Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 406: fair play

  After learning from Hyuga Tokuma the whole story of why he stole the "star", Cross Country actually seemed a little silent for a while.


 It’s for the benefit of the family again!

Although Cross Country is a member of the Nara clan, he has never cared about the interests of the family. He only cares about the Shikaku family with whom he has a deep bond. Otherwise, when Danzo Shimura tried out cross-country, why could cross-country kill his companions from the Nara clan without hesitation?

 In his eyes, the Nara clan members who have no relationship are worse than pigs and dogs.

 Only Shikaku's family is important.

 So, Cross Country wants to relieve the control of the Hokage lineage on the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka clans. In fact, it is more for the three families of Shikaku, Choza, and Haiichi. Including himself, only these people can escape from the control of the Hokage, so what if the rest of the people are always under the control of the Hokage?

Because of this, Cross Country remained silent in front of Hyuga Tokuma.

 Because he didn't quite understand Hyuga Tokuma's approach, and he didn't understand why family interests were often placed above personal honor and disgrace.

Of course.

 The off-road theory is only suitable for him. After all, he is not a person who has been brainwashed by his family, but a good young man who came from time to time.

Needless to say, wealthy families such as Uchiha and Hinata, but in fact, the Hatake clan where Kakashi belongs, the Yamanaka clan of Haiichi, and the Akimichi clan of Choza all have brainwashing education for their members. of. The honor of the family is above all else, and the income of every clan member is the result of family training. All kinds of brainwashing education are carried out from childhood to adulthood. This may be the reason why members of the ninja family such as Hyuga Tokuma are so loyal to their families. Bar.

 But doesn’t it feel strange?

Hyuuga Tokuma is just a Chuunin. How did he steal the "Star" in the heavily guarded Hoshi Ninja Village?

Let's not talk about how strict the Hoshi Ninja Village is against "Stars". Let's talk about the Jonin of Hoshi Ninja Village. As long as Hyuga Tokuma has the idea of ​​​​getting close to "Stars", they should discover Hyuga Tokuma's plot, so that Did he fail to steal the "star"?

 Then, giving up discussing family interests, Cross Country began to ask Hyuga Tokuma about the reason why he stole the "star".

But Hyuga Tokuma knew that he was in the hands of Cross Country and had no hope of escaping. He immediately said to Cross Country in a straight voice: "Master Cross Country, in fact, even I am very surprised why the people of Xing Ninja Village are so hostile to " The precautions for the "star" were almost nonexistent. After I came up with the idea of ​​stealing the "star", under the leadership of the Hoshi ninja Murajōnin Red Star, I remembered the location of the "star" and sneaked in alone at night. , and successfully stole the "star" and the treasure of the Star Ninja Village."

“Lord Off-Road, I hope that if you want to blame the Star, you can blame me alone, and don’t implicate our Hyuga clan.”

"You know, although our Hyuga clan can have Byakugan to assist in the practice of soft fist, but as I said before, the physique of our Hyuga clan is inherently defective in cultivating chakra. Therefore, if we can rely on "Star" training allows us Hyuga clan members to change their physiques and have a huge chakra foundation, then crushing the Uchiha clan is no longer an extravagant wish, but something that is possible. "

"It was also because of the fight between the Uchiha clan and our Hyuga clan that I finally made up my mind to steal the "star" from the Hoshi Ninja Village."

 “Master Off-Road, I can do whatever you want, but I hope you can...”

"Can you try your best to cover up the scandal about "Hoshi" for me, don't mention me as a member of the Hyuga clan, just me as Hyuga Tokuma?"

Hearing what Hinata Tokuma said, Cross Country nodded.

But just when Hyuga Tokuma's face was filled with a bright smile, thinking that as long as he sacrificed himself, there would be no need to implicate the Hyuga clan, suddenly a faint sneer appeared on the face of the cross country, which made Hinata Tokuma's "good mood" was instantly ruined.

"Tokuma, do you really think that with your own power you can steal the "star" from the Hoshi Ninja Village without being discovered by anyone?"

“Master Off-Road, you...what do you mean? Do you suspect that I have an accomplice?”

Hinata Tokuma's pupils narrowed slightly and he retorted directly: "Lord Cross Country, I really have no accomplices. This matter has nothing to do with Akai and Ibiki. Don't accuse good people unjustly!"

  "Of course I'm not talking about Akai, Yibixi, but the one from Star Ninja Village."

 The sneer raised at the corner of his mouth became a little more intense.

Cross Country no longer had any worries in front of Hyuga Tokuma, and said bluntly: "Tokuma, actually when I was about to lead the team back to Master Dingza, I found that something was not normal in the Hoshi Ninja Village. I remember the village of Hoshi Ninja Village Isn’t it long? Didn’t the Jonin Hongxing of Star Ninja Village keep saying that the head of Star Ninja Village can’t see us because of his training?”

"Actually, this is a lie. The head of the Star Ninja Village has died long ago!"

"Those who secretly use the "star" to practice in seclusion are actually red stars all the time."

“I said this, you should know what’s going on, right?”

 “Mr. Off-road, you mean...”

As soon as Cross Country finished speaking, Hyuga Tokuma was stunned for a long time, and after a long silence, he murmured: "You mean, the matter of me stealing the "star" was completely the conspiracy of the star ninja Murakami and the red star. So he asked me to steal the "star" just to blame me for the tragic death of the head of Xing Ninja Village? In fact, he was already sure that he could get the "star" back, right? Only I, a fool, thought that stealing " "Star" is my ability, is it because God is fond of me, the Hyuga clan?"

 “That’s basically it.”

Telling the truth ruthlessly, Cross Country saw Hinata Tokuma's expression gloomy, and couldn't help but persuade him: "Of course, Tokuma, when you are the only one, it is also your ability that Red Star's conspiracy can succeed. Now there are others Let’s not talk about it for now, let’s talk about how to deal with the problem between us and the Star Ninja Village.”

"Tokuma, you have never been an impulsive person. As early as when you impulsively killed the pursuers of the Star Ninja Village, I had a vague feeling that there was something wrong with you. Now that the people of the Star Ninja Village have also been killed, the corpses We have also dealt with it. The relationship between Konoha Village and Star Ninja Village has become bad, which is definitely not something you, a little chuunin, can afford."

“So now you have a choice, how about I give you a fair chance to compete?”

 “Fair competition, what does it mean?”

Hinata Tokuma asked curiously.

“It means... let’s compete for the right to own the “star”!”

Smiled, Cross Country did not hide his greed for the "star" at all, and said with a smile: "That is the secret treasure "star" for practicing chakra! Who doesn't want to get it?"

"Didn't I say it before? If possible, I really hope to study the peacock magic of the Star Ninja Village to see if it can enhance the power of my Nara clan's secret technique. Now, since there is a person who can take away the "star" How can I give up this great opportunity? And the fair competition I want to have with you is...a decisive battle!"

"Tokuma, if you win the decisive battle, how about I not only bear the consequences of stealing the "star" for you, but also hand over the "star" to you?"

 “But if you lose…”

 “I understand, Master Off-Road.”

There was no chance to finish the off -road. For the interests of the family, the Hyuga Dianda had a starting style of a soft fist.

 “Konoha Chuunin, Hyuga Tokuma!”

 “Ask Shadow Mage for advice!”

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