Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 403: Hard truth

“It’s okay to go back with you, but...”

“What do you mean by the fact that you star ninjas are surrounding us?”

There is no doubt that not long after Cross Country and the others left the Star Ninja Village, something happened in the Star Ninja Village. If it was Cross Country, they would definitely come to pursue them.

 But the pursuit also depends on your attitude, right?

Hoshi Ninja Village is ostensibly an ally of Konoha Village, but who in the ninja world doesn’t know that Star Ninja Village is a ninja village that is dependent on Konoha Village?

Therefore, even if the people in Xing Ninja Village really feel that there is something wrong with Cross Country and others, they must have a respectful attitude after catching up with Cross Country and others. Even if they question Cross Country and others, they will not It is necessary to directly surround Cross Country and others, showing a hint of threat, right?

And when the cross-country words just fell, Xia Xing clearly felt that something was wrong with his approach.

Immediately, a flash of apology flashed in his eyes, and Xia Xing was ready to make a gesture to instruct the surrounding Xing Ninjas to lift the siege. He would properly tell Xing Jiexi what happened in Xing Ninja Village, and "please" Xing Xingxing and others return to Xing Ninja Village.

Unfortunately, just when Xia Xing's gesture was made and before the surrounding star ninjas could understand it, a reckless star ninja suddenly rushed off-road.

While launching an attack across the country, he roared angrily:

"Summer Star, they Konoha people assassinated our village chief and stole our "star", what else can we say now?"

"According to our tracking secrets, the "star" is on these people!"

“Stop talking nonsense, just capture them and go back!”

Having said that, the reckless star ninja had already approached the cross country in front of him. Seeing that the cross country and others were just young brats, the star ninja obviously did not take the strength of the cross country and the others at heart. He only thought that Cross Country and others are just relying on the name of Konoha Village to bluff people.


 In the cross-country team, let alone the cross-country ones known as Shadow Masters in the ninja world, Hyuga Tokuma and Ibiki are not characters that these star ninjas can look down upon.

 A second ago, the star ninja had just rushed to the side of the cross country, preparing to capture the captain of the cross country first.

  one second later.


Hinata Tokuma took a step forward, and with a soft punch, he knocked down the star ninja in front of him to the ground.

“You alone still want to take us back, so stop dreaming!”

“Off-road master, what should we do next?”

"Please advise!"

 “Do you still need some advice?”

Seeing that the surrounding star ninjas were eager to attack, Cross Country raised a faint sneer on his lips and directly controlled the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand.

"Since the Hoshi-nin are overestimating their own capabilities, as allies, we should teach them a lesson!"

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”


Mobilizing the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country actually had a bit of a quick victory. He squatted down and slapped his palms heavily on the ground, directly using the S-level secret technique in Shadow Escape. .

 The Shadow Realm is coming!

 In an instant, the black shadow under the cross-country foot began to spread, and in just a few seconds, it enveloped the feet of every star ninja. On the other hand, when those star ninjas began to cross-country, the shadow of the shadow world came over, these star ninjas did not take the cross-country shadow escape secret technique to heart, they only thought that the cross-country shadow world was coming to bluff people.

 At this moment, it’s not that all star ninjas are idiots, it’s that the age of cross-country is too confusing.

 Although he is five years old, he looks like a teenager.

 But how strong can a teenager be?

Even if you use "Star" to practice, you probably won't be able to have enough chakra to cast an S-level secret technique, right?

The S-level shadow escape technique used by Cross Country, Shadow Realm Arrival, covers a really scary area. So when these star ninjas saw Cross Country casting Shadow World Arrival, their first thought was that Cross Country used a bluffing secret. technique. Who would have thought that at the moment when the shadows coming from the Shadow Realm extended to the feet of those star ninjas.



The terrifying restraint ability that descended from the Shadow Realm imprisoned every Star Ninja in place.

Relying on the S-level secret technique of Shadow Escape, Cross Country can be said to have wiped out all the Star Ninjas without seals.

