Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 452: Fight to the death (medium)

 Completely transformed into a tailed beast!

  When Jiraiya was about to pursue the Raikage, Kirabi actually used the full tailed beast transformation under the influence of the will to fight to the death!

 What a terrible thing that is!

There is no doubt that if Kirabi is just a tailed beast in his ordinary form, then Cross Country can still restrict Kirabi's actions with the help of the Uzumaki clan's secretary and the abundant spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand. A little rescue of Jiraiya. However, after Kirabi fully transformed into a tailed beast, with the current state of the cross-country, it was no longer possible to use the secret technique of shadow escape to restrict Kirabi's movements. After all, the tailed beast was so huge beside him. If Cross Country wants to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to restrict it, it must take a certain amount of energy!

What's more, in order to make his complete tailed beast transformation smooth, Kirabi gave up his own consciousness to the control of the eight-tailed ogre!

 What impact can such a subtle change have?

To put it simply, after Kirabi gave his body to the eight-tailed ogre to control, Kirabi, who completely transformed into a tailed beast, became a real eight-tailed ogre. As long as the Eight-tailed Gyuuki is given time to get familiar with his body, the enemies in front of Cross Country, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade-hime will become the Eight-tailed Gyuuki at his peak, which is no longer an enemy that can be easily dealt with.


Let’s not talk about the disadvantages of Kirabi giving his own consciousness to the control of the eight-tailed bull ghost.

 Just say that Kirabi has completely transformed into a tailed beast, and the impact on himself will be very serious.

 Failed to complete the training of jinchūriki, in fact, every time Kirabi used tailed beast transformation, the physical backlash was a little serious. The complete transformation into a tailed beast is a terrifying secret technique that can only be used after the Jinchuuriki has reached the ultimate stage of training. Now that Kirabi has transformed into a fully tailed beast, his strength has indeed increased a lot. However, when Kirabi releases his complete tailed beast transformation, it will take at least several months for Kirabi to recover from the physical backlash.

 This is the first price Kirabi has to pay for rashly transforming into a fully tailed beast.

 The second price.

 Obviously, that is the price Kirabi paid for handing over his consciousness to the eight-tailed ogre!

  It is a very dangerous thing for the eight-tailed ox-demon's will to replace Kirabi. After all, Kirabi at this time gave his body to the eight-tailed ogre. If the relationship between the eight-tailed ogre and Kirabi is not good, then the eight-tailed ogre has broken through the seal and only needs to be perfect. By suppressing Kirabi, the Eight-tailed Ox Demon can gradually drain Kirabi's spiritual energy. As time goes by, there is no such person as Kirabi in the world, there are only eight-tailed ogres who have escaped from trouble again.

However, Kirabi was able to let the Eight-tailed Ushio Demon control his body and completely replace his own consciousness. He obviously believed in the Eight-tailed Ushio Demon very much. so. Kirabi doesn't need to worry. Now that his body is under the control of the Eight-tailed Ushiki, the Eight-tailed Ushiki can completely get out of trouble. However, Kirabi has a very good relationship with the Eight-Tailed Ushiki. Without the risk of letting the Eight-tailed Ushiki escape completely, doesn't Kirabi need to pay other prices?


 That’s not the case at all!

It's still because Kirabi failed to complete all the jinchūriki training. Every time Kirabi gives his body to the Eight-tailed Gyuuki to control, the huge spiritual energy of the Eight-tailed Ushiki will impact Kirabi's body. Inflicting more horrific injuries than completely transforming into a tailed beast. This is the first price Kirabi has to pay for surrendering his will to the control of the eight-tailed ogre.

 What is the second price Kirabi has to pay for surrendering his will to the eight-tailed ogre?

 That’s spiritual energy!

 With the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki controlling the body, Kirabi's mental energy is being weakened every second and continues to decrease!

If the Eight-tailed Ushiki fails to grasp the time to transform into a tailed beast, or in other words, the time to control this body, then Kirabi will be completely depleted of mental energy without the need for the Eight-tailed Ushiki to take action himself. Yongyun disappeared into the ninja world!

 There were three total costs, two in physical terms and one in terms of mental energy. Kirabi completely ignored it.

 What he was doing was to keep Raikage alive.

 So, at the moment when the tailed beast is completely transformed, there is no need to use any secret techniques. The Eight-Tailed Ushio Demon controls his body and presses on Jiraiya, and the sound of "click" and "click" sounds.

 Obviously, the careless Jiraiya was seriously injured by the body of the eight-tailed ogre.

Fortunately, Tsunade-hime is in this battlefield, so as long as Jiraiya doesn't die instantly, Tsunade-hime basically has the ability to heal Jiraiya's injuries. However, the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki appeared and seriously injured Jiraiya. On the one hand, Tsunade-hime had to treat Jiraiya's injuries, and on the other hand, she had to beware of Yukito's sneak attack. This meant that the cross-country side lost two strong Kage-level warriors. Or, as for cross-country, the enemy Orochimaru has to face is the Kirabi who has completely transformed into a tailed beast, or the eight-tailed ogre in front of him.

 Taking a deep breath, having to fight the eight-tailed ox-ghost was something that Cross Country had never expected.

 But the appearance of the eight-tailed ox-ghost made Cross Country a little happy.

Especially in the subsequent exchange of glances with Orochimaru, when he clearly saw the hidden meaning in Orochimaru's snake eyes, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Zi Xuejie's mouth.

"Jiraiya, didn't you blame me just now? Now the Raikage's escape is your fault. After Tsunade-hime treats your injuries, are you going to commit suicide to apologize? Or are you going to shirk all the blame? What about me?"

 “As for Kirabi…”

 “His complete tailed beast transformation, not only for me, but also for Orochimaru, is a good excuse for the Kumo ninja to ensure his strength.”

“Then Orochimaru and I should take it easy in the fight with Kirabi!”

"Anyway, judging from my current state, it is already impossible to solve Kirabi!"


 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”


In Kirabi's desperate battle, Cross Country used the Shadow Realm Descending in the secret technique of Shadow Escape without any hesitation. It seemed that he was preparing to fight the eight-tailed ox-ghost with all his strength, but in fact, Cross Country had already let his guard down. The best way to deal with tailed beasts is not to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Release Brand to cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape, but to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Release Brand to use the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan.

 Now, how many seconds can the Shadow Realm Advent, which is used off-road, be able to restrain the eight-tailed ox-ghost?

 The answer is three seconds!

 In those three seconds, Orochimaru went to attack the Eight-tailed Gyuuki, but he was basically blocked by the Eight-tailed Gyuuki's strong skin. Three seconds later, when the Eight-tailed Gyuuki broke through the shadow world and arrived, Yuuki and Orochimaru fought with the Eight-tailed Ushiuki. The battle also seemed tense, but in fact, it was cross-country. Orochimaru never gave the Eight-tailed Ushiki anything. Ghosts cause too much damage.

 In the case of the two of them, as long as Kirabi is not an idiot, he has the possibility of escaping.

However, Kirabi may not be an idiot, and the Eight-Tailed Ox Demon is even less likely to be an idiot. Among the strong men present, there is one guy who is an idiot.

So, just when the cross-country and Orochimaru were in the water, and Kirabi was about to have a chance to escape, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound.

  Yukito sacrificed his life and started fighting to the death. In an instant, Orochimaru and Orochimaru were let go, and there was no chance of letting him go!

 “Shadow Mage, Orochimaru!”

 “Today I am here to say goodbye, so don’t say anything…”

 “I want one of you to be buried with me!”

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