Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 436: Strategies to cut off food

"Who are you…"

 “Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas?”

 There is no doubt that the name of Shadow Mage off-road cannot be compared with that of the famous Sannin.

 After all, the cross-country team with the title of Shadow Mage, no matter how outstanding its performance is, is just a rising star. On the other hand, the Sannin became famous during World War II. After many battles, they were strong men who stood proudly at the top of the ninja world. Therefore, when Orochimaru suddenly appeared behind Kirabi, the first thought that was as strong as Kirabi was not how to fight Orochimaru, but how to escape from the pursuit of the famous three ninjas in the ninja world. .

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

 Is it really out of pride that he was prepared to let Kirabi go before?

Is it really the pride of the shadow mage?

Of course it’s impossible. Talking about arrogance and pride with cross-country is simply nonsense.

  When Kirabi acted like an idiot and let Cross Country imprison him again with the secret technique of Shadow Escape, Cross Country's "eye of the wind" discovered Orochimaru's figure, which was already lurking around Orochimaru. Therefore, whether Cross Country uses the secret technique of Shadow Escape to imprison Kirabi, or does not use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to imprison Kirabi, it is a sure thing that Orochimaru can successfully capture Kirabi. In this way, off-roading can give Kirabi a good impression by using his own arrogance, so why not?

  followed by.

Just as he imagined, Orochimaru came in person, and Kirabi had no chance of escaping.

 When Orochimaru suddenly appeared behind Kirabi, Orochimaru used his signature ninjutsu, which was the latent snake hand that he had used in the cross-country.

 Suddenly, two venomous snakes intertwined with each other and attacked directly in front of Kirabi. There was absolutely no possibility of evasion, and Kirabi was restrained by Orochimaru's latent shadow snake. Moreover, just when Kirabi was about to explode and escape from the control of Orochimaru's latent shadow snake hand, the shadow under the off-road feet stretched out again, and soon connected to Kirabi's shadow, completing the The use of the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

 With Orochimaru, off-road, and two shadow-level experts working together to lay siege, it would be no difficulty to capture Kirabi.

In particular, Cross Country has mastered the inheritance of Uzumaki Kushina. When Kirabi was about to use the power of the Eight-tailed Gyuuki to break free from the shackles of him and Orochimaru, he mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand, and immediately heard "whoosh" The sounds of "swish" and "swish" were the Uzumaki clan's secret technique, King Kong Blockade, being released.

When a golden chain suddenly appeared behind the cross-country and wrapped tightly around Kirabi's body, the terrifying power of the eight-tailed bull ghost was suddenly suppressed, causing Kirabi to lose his last chance to escape!

 “Off-road gentleman, this is not...”

“Yes, this is the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan.”

Seeing himself using the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, Orochimaru looked surprised. He looked at Kirabi with a smile, and slowly explained to Orochimaru: "Orochimaru, don't forget that my teacher is the Fourth Hokage. Don't Forgot that my master is Kushina Uzumaki. As a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, how can my master Kushina be stingy about teaching the secrets of the Uzumaki clan? The Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki in front of us really picked the wrong enemy. Woolen cloth."

"If his enemy is someone else, I'm afraid it will take some means to limit his power."

"It's a pity that when he met me, the descendant of the Uzumaki clan, and you, the majestic Sannin, he had no choice but to capture him without mercy."

"dont you agree?"

 "The Jinchūriki of the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki of Kumo Ninja Village? Kirabi!"

 “ know me?”

 The identity of the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki was exposed, as Kirabi expected.

But Kirabi never expected that Cross Country actually knew his name, so there was a little bit of shock in his eyes.

Seeing the shock of Kirabi, Orochimaru also looked thoughtful. Cross Country sighed deeply and pretended to be helpless and said: "Khirabi, I just said that I am the Fourth Hokage. Disciple, don't you understand? Back then, my teacher, the Fourth Hokage, fought against you and the Raikage! Do you think that my teacher would not remind me as his disciple after he met a powerful enemy? So it seems normal that I know your name?"

 “Hmm! You have a point, you idiot, bastard!”

   Still answering the off-road words in a hip-hop way.

It's strange that even though Kirabi has been captured, he still looks calm, as if being captured by Orochimaru, Kirabi still has the confidence to escape.

Because of this, looking at Kirabi's calm look, Cross Country became secretly vigilant.

  Let’s talk about the result of this battle.

It can be said that after Orochimaru joined forces to capture Kirabi in the cross-country, the outcome of the battle is unquestionable. The Konoha ninja on the cross-country side must win. Moreover, because of the capture of Kirabi, the Konoha ninja force led by Orochimaru could be said to have achieved a complete victory, only allowing a few ninjas from the Kumo ninja force to escape.

And Kirabi also discovered that because of himself, the Yunren Village suffered heavy losses, only then did his eyes show regret. However, the look of regret did not stay in Kirabi's eyes for long. Listening to Off-Road and Orochimaru's conversation, Kirabi's pupils hidden under his sunglasses suddenly lit up!

 “Chief of Cross Country, not only did we win this time, but we also captured the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki of the Cloud Ninja Village. Do you have any idea of ​​how to formulate the subsequent strategy?”

 “Orochimaru, what do you mean...”

“Just as Cross Country-kun imagined, we can make good use of the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki’s identity.”

Licking the corner of his mouth, Orochimaru slowly explained the strategy behind it: "No matter how many plans the Raikage made, he couldn't imagine that the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki fell into our hands. So, Cross Country-kun, one of us All one has to do is disguise himself as the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, go to the location where the Cloud Ninjas store strategic supplies, and cut off their food supply, and Ding Zao's difficulties can be solved smoothly. "

"Of course, there are certain dangers in pretending to be the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki."

"Xiujiaojun, if you are not sure, how about leaving this problem to me to solve?"

 “Stop the food supply? It’s a good strategy, Orochimaru, we’ve thought of it together.”

 Looking cautiously at Kirabi next to him, it was undeniable that Orochimaru's strategy was the same as that of Cross Country.

 However, Orochimaru, as the commander-in-chief of a party, must not take risks with his own life. If Cross Country leaves the disguised infiltration task to Orochimaru, I'm afraid Orochimaru will at most just send ANBU to pretend to be Kirabi, and then the food-deprivation strategy will have a high chance of failure. On the contrary, it was Cross Country. As a quasi-kage-level expert, even if his identity was exposed, if he could sneak into the place where Yun Ninja stored strategic materials, Cross Country would be sure to cut off Yun Ninja's food supply.

 So, after arranging the place where Rabbi Chi was kept, Cross Country volunteered and prepared to disguise himself as Rabbi Chi and sneak into Yun Nin's camp.

Little did they know, just when Cross Country and Orochimaru felt that they had perfectly formulated a plan to cut off food, Kirabi, whom they imprisoned in the camp, had already used a tentacle of the Eight-tailed Gyuuki to become a prisoner instead of himself, and then quietly Returned to Yun Nin's camp!

 “Yo! You all underestimate me, but no one can underestimate me!”

 “The strategy of cutting off food is waiting to fail!”

 “You idiots, bastards!”

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