Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 430: mutually beneficial

 “Price increase?”

As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, then smiled in relief and said, "The price increase is understandable, Off-Road-kun, what price do you want?"

 “It’s very simple, just help me complete a forbidden technique!”

 “Forbidden magic? Interesting!”

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and nodded silently, obviously very satisfied with the off-road requirements.

Who didn’t know that Cross Country asked for a price increase because he understood Orochimaru’s character from the plot of the original novel?

Suppose that Off-Road directly chooses to help Orochimaru solve the problem of reincarnation, Orochimaru himself does not need to doubt it, and Kabuto Yakushi next to him must also doubt Off-Road. On the contrary, transaction, or mutual benefit, is a concept that both Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto can accept. After all, in their minds, there is no benefit that can be obtained for no reason in the world.

Since Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi have this idea, why don’t Cross Country cooperate and get more benefits from Orochimaru?

From the research on the secret techniques of the God of Wind and Thunder, Cross Country knows that he is still far from perfecting the body forging method of the Sharp Spear style. Compared with Orochimaru, if Off-Road had not been able to develop the secret techniques of Shadow Release with the help of the APP, the talent gap between the two in terms of "techniques" would have been limited to one in the sky and one on the ground. Describe it.

Now, with the help of Orochimaru, I can perfect the magical body-building function of the sharp gun style, and the off-road feeling is a very suitable price.

  followed by.

Realizing that Orochimaru wanted to see what the usefulness of the sharp gun style he had studied was, Cross Country hesitated for a moment, and then answered Orochimaru: "Orochimaru, in the battle at the Star Ninja Village, I was injured. The meridians inside can't be too burdened. So, I can't use my own body to demonstrate that "skill" for you. I wonder if you would like to give it up and let the little guy next to you demonstrate it for you? "

 “Don’t worry, I will keep a good balance.”

"He should…"

 “It won’t die!”

“I see, Kabuto, are you willing to give it a try?”

 Listening to Cross Country's answer, Orochimaru looked at Yakushi Kabuto.

 Yakushi Kabuto smiled hypocritically and replied directly: "Master Orochimaru, Master Cross Country, I am willing to serve you."

 “Okay, let’s begin!”

 In an instant, he went to Yakushi Kabuto's side.

Because I had seen Yakushi Kabuto's recovery ability in cross-country, I didn't mean to be polite at all. I put my right hand on Yakushi Kabuto's shoulder and directly used a simple version of the Sharp Spear Style!



 A blue light shone out, completely covering Yakushi Kabuto's body.

Although, Yakushi Kabuto could barely withstand the terrifying power of the sharp spear style by relying on his own relatively special body and the palm senjutsu that could only be used by advanced medical ninjas. However, as the off-road gradually increased the use of the power of the sharp spear style, Yakushi Kabuto couldn't help but tremble under the power of the sharp spear style, and soon fell into a coma.

 Fortunately, Cross Country had no intention of killing Yakushi Kabuto. Otherwise, with the power of the sharp gun flow, Cross Country would just have to put in a little more force to kill Yakushi Kabuto.

However, after Kabuto Yakushi fell into coma, it was Orochimaru's performance that chilled everyone in the cross-country.

  Yakushi Kabuto can be said to be one of Orochimaru's most important subordinates, right?

Whether it is in terms of research on various forbidden techniques or in terms of espionage, Yakushi Kabuto can be regarded as Orochimaru's right-hand man.

But seeing Kabuto Yakushi unconscious, Orochimaru's first thought was not to rescue Kabuto Yakushi, but to observe the wonderful use of the sharp gun style used in cross-country.

Under the slightly cold gaze of the cross country, Orochimaru checked Yakushi Kabuto's physical condition, then took out the secret medicine from the ninja bag and put it in Yakushi Kabuto's mouth. However, whether Yakushi Kabuto can really recover is obviously not Orochimaru's concern. What Orochimaru really cares about is still the sharp gun flow he used before going off-road!

  Or rather…

 The wonderful use of sharp gun flow!

"In just a few seconds, Kabuto's physical fitness improved by at least one-third. It's really an interesting "skill"!"

“Xiujiangjun, if I’m not wrong...”

“The secret wind escape technique you just used is somewhat similar to Raikage’s thunder escape secret technique, right?”

Listening to Orochimaru's question, Cross Country nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I just want to use Wind Release to complete the magical effect of Thunder Release to activate human cells, so I slowly explored and developed such a secret technique. . To be honest, Orochimaru, I needed so many human bodies for experiments before, and what I wanted to experiment with was this "technique". Unfortunately, it is still a bit inconvenient in Konoha Village, otherwise I would have lost my secret skill long ago. It’s done!”

 Speaking, Cross Country and Orochimaru sighed deeply at the same time, invisibly closing the distance between them again.

After sighing, Orochimaru first looked at the cross-country with sharp eyes for a while, and then said slowly: "Xi-cross-Kun, the "skill" you developed is already relatively complete, so if you want to improve it to perfection, you must at most It only takes a few months. But I want to know if you can solve my problem in just a few months."

“If I can, then I will naturally fully support the development of your secret technique.”

 “But if that’s not possible, I’m afraid…”

 There is no need for Orochimaru to continue talking. Off-road naturally understands the potential meaning of Orochimaru.

 It's a pity that Orochimaru doesn't understand the situation at all.

In the ninja world, if anyone can solve Orochimaru's problem, it must be the cross-country where the Yin escape brand is condensed for the second time!

So, just when Orochimaru expressed doubts, Cross Country, who closed his eyes, suddenly approached Orochimaru. Then, when Orochimaru was slightly surprised, Cross Country used the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand to slowly extend into Orochimaru's body.

 It was almost cross-country spiritual energy. The moment he stepped into Orochimaru's body, there was a "boom"!

 It’s not like using spiritual energy to be transported into other people’s bodies. What you see is the internal result of other people’s bodies.

 The off-road mental energy entered Orochimaru's body, and his target was the big white phosphorus snake!

 The Yin Escape brand formed by condensing Orochimaru's spiritual energy!

 White phosphorus snake!

 After discovering the location of the White Phosphorus Orochi, Cross Country then used his own Yin Escape Brand ability, which was the original mental talent of Uzumaki Kushina "No Phase".

 Slowly, the spiritual energy in Orochimaru's Yin Escape Brand was purified, and the impurities in Orochimaru's spiritual energy were slowly eliminated. Although the current Orochimaru has completed a reincarnation, which makes off-road people feel a little surprised, there is undoubtedly very little mixed spiritual energy left after a reincarnation.

In this way, it only took a few seconds for the cross-country to resolve that part of the mixed mental energy.

Immediately afterwards, when Off-Road opened his eyes again, Orochimaru was obviously looking at him in shock.

 Just after a long silence, that familiar smile appeared from the corner of Orochimaru's mouth again!

 “Hahaha, off-road gentleman, I really feel much more relaxed.”

 “It seems that cooperation between us…”

 “It’s really mutually beneficial!”

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