Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 408: Collect interest

 How can a secret scroll of a ninja village not have a seal?

Just like Uzumaki Naruto in the original plot, he casually stole the Sealed Book from the home of the Third Hokage and casually learned the ninjutsu on it. That would be a dream, right?

 The more he understands the "hidden" rules in the ninja world, the more he feels that some of the plots in the original work are nonsense.

 Let's just say that at the beginning of the original plot, Uzumaki Naruto was able to steal the Sealed Book, which was probably the third generation of Hokage's acquiescence. Needless to say, the reason is that the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina died for Konoha Village. Uzumaki Naruto, the son of the Fourth Hokage, did not benefit at all. The Third Hokage felt guilty.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

When I opened the secret scroll of the Peacock Mystic Technique in the Star Ninja Village, I was already prepared to break the seal of the Peacock Mystic Technique Scroll.

 Because of the second stage of the Yin escape brand's condensation, Cross Country almost perfectly integrated the brand new Uzumaki clan brand, and obtained all the inheritance of Uzumaki Kushina. There are some secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan that cannot be practiced by those who are not from the Uzumaki clan and require a stronger Yin Escape Brand attainment, so those secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan cannot be used off-road.

  Otherwise, not to mention the current secret scrolls of Peacock Magic, the scrolls sealed by Madara himself can be cracked even across the country.

However, at this stage, Cross Country is still an expert in sealing techniques, restraint techniques and other secret arts. Uzumaki Kushina's inheritance is no joke, it is enough to improve Cross Country's attainments in sealing techniques and restraint techniques.

 But just like Cross Country is helpless, if the Peacock Mystical Technique scroll contains normal sealing techniques, no matter how difficult it is, Cross Country can always find a solution. Unlocking the seal of the Peacock Mystic Technique Scroll requires the special chakra cultivated by the Star Ninja Village using "stars", which makes cross-country a bit of a headache.

 Unconsciously, Chujie's helpless gaze slowly shifted to the captive Xia Xing.

After all, it was impossible for Xue Xing to practice with "Xing". He didn't want to ruin his future, so he could only focus on capturing Xia Xing.


It is completely impossible for Xia Xing to surrender so easily.

Off-roading requires some effort. After all, Xia Xingxing is a guy from Yuzhongxing Ninja Village.

 A night without words, the next day.

 Early morning.

 Under the vigil between Cross Country and Hyuga Tokuma, no abnormality was found. Akai and Ibixi had a good rest, and the fatigue from yesterday's battle was completely eliminated. But just at Akai, Ibiki was very curious. Off-road had solved some troubles in the Star Ninja Village. When it came to what to do next, even Hyuga Tokuma was surprised that off-road's proposal turned out to be to divide the troops!

 “Separate operations, cross-country, are you correct?”

Hearing the suggestion of cross-country, the first person to refute was cross-country’s friend Akai.

"Don't think that I don't know what you mean, Cross Country. In fact, you are just preparing to face the troubles in Star Ninja Village alone, aren't you? You feel that we are all a drag, so you are planning to drive us away and go back to Lord Ding? Cross Country , I can’t do this kind of thing, if you want to treat me as a friend, then let Ibiki and Hinata Tokuma go back!”

“Lord Cross Country, what Akai means is what I, Ibixi, mean. I want to live and die with you!”

“Off-road master, really don’t think about it?”

Akai and Ibiki expressed their opinions one after another. Knowing that it was their own fault, Hinata Tokuma felt very guilty. There was a gloomy look in those colorless pupils, and they solemnly said: "Even if we act separately, we are all the same." There is a possibility of being overtaken by the Star Ninja Village. So, Mr. Cross Country, I feel that Akai is right. If we are all together, we can take care of each other and return to Mr. Ding safely and fight with the Star Ninja Village. It’s still possible to make things clear.”

“But if you insist on preparing to act separately, the result...the result may be..."

As he spoke, Hyuga Tokuma stopped talking, but everyone understood the meaning, which was that dividing the troops would very likely lead to the annihilation of the entire army.

 However, when Akai, Hyuga Tokuma, and Ibiki expressed their opinions one after another, Cross Country stubbornly shook his head. Then, just when Akai and others were about to refute again, Cross Country smiled and said very confidently: "I can be in the ninja army of Yunnin Village and almost kill their commander. Do you think Can a bunch of people from Star Ninja Village cause trouble for me? "Don't be ridiculous!"

"Furthermore, Tokuma, if we act separately, there is no need for you to pay attention to the pursuers of Hoshi Ninja Village."

 “Because of me…”

 “Prepare to go to Star Ninja Village in person to recover some interest for you!”

As soon as Yukio finished speaking, looking at Yukio's cold eyes, the three of them, Akai, Ibiki, and Hinata Tokuma, suddenly felt a shudder.

That is the murderous intention of a quasi-shadow level powerhouse!

 The same is the determination of the Shadow Mage!

 Obviously, the interest mentioned by Cross Country is not to obtain more benefits from Xing Ninja Village at all, but to prepare to give Xing Ninja Village a little color.

So, how many Hoshi-nin lives can satisfy the desire to go off-road?

Even Akai, who is best friends with off-roaders, doesn’t know!

Almost as soon as he showed his murderous intention in the cross-country, Akai felt that he didn't recognize his friend.

 In the end, the result of the discussion between Cross Country and Akai and others was undoubtedly the plan proposed by Cross Country. But just when Akai, Ibiki, and Hyuga Tokoku were reluctant to leave, and every time they walked a certain distance, they would look back at Cross Country, with worries in their eyes, the waking Xia Xingxing suddenly looked at Cross Country, He said with full of resentment:

"Nara Crossroads, do you really think you can stop all the ninjas in our Star Ninja Village by yourself? Are you sure you don't have a fever? Are you not living in a dream?"

"No matter how powerful the ninjas of Konoha Village are, they can't be so powerful that one person can fight against a whole ninja village!"

"Nara Cross Country, I'm waiting for you to report in hell! In three days, at most, I will see you in hell. Kill me now!"

 “Who said I was going to kill you?”

His indifferent gaze shifted to Xia Xing's face. Cross Country raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Xia Xing, when I ask for interest from Xing Ninja Village, I need a witness. So, I don't want to kill him at all. What you mean is that you want to know how horrible your Star Ninja Village has been."

"If Red Star of your Star Ninja Village wants to usurp the position of village chief, then it's just a usurpation. Then go for assassination. It has nothing to do with the people of our Konoha Village. However, since Red Star is going to borrow our Konoha Village's To cover up the fact that he usurped the position of village chief, then I'm sorry!"

 “You, Star Ninja Village, must give me an explanation!”

"Before asking for an explanation, I must recover a little interest. This is the principle of my Nara cross-country work!"

 After saying that, Cross Country ignored Xia Xia Xing’s vicious curses, cursed himself, grabbed Xia Xing’s collar with one hand, and Cross Country’s figure hurriedly disappeared from the place.

 And immediately afterwards.

Wait until the off-road appears again, close your eyes and use Kagura's Heart Eye to perceive.

 In Kagura's inner eye, the position of each star ninja is clearly clear to his heart!

 “When interest is collected…”

 “It’s now!”

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