Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 434: Eight-sword style!

 The Eight-Tails Jinchūriki?

Who else could it be?

 It must be Kirabi who likes to rap in the original Naruto novel!

However, now that he was off-roading and within Orochimaru's sight, Kirabi was not as out-of-the-box as in the original Naruto novel. When he first appeared, Kirabi gave Yuki a severe blow. He used his jinchūriki power to condense the tentacles of the Eight-tailed Gyuuki, and instantly attacked in the direction of Yuki.

However, before Kirabi appeared, Cross Country had never expected the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki to come to join the battle.

However, with the "eye of the wind", he suddenly sensed the chakra fluctuation that contained the aura of the tailed beast. Although he was cautious, he quickly used the wind teleportation to avoid Kirabi's attack.

 However, just a second ago, when Cross Country had just dodged Kirabi's attack, he only felt a "bang" in his body!

Without any preparation, Cross Country suddenly used the Wind Blinking Body, and the rapidly flowing chakra seriously injured his fragile meridians. As mentioned before, not only did the injuries on the cross-country meridians not fully recover, but they became a bit more serious in the process of studying the sharp gun style.

  It was fine just now when fighting against ordinary Kumo ninjas, but now when fighting against Kirabi, the hidden dangers within the off-road body have become apparent.

The meridians in his body "clicked", and Yue Yue subconsciously thought that the meridians in his body were broken.

 Hurrying to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Dun Brand, he carefully checked the meridians in his body. When Cross Country discovered that the meridians in his body were only more damaged and not really broken, Cross Country, who was about to breathe a sigh of relief, used the "eye of the storm" to find that Kirabi was attacking again!

 “It is impossible to use the secret technique of Gale Wind Flow.”

“Even using the secret wind escape technique taught by Minato-sensei is a bit burdensome now!”

"Damn it, Orochimaru's information should be more accurate. Who would have thought that Kirabi actually participated in the war?"

"As the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, apart from Kirabi's out-of-the-box character, he is at least qualified to lead an army and open up a battlefield!"

“I didn’t expect that we would encounter such an opponent like this!”

 “My luck…”

 “That’s really bad!”

 Hand inwardly, Cross Country had no choice but to fight Kirabi.

 Because, he had prepared for a beheading operation during the previous cross-country trip, and he could be said to have broken into the crowd of Kumo ninja alone. It's okay now. There is Kirabi in front of us to contend with, and there are countless Kumo ninjas attacking from all around. We cannot use the secret technique of wind escape taught by the Fourth Hokage, and we cannot use the secret technique of the blast flow, which will put a burden on the meridians. To go off-road, we can only use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand and use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to fight.

 Looking back at Orochimaru, his mood was basically the same as that of Cross Country.

Originally, I thought that what was in front of me was just a mud ditch, and I could easily jump across it with just a slight jump.

Who would have thought that what was blocking them was a river!

With this slight jump, not only did he not jump over, but he jumped onto a lonely boat floating in the river. What a bad luck!

 Fortunately, after discovering that Cross Country was having a very difficult battle with Kirabi, Orochimaru was ready to go to support Cross Country. Moreover, when he went to support the cross-country, Orochimaru led the ANBU beside him and attacked directly in a crushing situation. In this way, the pressure on the rear of the cross-country was reduced a lot. Only Kirabi's It's so strong that it makes off-roading a bit of a headache.

  How powerful is Kirabi in the original Naruto novel?

There’s no need to say more, right?

 Speaking of Kirabi in the original Naruto novel, he is the only terrifying being who can easily turn into a tailed beast. His Tailed Beast Transformation is the third stage of Jinchūriki training. He transforms directly into the Eight-tailed Gyuuki. When facing ordinary enemies, he probably doesn't need to use all his strength. He only needs to transform into the Eight-tailed Gyuuki. It can scare the enemies in front of you to death!

 However, at the end of the Third War, Kirabi obviously did not have the strength as shown in the original Hokage.

 After all, Kirabi today is just a teenager at best, far less like the uncle in the original Naruto novel.

Relying on the "eye of the wind" insight of Off-Road, he discovered that Kirabi had just transformed into a tailed beast and used the eight-tailed bull ghost's tentacles to attack. Kirabi's state had been in an unstable state, which made Off-Road know that now Kirabi did not perfectly master the third stage of Jinchuuriki training like in the original book of Naruto.

I’m afraid, Kirabi’s previous use of tailed beast transformation to attack off-road was mainly to give off-road a show of strength!

 After giving Cross Country a show of strength, what Kirabi used to fight against Cross Country was not the power of the Jinchūriki, but Kirabi's Eight Sword Style!




At the beginning of the confrontation, Cross Country had to be wary of attacks from other Kumo ninjas on the one hand, and Kirabi's tailed beast transformation on the other. He was very careful to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Release brand to cast the secret technique of Shadow Release. . However, as the ANBU counterattack led by Orochimaru began, the pressure on the back of the cross-country gradually decreased. As a quasi-kage level strong cross-country, he was finally able to free up part of his strength and fight against Kirabi in front of him.

Who would have thought that just when Cross Country was about to liberate his strength and confront Qilabi, Qilabi held two long knives.

  followed by.

Attacks came like a torrential rain. Off-road controlled the shadows under his feet to block, which made him more and more surprised on the defensive end.

At that time, Off-Road suddenly discovered that Kirabi’s attack speed was even faster than his dodge speed when using the “acceleration” secret technique!

  That is to say, when Kirabi uses the double-knife flow, he can put pressure on the off-roader who uses the "acceleration" secret technique.

 What if Kirabi uses the Eight Sword Style directly?

Isn’t it that those who use the secret technique of "acceleration" to cross-country will be turned into a stopper by Kirabi every minute?

For a moment, I was very surprised that Rabbi's sword skills were so sharp. He used the "eye of the wind" to gain insight. Suddenly, he found a flaw in Rabbi's body. He immediately mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand. At this time, Cross Country was ready to use the shadow suture technique to teach Kirabi a lesson, letting him know that the famous shadow mage in the ninja world is not so easy to deal with.

 But just when there was a "bang" sound, Cross Country successfully cast the Shadow Suture Technique!


A ray of cold light suddenly appeared, cutting off the ejected shadow.

 Next second!

There were actually seven rays of cold light, flashing in the direction of cross-country at the same time!

Qilabi, who discovered that Off-Road was preparing to counterattack, broke out in an instant and used the terrifying sword skills of the Eight Sword Style, completely blocking off Off-Road's dodge space!

 “The Eight Sword Style is really interesting.”

“But with your eight-sword style, you can’t hurt me!”

 “Armor of Shadow!”

Seeing Kirabi burst out with eight-sword style swordsmanship, how could he not make any moves in the cross-country?

Also when the seven rays of cold light stabbed by Kirabi were about to fall on Cross Country, he suddenly mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to complete the use of the Shadow Armor. Cross Country was when the Shadow Armor was shattered. Directly blocking Kirabi's sword skills.

However, the advantage of using physical skills is that it only consumes physical strength and can be seamlessly penetrated when attacking.

So when Cross Country had just used the shattering of the Shadow Armor to gain a space to dodge, who would have thought that Kirabi's Eight Swordsmanship would attack again. However, when Kirabi attacked this time, not only did Cross Country show no sign of solemnity, but he actually had a faint smile on his face!

 “Shadow Imitation, success!”

 “Khilabi, you didn’t pay attention to your feet, you seem to have lost!”

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