Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 4: Nara Kaku

 “Cross-country? Only four years old?”

 “Is he a child of Lu Nai’s family?”

Shikaku suddenly revealed his identity as a cross-country person, making Dingzuo couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

 Four years old, only four years old!

 Looking back at the beginning, when I was four years old, I had just developed chakra and was known as a genius in my clan. Compared with the cross-country in front of him, Ding Zuo felt that he was simply weak. People of the same age had completed the practice of climbing trees, and even the practice of treading water was completed in just ten minutes under his nose. It was simply A monster-like talent!

Who knows, while Ding Zuo was secretly shocked, Lu Jiu also felt a storm in his heart.

Not long ago, Shikaku just heard that there was a genius in the Uchiha clan, named Uchiha Itachi. He also mastered the basic fire escape ninjutsu at the age of four, and was regarded as a pride in the Uchiha clan. , the successor of the new generation.

At that time, the new generation in the Xindao clan who was still in the clan sighed secretly. The new generation in the Xindao clan must have grown up under the halo of others. Who would have thought that the appearance of cross-country would immediately break Shikaku's inherent thoughts. Compared with Uchiha Itachi, Shikaku even felt that his cross-country talent was more outstanding.

 Because Lu Jiu, who has been with Cross Country for a long time, knows for sure that the real training of Cross Country started three months ago!

With such achievements in just three months, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses the genius of the Uchiha clan!

So after the shock, Shikaku calmed down, tugged on Dingza's sleeve next to him, and asked tentatively: "Dingzao, who do you think is more powerful in cross-country racing between my family and the Uchiha kid? ?”

 “Of course it’s that brat from the Uchiha clan!”


At first, Shikaku was a little depressed after hearing Ding Zao's reply.

Who would have thought that Ding Zao's change of voice would bring a smile to Lu Jiu's face.

“But your family’s cross-country training doesn’t seem to have been long, right? As long as you can devote your training resources to the cross-country boy, he may not be worse than the brats of the Uchiha clan!”

“Well, I understand! Let’s take a look at cross-country training!”

Smiled and nodded, Shikaku calmed down and focused on looking at the cross-country practice in the distance. His eyes were like looking at the future hope of the Nara clan, full of expectations.

 What's more, what makes Shikaku and Ding Zuo even more shocked is that as time goes by, cross-country water treading practice becomes more and more perfect.

Even Shikaku and Dingzao, the two jonins, have to admit that the talent shown in cross-country at this time has surpassed the Itachi God of the Uchiha clan, and is very likely to replace him and become the most dazzling star of the new generation!

 “Huh? Is the time limit up again?”

“But fortunately, the 60-minute time limit is enough for me to complete the treading water practice perfectly. The training cards in the APP are really easy to use, but it’s a pity that there are too few!”

 Perfectly completing the training of treading water, the cross-country feeling depends on the amount of chakra in the body, and the limit of use of the shadow imitation technique has been increased to at least five times. It can be said to be a "qualitative" leap.

 Unfortunately, the speed of cultivation will probably be slower in the future.

 Insufficient chakra has become an important factor limiting the progress of cross-country. Unless the physical fitness of cross-country improves by leaps and bounds, or else the scroll left by his parents will be obtained from Shikaku to speed up the practice of the secret techniques of the Nara clan. Otherwise, cross-country training will enter a period of stagnation, at least until one has chakra comparable to that of a genin before he can enter the next leap period.

 In this regard, off-roading does not matter.

Even if the accumulation of chakra is slow and the Nara clan’s secret skills are incomplete, they can still practice hidden weapons and physical skills while off-roading!

 No matter how you say the future goal of off-roading, it is not to become a ninja who can only use the secret techniques of the Nara clan and have a single method like his uncle Shikaku. Comprehensive ninjas like Itachi and Madara in the original plot are the path to pursue cross-country.

 Then, I recovered a little bit of the energy I had spent during cultivation, tidied my clothes for the cross-country trip, and was ready to have a good meal and reward myself.

Who would have thought that before Cross Country left this pool, Shikaku and Ding Zao, who had been watching him practice for a long time, appeared.

“Uncle Lujiu, Uncle Dingzuo, why are you here?”

Since he escaped from the funeral, he was obviously a little embarrassed when he saw Shikaku and Ding Zao appearing in front of him.

On the contrary, it was Shikaku, and Ding Zao didn't pay attention to those details. Shikaku closed his eyes after he appeared, and silently sensed the chakra of Yujiu, which made Yujiu feel anxious, thinking that Shikaku was going to scold him. .

Ding Zuo was more friendly. He was holding an extra-large bag of potato chips in his hand. He walked up and patted Cross Country on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "Xiao Cross Country! Just now, Lu Jiu and I saw that you have been practicing. I didn’t bother you. Now that the cultivation is over, we just want to ask about your cultivation progress and whether you have encountered any problems in cultivation.”

 “Well, I did meet some.”

 Ding Zuo’s words made him feel confident about going off-road.

In addition, Shikaku forgot to hide the smile that raised at the corner of his mouth. Cross Country thought that this was a good opportunity to get the ninjutsu scroll, so he mustered up the courage to say: "Uncle Dingzao, the training problem is not big. You also know , We Nara clan all practice secret techniques! I just mastered the shadow imitation technique not long ago, and what I am more worried about is that there are no subsequent secret techniques to practice. "

 “What? Have you mastered the art of shadow imitation?”

As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, not only Ding Zao, but even Shikaku looked like he had eaten Xiang, with his mouth open, looking at Off-Road as if he were looking at a monster.

 In the end, Shikaku looked at the cross-country and shrugged easily, regaining his composure.

After looking at Ding Zao, Shikaku rubbed Cross Country's head and said with a smile: "Good boy, I even mastered the shadow imitation technique. Your uncle and I mastered the shadow imitation technique when I was six years old. !”

"Come on! Let me see the results of your cultivation first!"

 After saying that, the smile on Shikaku's lips became stronger and stronger, and he raised his fingers towards the cross country.

Ding Zuo next to him also looked very interested. He even ate potato chips a little faster, secretly looking forward to the off-road performance.

But when it comes to competing with Shikaku, the most excited person is the off-roader!

 That is an opportunity to compete with the jounin!

 It’s a rare thing!

So when he heard that Shikaku wanted to give him some guidance, Shikoku quickly formed the secret seal of the Nara clan and said with a smile: "Uncle Shikaku, I won't be polite!"

 “Be careful, don’t get hurt!”

 “You brat, do you look down on your uncle? He’s a jounin no matter what!”

Listening to Off-Road's words, Shikaku smiled and shook his head, and then encouraged Off-Road: "Didn't you just say that you want the training scroll of the Nara clan's secret technique? Well, as long as you can hurt me, I will hand over the scroll left by your father. I’ve kept it for you!”

 “Okay, it’s a deal!”

 With some bets, the mood of cross-country becomes more exciting, and the eyes become more serious.

Moreover, just by glancing at Ding Zuo's position with his peripheral vision, a perfect sneak attack plan was quietly formed in Xiqiao's head.

“Uncle Lujiu, you will pay the price for underestimating me!”

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