Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 422: bargain


"Oh it's you!"

There is no doubt that since Cross Country learned about the hidden dangers caused by "stars", Cross Country felt that the only way to deal with the problem of "stars" was to destroy the "stars".

 Because Cross Country suddenly discovered that no matter who the "star" is given to, even if it is given to the Third Hokage of Konoha Village, there are many ways for Madara to take it away. Since this is the case, only by destroying the "star", Cross Country will not be afraid of falling into the hands of Madara. Who would have thought that just when Cross Country was about to destroy the "star", someone would suddenly come to stop it?

 Obviously, the only shadow-level experts who could go to the Star Ninja Village at such a time were those two people.

 The first of them is naturally the mysterious man who killed Red Star.

Off-Road doesn’t even know about the existence of the mysterious man now, so off-road has no clue what the mysterious man’s plot to kill Red Star is, or even what the mysterious man’s identity is.

 As for the second person who can go to the Star Ninja Village, there is no need to say more.

 It must be Orochimaru!

 After learning from Cross Country that the Star Ninja Village had been removed from the list, and even the traces of its existence had been removed, Orochimaru knew that his opportunity had come.

  The Cunning Rabbit's Three Caves are very important.

Especially for Orochimaru, who is about to betray Konoha Village, having more hiding places is a top priority.

In this case, let’s take a look at the bargaining chip in Cross Country’s hands, which is the original Star Ninja Village!

Hidden in the Bear Country, there are natural dangers outside the Star Ninja Village, making it a very difficult place to break through. In addition, the equipment, buildings, and various things in the Star Ninja Village are basically not damaged. If Orochimaru can get it, on the one hand, it will be conducive to the establishment of the Sound Ninja Village, and on the other hand, it will provide an important hiding place. .

He also knew the benefits of obtaining the Star Ninja Village, so after Orochimaru learned the news about the removal of the Star Ninja Village, he put down what he was doing and went directly to the Star Ninja Village where the cross-country was located.

 When he arrived at the Star Ninja Village, Orochimaru saw Cross Country hesitating there.

 Thinking about what could make Cross Country hesitate in the Star Ninja Village, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue and took away the scroll that Cross Country wanted to destroy. Immediately, when Cross Country recognized Orochimaru's identity and his eyes slowly fell on Orochimaru, he saw Orochimaru returning the scroll to Cross Country without greed, and said with a smile:

"Off-road, what is sealed in this scroll..."

 "It should be the "star" of the Hoshi Ninja Village, right?"

 “That’s right, Lord Orochimaru.”

 He nodded, there was no need to hide it in front of Orochimaru, he just told the truth.

After getting a positive answer from Off-Road, Orochimaru's smile became a little brighter, and he continued to smile: "O-Cross, there is no need for us to be so alienated, so there is no need to call me "Sir" ", as if there is a superior-subordinate relationship between us. We all know very well that Konoha Village is now a shackles for us. Therefore, in order to prove that we intend to break the shackles, when no one is around, we press " Friends "It's better to get along like that."

"Now, I want to ask you, Mr. Cross Country..."

"Why do you want to destroy the "star" instead of using the "star" to practice? After all, the role of the "star" is well-known in the ninja world!"

"Because practicing with the "star" will have serious side effects, Orochimaru."

There is no need to call Orochimaru "sir", but Cross Country is secretly relieved.

 Actually, just like what Orochimaru said just now, he feels uncomfortable every time when he calls others "sir". People like the Fourth Hokage, Shikaku, and Ding Zao are better off. From the cross-country perspective, they are originally elders, so it doesn't matter if they are called "sir". But for people like the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo, every time he calls them "sir", Cross Country's inner thoughts collapse.

 Hence, Orochimaru is so considerate, so off-road is naturally willing to show more kindness.

Immediately, without telling the secret behind the "star", Cross Country casually made up a reason and said: "If there weren't a few fools in the Star Ninja Village who wanted to provoke me, in addition to the Peacock Magic, the Star Ninja There is nothing in the village that I am greedy for. Let's just say "star". Outsiders only know how to use it to quickly accumulate chakra."

"Who knows, every time you use the "star" to practice more deeply, the body of the person who uses it will leave hidden dangers. As the practice deepens, the hidden dangers will naturally become deeper and deeper. All the ninjas in the Star Ninja Village know this. It’s just that they can’t help but be tempted and indulge in the shortcuts of cultivation.”

"And now that I want to destroy the "star", I am actually afraid!"

“Orochimaru, think about it, who can resist the temptation to become stronger? Who can hold a treasure in his possession and not use it?”