It’s just that Cross Country knows that it’s good to give the Star Ninja a blow, but if it’s not handled properly and it really affects the relationship between Konoha Village and Star Ninja Village, the consequences are still not something that a few ninjas such as Cross Country can afford. Therefore, just using the arrival of the shadow world to restrain all the star ninjas in front of him, Cross Country has no intention of continuing to fight with these star ninjas.

 However, Akai and others behind the cross-country clearly did not realize that the cross-country onslaught was just a show of force.

 Because at the moment when Cross Country restrained all the Star Ninjas with the Shadow Realm, Cross Country, who has a strong sense of perception, discovered that there was a sharp kunai in the palm of Hyuga Tokuma!

 “Tokuma! Stop!”

Thinking about stopping Hyuga Tokuma, but Cross Country's call was undoubtedly too late.

 The sharp kunai slashed the throat of a star ninja, and immediately blood spattered out. The star ninja fell weakly to the ground, undoubtedly losing the breath of life.

 The death of that star ninja also instantly inspired the morale of all star ninjas.

How can these star nins not be angry when they see their companions dying?

Of course, if it were the ninjas from the other ninja villages, even if they were angry, they would not be able to escape the shackles of the off-road shadow world. After all, the secret technique of Shadow Escape used in cross-country is an S-level descent from the shadow world. What can ordinary ninjas do even if they burst out with chakra, and what can they do with incomparable anger? They have to be restrained by the cross-country descent from the shadow world. ?

 But the enemies in front of the cross-country are star ninjas, so the situation becomes different!

  After practicing with the "Star" for a long time, every chuunin-level star nin before cross-country has a chakra amount comparable to that of an ordinary jounin. In addition to the group of star ninjas, the female ninja named Natsuhi Hoshi is a jounin-level ninja, which means that compared with the real Kage level strongman and Natsuhi Hoshi in terms of chakra capacity, Natsuhi Hoshi may win.



 Suddenly, all the Star Ninjas, including Natsuhi Hoshi, burst out with chakra.

 The rich chakra aura permeated the surroundings, and a rich purple aura gradually formed!

At this moment, Cross Country, Akai and others could clearly see the strong chakra aura with their naked eyes. One can imagine how terrifying the amount of chakra burst out by those star ninjas was.

 When all the star ninjas burst out chakra together, there was another "click"!

Using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country's S-level Shadow Escape Secret Technique, Shadow Realm Arrival, was suddenly broken. Immediately, Cross Country saw the only Jōnin-level ninja Natsuhi Hoshi among the Star Ninjas. When he formed a very strange seal with his hands, the purple chakra that filled his body suddenly condensed into wings. With a slight incitement, he quickly ran towards Get your own direction!

“Konoha ninjas, our Star Ninja Village is reasonable!”

“No matter what happens inside our Star Ninja Village now, whether it has anything to do with you or not, if you kill our Star Ninja, you will be responsible!”

Roaring angrily, Xia Xing really tried his best in the face of off-roading.

 Similarly, because of the Hoshi nin that Hyuga Tokuma killed, the Natsuhi Hoshi who attacked at this time was really determined to kill Cross Country.


 Sometimes, killing a person does not depend on determination, but on strength!

So, just when Xia Xingxing used the peacock magic technique to condense a pair of wings on his back, and was about to get close to the front of the cross-country to avenge the star ninja who died earlier, there was a sudden "嗞拉" sound!

A burst of azure chakra suddenly penetrated deeply into Xia Xing's chest in the direction of the cross-country.

When Xia Xing still didn't react and was defeated by Cross Country, Xia Xing, who controlled the sharp gun in his hand, slowly said to Xia Xing in front of him in a cold tone:

"Be reasonable? You star ninjas don't know what truth is at all. How can I reason with you?"

“Now, since you are all going to die in my hands, then I, Nara Cross Country, will tell you what is the real truth!”

 “Only the fist is the real truth!”

 “My fist is harder than all of yours combined, so what I say…”

 “That’s the last word!”

"Do you understand?"

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