Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 440: War Thunder Shadow (Part 2)

 How can a dead ANBU be mediocre if he can be an ANBU beside Raikage and participate in ambush cross-country?

So, despite the fact that Raikage's iron fist severely damaged the cross-country, the bones of the cross-country's right hand were filled with cracks. But when Cross Country used his shadow clone to suddenly kill a Cloud Ninja ANBU, the battle between Cross Country and Raikage was still a draw. If we really want to win, it must be Cross Country, or one of the Raikage. died.

  Just like what Raikage said before.

As long as it can kill off-road, Yunren Village will pay more, so what?

Today’s cross-country is only six years old!

At the age of six, he can enjoy the title of Shadow Mage in the ninja world. His cross-country future is much brighter than that of the Sannin, Konoha White Fang, the Fourth Hokage and other amazing talents!

 In this way, in the eyes of Raikage, off-road is a guy who must be eliminated. Even if half of the strength of the entire Kumo Ninja Village is lost, if the Cross Country can be eliminated, the Raikage will win. Therefore, if a Cloud Ninja Anbu who had just been killed by Cross Country with his shadow clone could assist the Raikage in killing Cross Country, his death would definitely be valuable.

 It’s a pity that Cross Country never thought that he would die in the hands of Raikage.

 Hence, the death of that Cloud Ninja Anbu was considered a gain in Cross Country.

But just when the corner of the cross country's mouth raised a faint smile, and with the death of a cloud ninja ANBU, the light of hope was already shining on the road to break out, a thunder shadow suddenly attacked, causing the corner of the cross country's mouth to raise. The smile disappeared instantly. Immediately afterwards, one of the Raikage's right-hand assistants commanded the surrounding Kumo ninja Anbu to set up a barrier at the moment when the Raikage attacked cross-country!

that person…

 It is indeed Toshiro!

 When Orochimaru came to seek cooperation, Toshiro let go once!

“The Shadow Mage cannot be the opponent of Raikage-sama. As long as the Shadow Mage is trapped, Raikage-sama will be able to solve the battle quickly!”

 “All ANBU listen to the order and use enchantment to trap the Shadow Mage!”

 “Make the seal now!”

 “Yes, Toshiro-sama!”

Almost at the moment Toshiro gave the order, all the Kumo ninja ANBU began to form seals with their hands under the command of Toshiro. Obviously, the situation at this time is very unfavorable for the cross-country. If the Kumo ninja ANBU can complete the use of the barrier technique under the command of Tochiyo, then the cross-country wants to escape from the hands of the Raikage. It must be impossible at all.

What's more, off-road is very aware of the strength gap between him and Raikage?

 At this moment, regardless of the first round of the confrontation between Cross Country and Raikage, it ended in a draw. But he knew it very well in his heart. Let's not talk about whether Raikage showed his true strength for the time being. Let's talk about who is stronger and weaker between him and Raikage. You can see it very clearly in the previous round of confrontation.

Whether it is combat experience, combat awareness, or comparison of strength in all aspects, today's Raikage can crush the cross-country fiercely, so that as a quasi-kage level cross-country, there is no hope of winning in front of the Raikage. not see. Such strength must be very rare among true shadow-level experts.

 According to cross-country analysis, I am afraid that the Third Hokage at his peak and the Six Paths Payne in the original Hokage were as terrifying as the Raikage in front of him!

 What they possess is the more transcendent strength among shadow-level powerhouses!

 Off-road refers to the strong men in this realm as the peak shadow level strong men!

As the name suggests, it is the pinnacle of shadow-level powerhouses, far beyond the existence of ordinary shadow-level powerhouses!

Of course, there is probably a higher level than the peak Kage-level powerhouse, and that is the level of strength of the BOSS Madara, the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, who is hidden behind the scenes of the Mist Ninja Village.

However, judging from the situation in the original Naruto novel, the terrifying realm of Madara and the first Hokage is far beyond what today's off-roaders can understand. In fact, just talking about the Raikage, the strength of the peak Kage-level powerhouse of the Third Hokage in his peak period shocked the cross country very much at this time. It can be said that he understood in an instant that a quasi-kage-level strongman could only make a huge reputation in the ninja world. Only a peak kage-level strongman could truly be proud of the pinnacle of the ninja world!

 The book returns to the main story.

  Let’s talk about the battle between off-road and Raikage.

 Discovering that Toshiro had ordered the Kumo ninja ANBU to use a barrier to trap him, Cross Country no longer cared about the damage to his meridians, so he directly used the Wind Shuttle Body.


 The figure disappeared.

 When Cross Country appeared again, he suddenly arrived in front of Tudai.

 Killing a Toyo seems to be a relatively simple matter in cross-country, at least it is much easier than fighting the Raikage.

Who would have thought that the moment he came to Toshiro after using the Wind Blink in the cross-country, a smile of success appeared on Toshiro's face, and then there was a "swish" sound. !

Thunder Shadow's muscular figure is once again in front of a cross-country!

 “You have no chance, Shadow Mage!”


The cold voice came. Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to quickly condense into a three-sided shadow shield, which could barely defend against the Thunder Shadow's iron fist.

  It's a pity that it is no longer important to defend against Raikage's iron fist.

 Because, when Cross Country used the Shadow Shield to defend Raikage's iron fist, under Toshiro's arrangement, the barrier of the Kumo ninja ANBU had already been condensed!

It was a thunder escape barrier, which Cross Country had seen before when fighting Yun Ninja.

However, the thunder escape barrier used by eight cloud ninja Anbu was undoubtedly much stronger than what Cross Country had seen before. Only by exploding all the chakra and using the sharp spear style, can Cross Country have the confidence to break through the barrier. But when cross country really explodes all the chakra and uses the sharp spear style, what will happen to the Raikage in front of him?

 Lose all the chakra, and going off-road means losing the speed you need to survive.

 At that time, wouldn’t the Raikage still be able to capture the off-road, or even kill the off-road?

 The situation in front of us suddenly became full of crisis.

 In the barrier, what Cross Country wants to think about is not how to solve those crises, but how to solve the immediate crisis.

 The barrier was condensed, and the happiest person was none other than Raikage.

 In fact, in his heart, even the Raikage had to admit that Cross Country really inherited the mantle of the Fourth Hokage and could compete with the Fourth Hokage and his Raikage in terms of speed. Therefore, when Raikage thought about it honestly, he felt that it was not as easy as he imagined to kill off-road.

Now, since Tudai used the barrier to trap the off-road, he is sure to kill the off-road in a very short time.

 It only takes three punches…

 No, just one punch is enough!

The Raikage is sure to kill off-road in an instant at the moment of the surprise attack. This is the gap between the peak shadow level powerhouse and the quasi-shadow level powerhouse!

 However, when the Raikage attacked confidently and was about to kill the off-roader with his iron fist, a sudden change occurred!

 Suddenly, a confident smile appeared on the corner of Zixuo's mouth again!

Moreover, just when Cross Country raised that confident smile, countless black shadows first enveloped Raikage's body!

 Follow up!

Another countless black shadows suddenly enveloped the nine Kumo ninjas outside, including Toshiro!

 “Thunder Shadow…”

 “You’ve fallen into the trap again!”

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