"So, my only idea now is to destroy things like "Star"."

"Of course, if you want it, Orochimaru, I can leave it to you, so I can feel more at ease!"

 Having said that, Cross Country did not hesitate at all and threw the scroll that sealed the "star" directly to Orochimaru.

 It's just that Off-Road clearly understood that Orochimaru must have destroyed the scroll that sealed the "Star". The reason was that Off-Road's attitude towards handing over a treasure like the "Star" was a bit too casual!

If Cross Country was a little hesitant when handing over the "Star", then Orochimaru must have felt that what Cross Country said was false. The future task of studying the "Star" will naturally fall into Orochimaru's hands. . It's a pity that Cross Country has no greed for the "star" at all. Orochimaru must carefully consider what Cross Country said and think carefully about whether Cross Country has any unknown purpose in giving up the "star"!

 The saying that cleverness is always misled by cleverness may be talking about people like Orochimaru.

Since you are smart, you will have more doubts.

With too much suspicion, some lies will often turn out to be truth in the analysis of smart people.

 So, almost at the moment when he handed the "star" to Orochimaru while off-road, he only heard a "click".

Orochimaru crushed the scroll that sealed the "star" without any hesitation, causing the "star" to disappear from the world forever. After solving the problem of "Star", Cross Country was secretly relieved. Instead, Orochimaru, his eyes fell on the Star Ninja Village, and murmured: "What a good Ninja. The village, unfortunately, is nothing more than a bargaining chip in the face of real power.”

 “Let’s be direct, Mr. Cross Country, what are the things you want?”

 “Hurry up and make the transaction! After the transaction is over, I still have a lot of things to deal with!”

“Orochimaru, the reason why I like trading with you is because you are more cheerful.”

 Throwing a scroll to Orochimaru, Cross Country said: "The things above are what I need, take a look!"


The scroll thrown over the road was very ordinary, and Orochimaru could read the contents at will without even needing to remove the seal.

 However, the more he looked at what he wanted to achieve off-road, the deeper Orochimaru's brows furrowed.

Obviously, even if the target of the transaction was the Star Ninja Village, Orochimaru felt that Cross Country wanted too much, and immediately frowned and said: "King Cross Country, these precious medicinal materials you want can actually support a Star Ninja Village. The value is high. So take a look, can you reduce the amount of things you want later?”

"no problem."

Transactions naturally require bargaining, and Cross Country also never thought that Orochimaru could get so many valuable things out of a mere Star Ninja Village.

Because of this, Cross Country pondered for a moment, then took out the price in his mind and said: "I use these medicinal materials for healing, so I can't miss any of them. As for the rest of the conditions, Orochimaru, please borrow your experimental records, It is a necessary condition, and it is also necessary that I am injured and need your protection."

“The content of the transaction focuses on these three points. What do you think?”

 “Impossible, Mr. Cross Country.”

Orochimaru continued to bargain and said: "Cross Country Lord, how long do you think the matter of "Star" falling into your hands can be kept secret? Don't underestimate the intelligence systems of other ninja villages, and don't underestimate the attention of people who are interested. And "Star" is here Most ninjas regard it as very valuable. Now, only the two of us know the information about the destruction of the "Star", and no one else knows the news. "

 “Then you should know what situation you will face in the future?”

"What you are about to face is the assassination and pursuit by countless ninja villages in the ninja world!"


Saying that, Orochimaru paused for a moment and then said: "So, I can give you all those medicinal materials. For the remaining conditions, you can only choose to be protected by me or consult my experimental records. Secondly, Choose one. These are the prices I can offer. It’s up to you whether to trade, Mr. Cross Country!”


 Obviously, Cross Country never thought that the fact that he was pregnant with a "star" would actually turn into a troublesome matter.

 Because as Orochimaru said, the news that the "star" was destroyed was actually only known to him and Orochimaru. Moreover, even if the news of the destruction of the "star" spreads to the ninja world, some greedy people will often think that the news is false and is a "smoke bomb" released by cross-country.

Therefore, the situation that we will face in the future cross-country must be the pursuit of many ninja villages in the ninja world, for a "star", for the treasure of the former star ninja village!

But just when Orochimaru had a smile on his face, thinking that just because of the "star", he could win over the cross-country, suddenly the cross-country smiled slightly, and with just one sentence, Orochimaru no longer had any bargaining capital. .

 “Orochimaru, then I will choose your asylum!”

“Anyway, looking at the hidden dangers in your body now, your experimental records...”

  “There is no need to look it up!”

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