger.

  This time when we go to the Country of Grass, we may have to go deep into the country alone, which seems to be very dangerous. But when there is only one person in the cross-country, the possibility of the cross-country being exposed and the possibility of escaping after killing the target also increase a lot. It can be said that it enhances the possibility of the cross-country to complete its own plan from the side.

 Then, he was quietly waiting for his prey outside the camp of Yun Ninja Village. Not to mention, he soon discovered several Jōnin-level ninjas from Yun Ninja while going off-road.

Thinking about it when traveling off-road, these Jōnin-level ninjas from the Kumo ninja were probably the ones who came to snipe him.

After all, he said such arrogant words in front of the Cloud Ninja and the Grass Ninja. The Grass Ninja didn't show any expression, but Cross Country could understand it. If the Cloud Ninja could bear such a breath, Cross Country would have to suspect whether the Cloud Ninja had other plots.

Now, just outside the Kumo Ninja camp, I found several Kumo Ninja jounin level ninjas teaming up together. Without any encumbrances below the jounin level, they went to fight with awe-inspiring fighting spirit. It felt like the first time to go off-road. That is, the targets of the sniper attack on him were the jounin-level ninjas of these six Kumo ninjas. Immediately, the target was locked on these six jounin-level ninjas, and Cross Country secretly followed behind these six cloud ninjas.

Immediately afterwards, what made the cross-country people feel very shocked was that in just half a day, he seized the opportunity to wipe out all six Kumo-nin jounin-level ninjas!

"The cloud ninja suddenly relaxed his guard. It was obviously a trap."

 “But so what if it’s a trap? Isn’t it just a trap?”

  "If there is a chance to destroy all six Kumo ninja jounin, I..."

 “But you must not miss it!”

 Obviously, even if the cross-country feels like a trap in front of him, on the one hand, the cross-country has the strength of a half-step quasi-shadow level powerhouse, and he has some confidence in himself. On the other hand, Cross Country felt that the temptation of the six Kumo Ninja Jonin-level ninjas was too great. Even if it was a trap, he would break through it, and then he was ready to fight the six Kumo Ninja Jonin-level ninjas.

But just when Cross Country was ready to use the Wind Blink, and just when the chakra in his body was circulating, there were suddenly "swish", "swish" and "swish" sounds.

The six Kumo ninjas, jounin-level ninjas, actually appeared next to Cross Country in an instant.

Furthermore, when the six jounin-level ninjas of the cloud ninja appeared, a confident smile appeared on the face of each cloud ninja. It was obvious that what they were waiting for was the moment when their position was exposed off-road!

 “Thunder Escape Barrier!”



Then, six jounin-level ninjas of the cloud ninja appeared at the same time. After the seal was completed, the properties of the thunder attribute chakra were instantly changed in the bodies of each cloud ninja beside the cross country.

The six people's thunder-attribute chakras were intertwined with each other, and a golden barrier enveloped him in all directions, trapping him in the center of the barrier.

With his own perception, Cross Country also found that if he wanted to smash the barrier in front of him, he would probably have to use at least the secret technique of the sharp spear style to do so. Otherwise, with the barrier constructed by six jounin-level ninjas, it would be possible to trap Cross Country alive here.

However, when he thought that he still had a chance to survive using the sharp spear style, off-road eyes vaguely glanced at the Kumo ninja jounin level ninjas in front of him, and suddenly found that the smiles on the faces of these cloud ninja jounin level ninjas were actually... After the barrier was successfully established, it became a bit more intense. The abnormality of these cloud ninjas undoubtedly made Cross Country feel that these cloud ninjas still had their trump card unused.

Sure enough, just when this idea came to mind off-road, there was another "swish" sound.

 A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the cross country when the six cloud ninja jounin level ninjas were using a barrier to trap the cross country.

"Are you the Shadow Mage of Konoha Village? It turns out you are just a kid!"

“I, Troy, really want to see how you, a brat, kill those who take advantage of the situation!”

 “Come and kill me!”

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