Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 449: Defeat of the Raikage



If the cross-country can defeat Yukito in an instant was something the Raikage never expected, then the appearance of the last of the three ninjas, Princess Tsunade-hime, was something the Raikage never expected. Something happened!

Why is Tsunade-hime here?

Didn’t she leave the Leaf Village?

  Why can you appear on the battlefield where Konoha and Kumo ninja are fighting?

Then let’s start with Orochimaru’s trump cards, or Orochimaru’s four trump cards!

 What is Orochimaru's first trump card? There is no doubt that it is off-roading!

When he was in Tian Country, Off-road was always by Orochimaru's side, and he was the only shadow-level powerhouse Orochimaru could call upon. After all, Cross-Country and Orochimaru have a "cooperative" relationship, and Cross-Country can silently destroy an Oto Ninja Village when he goes to the Bear Country alone. Orochimaru will know that Cross-Country has the strength to rival the Sannin, or Said to be the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse.

Under such circumstances, if Orochimaru faces any difficulties, it is undoubtedly the most correct choice to find the first person in cross-country to take action. This is also true. In this confrontation with Raikage, Kirabi, and Yumu Ren, the position of cross-country is crucial. Even though Cross Country seems to be a supporting player in this battle, in fact, without Cross Country coming, even if Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade Hime, and the Sannin gather together again, they want to give Raikage and Kirabi , there are still some minor problems caused by Mu Ren and others.

Orochimaru's second trump card, needless to say, is that he controlled Toshiro early on.

Using the Raikage's cronies to conduct an ambush was something Orochimaru had planned for a long time. Facts have proved that Toshiro did a very good job. Without his fatal blow, the off-road sharp spear might not have been able to go smoothly. Breaking through the Raikage's defense and severely damaging the Raikage, Tsunade Hime's punch landed on the Raikage's chest without any hindrance.

As for Orochimaru's other two trump cards, they are Jiraiya and Tsunade Hime among the three ninjas.

  Jiraiya's problem is easier to say. Whether it is the secret liaison between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru can actually easily invite Jiraiya. On the contrary, it was Tsunade Hime. As she was wandering in the ninja world, she actually no longer paid much attention to the affairs of Konoha Village. It was actually just a coincidence that Orochimaru was able to invite Tsunade Hime here this time.

The coincidence is that Tsunade-hime happened to return to Konoha Village, preparing to pick up Shizune, and officially embarked on the journey of wandering ninjas, not paying attention to the affairs of Konoha Village.

Just when returning to Konoha Village, looking at Tsunade-hime who wanted to leave, the Third Hokage put forward a condition, that is, he wanted Tsunade-hime to go to support Orochimaru.

 Obviously, after Tsunade-hime heard the request of the Third Hokage, her first thought was to refuse.

In any case, the Senju clan, Suan's death, and the tragic death of the rope tree are all the knots in Tsunade-hime's heart. At this time, she just returned to Konoha Village and found that the Third Hokage had no intention of saving her, and there was no comfort at all. On his own terms, he was asked to go directly to support Orochimaru. How could the grumpy Tsunade-hime agree to the Third Hokage's request?

 However, the Third Hokage has a trump card in his hand, and that is Shizune!

 So, the Third Hokage used Shizune to threaten Tsunade-hime and asked her to go and support Orochimaru. Because of Shizune's incident, Tsunade-hime seemed to have gone to this battlefield to support her, but in fact, her heart was still filled with anger and resentment. It is estimated that the real break between the Third Hokage and Tsunade Hime will be when the Third Hokage used Shizune to "invite" Tsunade Hime!

Because of this, Tsunade-hime's eyes were full of anger the moment she appeared next to Raikage.

Since her anger cannot be directed at others, Tsunade-hime is ready to pour all her anger on Raikage!

 Punch out!


With the help of cross-country sharp spears to break through Raikage's thunder escape armor, Tsunade-hime's fist landed firmly on Raikage's chest, punching a deep hole in Raikage's chest. of depression. If we were to say that the only person in the ninja world who could suppress the Raikage in terms of physical skills, then it would be Tsunade Hime who possesses strange powers.

Among the Sannin, Tsunade-hime seems to be the weakest, but in fact Tsunade-hime is a very important existence. Just like the cross-country in this battle, if there is no Tsunade-hime among the three ninjas, it is possible that the ninja world There is no longer any reputation as a Sannin.

 So, it was just a punch.

Tsunade Hime's furious punch knocked the Raikage out of combat.

When Kirabi next to him saw that the situation was not good, he went to support Raikage to prevent Raikage from being seriously injured in this battle. It's a pity that both Kirabi and Raikage have forgotten that one person can perfectly restrain Kirabi. That person is the cross-country who played an important role in the previous round that severely damaged Raikage!

  Seeing Kirabi wanting to go to support Raikage, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Cross Country's lips.

“The Yumu people were defeated, and Kirabi actually wanted to go to support Raikage. Doesn’t he know that he can’t protect himself?”

“Okay, let’s use this battle to establish the victory of Konoha Village!”

"With the Jinchūriki of the Two-Tailed Mata Brigade and the Jinchūriki of the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki as prisoners, plus the Raikage's serious injury or tragic death as a bargaining chip, Kumo Ninja Village..."

 “It will definitely fail!”

 “King Kong Blockade!”




In an instant, the golden chains stretched out under the condensation of the spiritual energy in the off-road Yin Escape brand. In just the blink of an eye, they were tightly wrapped around the bodies of Yumu Ren and Kirabi.

 The Yumu people completely lost their ability to fight due to the heavy damage they suffered off-road. Therefore, when the cross-country King Kong blockade fell on Yumuren's body, Yumuren had no ability to resist at all, and became his first prisoner under the constraints of cross-country. On the contrary, it was Kirabi. The injuries he suffered before were basically healed by the chakra of the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki. At this time, Cross Country used King Kong Blockade on him, and Kirabi undoubtedly had the ability to resist.

 Unfortunately, Jiraiya and Orochimaru stared at Kirabi with eager eyes.

Just when Kirabi was about to break away from the cross-country King Kong blockade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru worked together and directly suppressed the flames that Kirabi wanted to fight back.

 There is no need to say more about what happens next.

 Chilabi and Yumuren were restricted by the King Kong blockade and became prisoners of the cross-country.

With Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade Hime, and the three dignified ninjas joining forces, even if the enemy in front of them is not the Raikage, but the Six Paths Payne in the original Naruto story, they will surely be hated by the cooperation of the three ninjas. Defeat!

What's more, the Raikage is far less powerful than the Six Paths Pain controlled by Nagato in the original Naruto novel?

 So, in the next three rounds of the battle, the three ninjas worked together to continuously suppress the Raikage. The powerful Raikage had to face a disastrous defeat.

 But just when Cross Country was thinking that the Raikage's fiasco was settled and the battle was over...

 An inconspicuous little person suddenly added a little bit of excitement to this battle that determined the outcome!


 Huge waves are rolling in!

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