Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 438: Plan within plan


 “Has Xiaoba’s secret technique been discovered? You idiot, bastard, you lied!”

 The more calm the cross-country shows, the more panic Raikage, Kirabi and others will become, this is inevitable.

 Originally, Kirabi was very confident in the secret skills of the Eight-tailed Gypsy, thinking that Orochimaru and others would not be able to see through his secret skills when traveling off-road, so he informed the Raikage and arranged the current ambush plan. The success of the plan must be based on off-roading, and Orochimaru and others did not see through Kirabi's secret technique.

Now going off-road, since Orochimaru has figured out Kirabi’s secret technique, how can Kirabi not be nervous?

On the contrary, it was the Raikage next to Kirabi. He felt early that Orochimaru was not an easy character to deal with. He was prepared early and seemed slightly calmer than Kirabi.

 As for off-roading, how did he see through Kirabi’s secret skills?

 There are two reasons!

 The first reason, and also the most important reason, is that Cross Country understands every scene of the original plot and basically has all the information about Kirabi.

  I still remember the scene when Kirabi first appeared in the original plot.

At that time, Kirabi showed such strength that even a true shadow-level powerhouse could crush him at will. After all, the first battle between the two pillars of Uchiha who had just awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan was with Kirabi. Unfortunately, the result was somewhat unsatisfactory. The second pillar of Uchiha once again proved in front of Kirabi that he had to prepare for himself. With the "Long Aotian" attribute, he has never really defeated a strong enemy.

With the assistance of Koro, Suigetsu, and Jugo, the battle between the two Uchiha pillars and Kirabi can basically be regarded as the complete annihilation of the entire army. In that battle, the only thing that made the off-road feel a highlight was probably Kirabi's escape technique. At that time, Kirabi used the secret technique that he was preparing to use to escape from the golden cicada in front of Orochimaru in cross-country. He severely deceived the second pillar of Uchiha, and his so-called proud record instantly turned into a joke.

So, since Cross Country knows that Kirabi in the original plot has some kind of secret technique to escape, then when he and Orochimaru captured Kirabi, he found that Kirabi was so calm, how could he not Pay attention to Kirabi’s secret technique of golden cicada’s escape from its shell?

At this point, there is the second reason for off-roading to see through Kirabi’s secret technique, and that is the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan!

 Here, the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan that we are talking about is not the cross-country Kagura mind. Because the secret technique of the Eight-tailed Gyuuki is indeed very powerful. Even when Cross Country used Kagura's Heart Eye, he was eluded by the Secret Technique of the Eight-tailed Gyuuki. It's a pity that the Eight-tailed Gyuuki's secret technique concealed one of the Uzumaki clan's secret techniques, which was the Kagura Heart's Eye that Cross Country first used, but it failed to hide another Uzumaki clan secret technique that Cross Country mastered, which is the Yin Escape Brand. !

 At the beginning, Cross Country used Kagura's Heart Eyes to sense Kirabi's clone, and found nothing unusual. However, when Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to further perceive Kirabi's transformation in detail, Cross Country used the Yin Escape Brand to discover that he could not absorb the spiritual energy in Kirabi's body.

Then the result goes without words, there may only be two in front of us.

 The first one is that Kirabi's spiritual energy can crush the cross-country, which makes the "Northern Ming" ability of the cross-country Yin Escape brand ineffective.

 The second one is that there is a problem with the captive Kirabi in front of him.

  Today's spiritual energy cultivation can be said to be among the top few in the ninja world. You must not be stupid and feel that it is the first possibility. And when it was proved that the captive Kirabi in front of him was a clone, and knowing that Kirabi had used the golden cicada's plan to escape from his shell, Cross Country and Orochimaru once again discussed their previously formulated plan to cut off food, and soon Cross Country Listen to Orochimaru say:

 “Kikuchi-kun, since you know that the name of the eight-tailed jinchuriki we captured is Kirabi, do you know that Kirabi, the eight-tailed jinchuriki, is the younger brother of the Raikage?”


Off-road nodded and asked: "Orochimaru, Kirabi is Raikage's younger brother, does it matter?"

 “Thunder Shadow is a very powerful guy.”

Listening to Cross Country's rhetorical question, Orochimaru's eyes revealed a hint of reminiscence, and he slowly said in front of Cross Country: "Raikage, I, Jiraiya, and Tsunade are ninjas of the same generation. . In that era, the Raikage was the only one who could cause a little trouble to the three of us, and we could see how extraordinary the Raikage was. Since the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki we captured is the Raikage's younger brother, even if he is not a biological brother, He must have had a certain amount of wisdom under the influence of Raikage."

"So, Cross Country, when I was formulating a food-cutting strategy with you, I started discussing the strategy with you in detail without forcing the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki of the Cloud Ninja, in order to have the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki return to the Cloud Ninja's camp to report the news. . We are in the dark, and the enemy is in the dark. It is a bit difficult to solve Ding Zuo's problem. However, this time the plan we formulated can reverse the positions of both of us, so that we are in the dark and the enemy is in the dark, no matter what. Whether our strategy can be carried out smoothly..."

 “We can solve Dingzuo’s problem tonight.”

“Off-roader, do you understand?”

Orochimaru's words sounded thoughtful.

In an instant, he understood that Orochimaru was not as simple as he thought. Even if he had the same strength, Orochimaru's wisdom could not be ignored. Cross Country suddenly felt that he had underestimated the strong men in the world, and even underestimated those who relied on their strength. A guy who works hard and becomes the pinnacle of the ninja world step by step. While reflecting on it, Cross Country and Orochimaru began to work out every detail of the plan, striving to solve Ding Zuo's problems in one night.

Now, Cross Country came to Yun Nin's camp alone. It seemed that he was at the end of his battle, and was besieged by Raikage, Kirabi and others.

 In fact?

In fact, just when Cross Country was facing the Raikage, Kirabi and others alone, Orochimaru led Konoha's ninja troops and had already quietly invaded the Kumo ninja camp. Without the leadership of the Raikage, Kirabi and other Kage-level powerhouses, Orochimaru was just like the Raikage who brutally tortured Ding Zao's ninja troops before, and now he brutally tortured the Kumo ninja troops.

Soon, the sound of fighting outside reached the ears of Thunder Shadow and Kirabi and others, making Kirabi's face become even more ugly.

As for the change in Kirabi's expression, Cross Country saw it, and naturally sighed silently in his heart. Orochimaru's plan was indeed very effective.

But who would have thought that when the plan between him and Orochimaru was about to be completed smoothly from the perspective of the cross-country, suddenly Raikage's eyes were projected like a hawk, instantly making the cross-country feel like he was on pins and needles!

“Shadow Mage, it seems that you and Orochimaru still have a certain tacit understanding.”

“But if you think that you and Orochimaru’s strategy can defeat me, you are really fanciful!”

 “At least, when you think you’re winning…”

“As a Raikage, I can definitely deal with your Shadow Mage here first, right?”

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