Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 461: Fierce Battle with the Sannin (Part 2)

 “Unfinished “skill”? Interesting!”

 “It turns out that this “skill” has not been completed yet!”

Suddenly, Jiraiya first used the technique of bursting chakra, which was the prototype of the Wind Shunken created by the Fourth Hokage. He used the unfinished Otama Rasengan to attack and placed it on Jiraiya's side. The vowed attack was placed on Orochimaru's side, while he was silently paying attention to the upgraded version of Muji Ninjutsu developed by Jiraiya in cooperation with the Fourth Hokage.

But what about putting it at the second end and traveling one side?

 It regards the Otama Rasengan used by Jiraiya as a complete joke!

 That’s right.

 The Otama Rasengan used by Jiraiya is very powerful, but it lacks some stability. After all, in the familiar original plot of Cross Country, the Otama Rasengan used by Jiraiya was actually developed by Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto. Perhaps, Jiraiya has already created a prototype of the Otama Rasengan at this stage. However, due to the lack of a long period of research and development time, the Otama Rasengan used by Jiraiya is not very perfect. It can even be said that It's very rough.

Looking at cross-country, he took advantage of the APP’s ability early and personally developed the Dayama Rasengan!

Not only the Otama Rasengan, but also the Wind Release Rasenshuriken Technique, the ultimate form of the Rasengan, and off-roading are all in your own hands!

 So, when he saw Jiraiya attacking with the Otama Rasengan, Futatsuma didn't show any panic. After slowly dispelling the super-S-level secret art sharp gun flow of the gale flow, Erwei Mata Brigade felt bursts of pain coming from the body of the cross-country. It was that the meridians of the cross-country were already overwhelmed and were about to be further damaged. signs.

But it does not matter.

 Even if your body completely collapses during off-roading, what will happen?

 Er Wei brigade invades the body of the cross-country, on the one hand it is for fun, and on the other hand it is just to defeat the cross-country. It's just a human body, Erwei Youlu still doesn't take it seriously. It's also because of this, Erwei Youlu's purpose is to defeat the cross-country. It's best if the body of the cross-country completely collapses, and there is no possibility of recovery of the meridians in the body. , is what Erwei Mataita really hopes for.

 Let’s talk about the other side.

  Jiraiya used the Otama Rasengan to attack, what was the reaction of the Futama Brigade?

First of all, the sharp spear style was lifted, and the Futai Mata Brigade gave Jiraiya a certain amount of confidence, making him think that even Futai Mata Brigade himself could not continue to maintain the cross-country Hayate style super S-class secret art sharp spear style. Immediately afterwards, when Jiraiya was holding the Big Jade Rasengan in his hand and was about to attack Erwei Mataru severely, another faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. When the Dayama Rasengan was about to hit him, he suddenly mocked:

"Sannin, I have heard of such a name in Yukito's memory."

"Unfortunately, after fighting against you three ninjas, I found that the level of ninjas is indeed declining."

“The legendary Sannin is nothing more than that.”

"The name of the ninjutsu you are using now is the Otama Rasengan, right?"

“Then I’ll let you see how far your apprentice, the Fourth Hokage’s apprentice, Nara Kikuchi, has upgraded the Rasengan, and whether he has the power to crush your so-called Sannin!”




That's not the chakra of Erwei Mata, but the chakra of Cross Country itself.

In an instant, Erwei Matauri condensed the chakra in the off-road body, and completed the use of the Otama Rasengan in minutes. He controlled the Otama Rasengan in his palm, and collided with Jiraiya's Otama Rasengan.

 As a result, of course, no words are needed.

Jiraiya’s Otama Rasengan is at best a semi-finished product. How can it be compared with the perfect Otama Rasengan for off-road use?


Two Otama Rasengan collided together. Look at the Otama Rasengan in Erbi Mata's hand. It didn't even mean to be damaged at all. It just smashed Jiraiya's Otama Rasengan there. Moreover, when Jiraiya once again faced a disastrous defeat and flew out upside down, the mocking smile on the corner of Erbi Mata's mouth became even stronger!

 The sharp wind blade was constantly rotating in the Dayama Rasengan.

 When Jiraiya flew backwards, Futaba Mataru suddenly used the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken technique!

Throwing it in the direction of Jiraiya, the power of the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu completely exploded. As long as it collided with Jiraiya's body, Jiraiya would definitely die miserably in the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu. Under the endless power of the sword technique!

 Fortunately, Jiraiya still has a partner, and that person is Orochimaru.

 Finding that Jiraiya was likely to die tragically under the attack of the Erwei Mata Brigade, Orochimaru took a deep breath and suddenly formed a seal to block Jiraiya!

 “Threefold Rashomon!”




That is the secret technique of the First Hokage, and it is also a reduced version of the secret technique of the First Hokage.

 According to legend, the first Hokage's five-level Rashomon technique is one of the strongest defensive ninjutsu in the ninja world. Now, Orochimaru uses the triple Rashomon. Although it is a reduced version of the fifth Rashomon, in Orochimaru's feeling, the triple Rashomon wants to block the power of the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu. , it is still possible to happen.

It's a pity that Orochimaru overestimated the defensive capabilities of the Triple Rashomon, and even underestimated the offensive capabilities of the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu!

As soon as the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Technique collided with the first level of Rashomon, there was a "bang", causing the first level of Rashomon to directly hit there. The two Rashomon Gates at the back also failed to achieve the defensive effect. The brilliant light of the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu shone out, just like a bulldozer, forcibly destroying all three Rashomon Gates. Crushed there.


Orochimaru suddenly regretted it!

Seeing the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Technique still maintaining its power and attacking, Orochimaru felt regretful. If he had used the fifth level Rashomon, he would have been able to block the Wind Release and Spiral Hand of the Two-tailed Mataru. Uraken no Jutsu, just now it was really said that the triple Rashomon should not be used to defend against the attack of the Two-tailed Brigade.

 But what’s the use of regret?

Seeing that the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Technique was about to fall on him and Jiraiya, Orochimaru's snake eyes narrowed slightly, and he gritted his teeth. His heart was still filled with the friendship of his companions, so he had to use his body to protect Jiraiya. Thinking that he could use the reincarnation technique again to recover the injuries on his body, a look of relief suddenly appeared in Orochimaru's eyes.

 However, just when the fierce battle between the three ninjas was about to end, ending with the crushing defeat of Orochimaru and Jiraiya...


The Wind Release and Rasen Shuriken Jutsu that was originally aimed at Orochimaru and Jiraiya suddenly changed its direction!

On the other hand, Erweiyou Brigade, no, it should be said to be cross-country!

His pupils suddenly changed, one was still a beast pupil, and the other turned into a pitch black pupil!

 “Two tails are traveling again, you seem to be...”

 “You haven’t finished me yet!”

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