Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 384: Reward your meatballs

 “That guy is obviously about the same age as me…”

 “Actually...can actually kill a Jonin?”

Obviously, when Cross Country used his momentum to suppress and kill the first Jonin instantly, what shocked Nozomi was not the fact that Cross Country could kill a Jonin, but the fact that Cross Country could kill him back when surrounded by an entire ninja force. The sight of a jounin!

 During the Third World War, Jonin was not a carrot and cabbage and could be killed at will.

  What’s more, being surrounded by an entire ninja army?

With his heart pounding in his chest, Xi stared at the figure who was using the secret technique of "acceleration" in the cross-country, and quickly dodged the attacks around him. Xi couldn't help but feel distracted for a moment, all because of the strength of the half-step quasi-shadow level powerhouse displayed by the cross-country.

 In Yun Ren Village, Xi is undoubtedly the proud son of heaven.

Just like the Weasel Gods of Konoha Village, Shisui, and Kakashi, being able to always be with the commander Toshiro undoubtedly shows how important Nozomi is in the Cloud Ninja Village.

 But seeing the cross-country racing in front of him, Xi, who suddenly realized the gap between himself and the cross-country, was really hit hard.

 What is the title of genius in Yun Ninja Village?

 In the ninja world, I don’t know how many people are more powerful than me. Isn’t the shadow mage in front of me such a person?

 So, put away your indifferent pride, put away that little bit of pampering!

 If you have not surpassed the Shadow Mage, you have no right to be proud!


 Shadow Mage will die here today, there is no possibility for me to surpass him!

Him secretly thought, and a faint smile once again appeared on Xi's face, which originally looked bitter. But just when Nozomi's smile appeared on her face, Toshiro's action of clenching his fists caught Nozomi's attention: "Mr. Toshiro, what's wrong with you? You feel that our deployment is not correct." Problem?"

“No, there is no problem with our deployment, it’s just that I feel like I underestimated the Shadow Mage before.”

 Taking a deep breath, having someone who can talk can obviously relieve the tension in Toshiro's heart.

Especially when he discovered that a jounin and a chuunin in his ninja unit actually suffered three extra scars on his body, and died tragically due to the secret technique of Hayate Ryu in the crossroads, he couldn't help but feel the excitement in the corners of his eyes. Twitching, Toshiro said slowly beside Nozomi: "The large-scale Nara clan secret technique used by Shadow Mage before was beyond my expectation. If it weren't for Nozomi, I don't know how many of our companions would be there." He's going to die in the hands of the Shadow Mage."

"And Nozomi, you cracked the Shadow Mage's secret technique of the Nara clan. I thought that the Shadow Mage had no other way to fight. Who could have imagined that the Shadow Mage... he was not only proficient in the Nara clan's secret technique! If I read it correctly just now, the ninjutsu he used seems to be the ninjutsu of the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village!"

“Let me tell you, when did a guy as radical as the Fourth Hokage appear in Konoha Village?”

“It turns out that Shadow Master is his disciple of Konoha’s Golden Shine!”

“If we hadn’t killed the Shadow Mage here today, the Shadow Mage in a few years would probably be just another Golden Flash!”

“So today, no matter how many people die, it is worth it...”

 “It’s all worth it!”

As he spoke, Toshiro repeated a sentence twice, as if to strengthen his own beliefs, as if he was saying it to Nozomi, but more like he was saying it to himself.

 On the other side, what about off-road?

 After killing the first Kumo ninja jounin, Cross Country dancing on the tip of the knife was really trying his best!

 In the past, when fighting in cross-country, I was a perfectionist. It was best to destroy all the enemies without any injuries, so that cross-country would feel like a perfect victory. But it's different now. It's basically impossible to defeat the enemy perfectly. What's more, if you want to kill the enemy without being injured, the energy required will be increased several times. !

 So, the way to fight off-road at this time is to exchange small injuries for big ones!

