Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 47: Shadow Killer

 Hidden a hundred meters away, my heart goes cold when going off-road!

In the battle group, except for Kakashi who still has the ability to fight, the others like Akai, Mizuchi, Iwashi, and Shiranui Genma are all struggling to support themselves in the battle group. He was seriously injured, not only unable to help Kakashi, but also completely reduced to a burden, dragging down Kakashi's ability to break out.

 On the contrary, it was the Mist ninja in the battle group. Only four Chuunin died in the battle and one Jonin was injured.

The remaining two Mist ninja jonins, three Mist ninja chunin, and three Mist ninja genin surrounded Kakashi and others in the center. It was like a cat and mouse, staring at Kakashi and others with playful eyes, waiting for Kakashi and others to collapse on their own, reducing the casualties and losses of the Mist Ninja side.

 Obviously, it was Kakashi’s terrifying record of instantly killing four Mist Ninja Chunins that made these ambush Mist Ninjas cautious.

But when observing from a distance, Cross Country became even more confused when he discovered that the four Mist Ninja Chunin who fell in a pool of blood had all died at the hands of Kakashi.

Especially when his eyes fell on Akai, Shiranui Genma, Ashirai and others, and found that all of them were seriously injured, but the signs of battle on their bodies were not obvious at all, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly thought:

"what's going on?"

“Akai, Xuanjian, Leitong and the others seemed not to have participated in the battle. Why were they injured like that?”

“Did those mist ninjas formulate another sneak attack plan during the ambush to make Akai lose his fighting power first?”

“Could it be that Akai is the breakthrough point for the Mist Ninjas and others?”

Recalling the scenes before leaving, Shijie couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that the breakthrough point for the Mist Ninja was probably Akai.

After all, before Cross Country left, because Anbu's philosophy was different from Akai's, Akai became a time bomb, always threatening the safety of the Anbu team where Cross Country was located.

However, no one knew at that time that the bandits they went to deal with were actually mist ninjas who had sneaked into the Kingdom of Fire. Therefore, even when they were leaving cross-country, Akai lost his temper again, and Shiranui Genma and the others didn't take it to heart, especially when they saw that Kakashi had no intention of comforting Akai, and they were sure of the same thing. I no longer have the obligation to teach Akai.

Among this ANBU team, perhaps only Cross Country warned Akai with practical actions before leaving!

 Unfortunately, the off-road approach is a bit extreme.

 So not only did he fail to comfort Akai, but he actually made Akai become extreme!

 “Refugee? Refugee!”

 “What’s wrong with the refugees? Are the refugees not human beings?”

“How come after leaving the village, not only did Kakashi change, but also the cross-country changed?”

“I don’t believe it! Just a few refugees can threaten our lives? Is it wrong to just save a few refugees?!”

With extreme thoughts, while Kakashi and the others were waiting to return from the cross-country trip, Akai acted alone again.

 “Captain, do you want to stop the turtle?”

Seeing Akai suddenly leave the team, Deiwashi, a perceptive ninja, frowned and asked Kakashi.

 “No need, just give him a lesson.”

With an indifferent reply, Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Deiwahi, "Are you sure there are only four chunin?"


"That's no problem! Humph, it's just four chunin, what kind of waves can they cause?"

 In the ANBU team where Cross Country is located, Iwahi is the perceptive ninja, which is equivalent to the eyes of Cross Country's ANBU team.

 So, after getting a positive answer from Deiwahi, Kakashi didn't think much and waited for the few "refugees" Akai met to take the bait!

There is no doubt that the few "refugees" Akai saved again were disguised as Mist Ninjas.

Under normal circumstances, it should be very easy for Akai to discover that those refugees were disguised as mist ninjas. After all, during the communication between Cross Country and Akai, Cross Country knew that Akai looked a little dull, but was actually a very careful and cautious person. Otherwise, how could Akai become a member of the Leaf Village in the original plot? A famous jounin?

  Unfortunately, under the impetus of extremes, Akai's reason gradually disappeared.

Almost as soon as he brought those refugees back and glanced at Kakashi and the others with disdain, Akai was about to tell Kakashi and the others with practical actions that rescuing the refugees could also complete the task, when suddenly "bang" With a sound, those "refugees" suddenly turned into fog ninjas, which instantly stunned Akai!


Akai was not the only one who was stunned, everyone such as Kakashi, Iwahi and others were also stunned!

 Because the moment the Mist Ninja appeared, Kakashi knew that there was an error in Deiwahi's information!

However, Kakashi can understand the mistake of Iwahi, because it is not the problem of Iwahi, but that there are also sentient ninjas in the team of mist ninjas!

Moreover, the Sentient Ninja of the Mist Ninja is also a Jonin!

Immediately afterwards, relying on the sensory shielding of the Mist Ninja Sensing Jōnin, Kakashi and others instantly entered into a bitter battle.

Especially after the two fog ninja jounin dressed as refugees appeared, Akai, Shiranui Genma and others did not even have time to defend, and they were seriously injured in an instant. Among them, the one who was most seriously injured was Akai. After all, he was the closest to the refugees before, and it was also the moment when he was most seriously injured at the end!

In the end, Kakashi was the only one in the ANBU team who turned the tide. He not only instantly killed four Mist Ninja Chunin, but also instantly injured the Mist Ninja Sensing Jōnin, and finally managed to stabilize the situation.

It’s just that being able to stabilize the situation is all Kakashi can do his best to achieve.

Now looking at the lineup of mist ninjas around him, even Kakashi felt a little chilled. When Akai next to him saw this, his eyes were full of regret. He lowered his head and said regretfully:

 “Kakashi, it’s all my fault, if it weren’t for me.”

"Shut up!"

Before Akai could finish speaking, Kakashi shouted loudly:

 “If you have the strength to finish speaking, you might as well think about how to escape! Idiot!”

“Hahahaha, you still want to escape?”

As soon as Kakashi's voice fell, Akai shut up instantly, but what he expected in exchange was the ridicule of a Mist Ninja Jonin!

 “Do you really think you can escape?”

 “Or is your hope just the kid who left just now?”

“To put it bluntly, the situation that kid is facing is much more dangerous than yours!”

"One chuunin and three genin, which kid needs to face it alone? Do you think he still has hope of survival? You'd better wait until you go to **** to ask!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

 As he said that, the Mist ninja jonin laughed wildly again.

The sound of wild laughter made Akai regret his mistakes even more, and made Kakashi's heart sink to the bottom.

However, just as Kakashi sighed deeply, he held the kunai in his hand tightly, thinking that if he could kill one more Mist ninja, he would kill one more Mist ninja. In short, during the battle, he would never Maybe when abandoning a companion, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound!

Under Kakashi's slightly desperate eyes, a sudden black shadow suddenly appeared, which actually made Kakashi shocked, but at the same time, the hope of "survival" was ignited in his eyes!


 “You really didn’t disappoint me!”

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