 That is a life-threatening combat method, and it is also a combat method that must be accepted when traveling cross-country.

 A few minutes ago, three kunai flew at the same time. It was as if the cross-country didn't see it. There was another round of acceleration under the feet, and he rushed directly towards the three kunai flying towards him.

 Then, with three sounds of "Puff", "Puff" and "Puff", three more kunai appeared on Cross Country's legs and chest.

 It's just that the cross-country calculation was very good. The three kunai fell on the cross-country body, and they penetrated deeply into the body. However, these kunai only hurt the surface of the cross-country at most. In fact, they were nailed to the cross-country's clothing protection, and did not penetrate too deep or cause any damage to the internal organs of the cross-country.

So, what benefits did the trauma of three kunai bring to off-roading?

 The answer is the life of a Kumo-nin chuunin and a Kumo-nin jounin!

 When three kunai were in his body, the off-roader cleverly paused for a second.

In that second, a Kumo-nin chuunin and a Kumo-nin jounin who were experienced in combat felt that they had seized an opportunity to kill Yuki, so they took advantage of Yuki's injury. Rushing from behind to the back of the off-road vehicle. However, just when the Kumo Ninja Chuunin and Kumo Ninja Jonin were attacking, Cross Country suddenly turned around and killed them!

 That is the secret technique of Gale Wind Style!

It is also the Half-Moon Slash in the Swift Wind Blade!

The brilliant wind blade swept out and cut off the bodies of the two Cloud Ninjas.

 After the two dull sounds of "Plop" and "Plop", Cross Country suddenly recovered the interest of another Kumo ninja Chuunin and a Kumo ninja Jonin who died tragically.

 However, killing three Kumo ninjas would be a feat worthy of showing off on a normal battlefield, but in the current battle they were facing cross-country, it would be nothing more than a drop in the ocean. There are still countless cloud ninjas around, and the sound of these cloud ninjas attacking makes the cross-country feel deafening.

So it’s just a slight advantage. How can we feel proud of it in cross-country?

Especially when Cross Country killed the Kumo Ninja Chunin in front of him, and after the Kumo Ninja Jonin was suddenly attacked by a Kumo Ninja Genin, it actually made Cross Country feel a little rushed. It really made Cross Country himself I feel a little ashamed.

 For genin-level ninjas, how long has it been since you took off-roading seriously?

But the Kumo ninja genin who appeared in front of him also held a sharp sword in his hand. After appearing in front of Cross Country, he used the sharp sword in his hand to directly penetrate into Cross Country's body!


The shoulder was completely penetrated, and the cross-country injury in the hands of the Kumo ninja genin was obviously very serious.

The Kumo ninja genin also died tragically in the hands of Off-Road after he was injured by Off-road. But since he could injure Off-road, as a genin, even if he dies, he can die with a smile on his face, right?

What's more, the people smiling at this time were not only the Kumo genin who died tragically, but also Toshiro in the distance, and Nozomi?

Originally, they saw the Kumo ninja at the chuunin level and the Kumo ninja at the jounin level dying in the hands of Yuchi. Toshiro and Nozomi were under a lot of pressure. After all, they didn't know how many elite Kumo ninjas would be killed before killing Yuchi. Died tragically here. However, after discovering that even a Kumo ninja genin could hurt Cross Country, Toshiro and Nozomi felt that victory was not far away!

At this moment, in their eyes, off-roading was like the end of a powerful effort.

As long as you put in a little more effort, you'll be killed off-road in just a matter of minutes.

But just when Toshiro and Nozomi were full of confidence again, who would have thought that suddenly a blue light shone in front of Nozomi!

 It’s the Rasengan!

Moreover, when the brilliant light of the Rasengan came into Nozomi's sight, the indifferent voice of Cross Country echoed in Nozomi's ears at the same time!

"Do you think that a mere genin can really hurt me? Are you a little naive?"

  "The reason why I was injured at the hands of genin is because of..."

 “I’ll reward you with a Rasengan!”

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