Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 50: Property testing

 Night, Hokage's office.

Although Cross Country performed perfectly during his first mission, he even took over the responsibilities of temporary captain from Kakashi.

 But whether in Konoha Village or ANBU, seniority is very important before you can show overwhelming strength. So when he entered the Hokage's office for the first time, Cross Country was still following Kakashi, and even Bizuchi, Dai Iwashi and others were lined up in front of Cross Country.

If the cross-country were replaced by members of the Uchiha clan or the Hyuga clan, then the conflict would intensify!


Why do we, members of Konoha's wealthy families, stand behind others?

Kakashi, get the **** out of here!

Of course, things like this are impossible to happen to off-roaders, especially after understanding the burden of the title of genius, off-roaders are even more prepared to hide their clumsiness.

The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.

At Hizashi's family banquet, Cross Country crushed the dignity of the Uchiha clan, and even defeated the Itachi God, which made me feel happy in my heart. But only the bitter cross-country can understand the subsequent troubles, so since then, cross-country has basically been unwilling to participate in anything that is in the limelight.

It’s a pity that with its excellent performance, off-road vehicles are always eye-catching like fireflies in the dark night sky.

Especially the "well-behaved" Kakashi, when he reported the mission execution process to the Fourth Hokage, the Fourth Hokage's eyes looked like a "monster", which made even Cross Country sigh!

“Sure enough, a man like me will always be the center of attention.”

 “The more this happens, the more we need to improve our strength!”

“Otherwise, one day when someone steps on me, I may lose my life!”

 Sighing secretly in his heart, he soon heard the silhouette of the Fourth Hokage echoing in his ears.

“Well, Kakashi, I understand everything you said.”

After listening to Kakashi telling the story of the mission, the Fourth Hokage first set his sights on Akai and said with a smile: "Akai, since you are not suitable for ANBU, then you can temporarily join my **** team. "

With that said, the Fourth Hokage raised that very comfortable smile again and continued: "And Genma, Vashi, Litong, you have been in ANBU for a long time, and you have almost honed your character. Now, let’s join my **** team with Akai!”

“Kakashi, for the time being, the only person left in your ANBU team is Cross Country.”

“Cross-country is your junior brother, take good care of him. If there are any difficult tasks in the future, the teacher will rely on you!”

 “Yes! The Fourth Hokage!”

Akai, Shiranui Genma and others were a little surprised that their performance in the mission was mediocre, but they were "promoted". It was inevitable that Xue Yu felt a little strange.

 However, because it was Akai and other companions, Cross Country was also happy for them from the bottom of his heart.

Soon after the Fourth Hokage's order, Cross Country and Kakashi's ANBU team had a new mission. It was nothing more than to start patrolling near Konoha Village to see if any other Mist ninjas had infiltrated into it.

 As for the mission of Akai and others, that is the envy of cross-country people!

 Because before the Fourth Hokage left the village, Akai and others' mission was to practice, which meant they had no mission!

This makes Cross Country, who is addicted to training, very uncomfortable. Unfortunately, he is the Fourth Hokage, and Cross Country is at best a soldier, without even the possibility of resistance.

 So, reluctantly accepting the mission of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country hurriedly said goodbye to Kakashi, Akai and others, and returned home to prepare for rest. Who would have thought, it has been a tiring day and all I miss is the big bed at home. As soon as I returned to the clan, I was summoned by my uncle Nara Shikaku.

“Cross-country, I heard that you performed very well on your first mission!”

 “Uncle Lujiu, have you heard everything?”

“Well, the information came to you just after you came back, but you performed very well cross-country, but you have to be smarter in the future, you know?”

 The first half of Shikaku's words let Cross Country know the Nara clan's concern, and he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

But what Shikaku said after that was about being drowsy off-road, because what Shikaku said was nothing more than some principles of hiding one's stupidity.

However, after Shikaku talked a lot, when Shijie spoke, he was finally a little surprised.

 Under the personal "teaching" of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country completed the Rasengan, as well as some subsequent advanced ninjutsu. It was a gap period in training and required the next stage of training.

In the cross-country plan, the next stage of training is, first, the secret technique training of the Fourth Hokage, and the second is the training of changing the nature of chakra.

 Before practicing chakra properties, it is very important to test the chakra properties.

How can you practice chakra properties change if you don’t even know your own chakra attributes?

 So, when Shikaku finished rambling, Shikaku asked Shikaku expectantly for something very precious like a chakra test strip!

  Why are chakra test strips so precious?

 Because let alone war, let alone peacetime in the original plot, not just anyone can take out something as expensive as a chakra test strip!

 Without family support and a certain reputation, chakra test strips are just something with a price but no market!

 So, when Cross Country started asking Shikaku for chakra test strips, he had the mentality of giving it a try. Who would have thought that when Cross Country's words just finished, Lu Jiu took out a chakra test paper without any hesitation, put it in Cross Country's hand, and said with a smile: "Qiao Cross Country, I've known you need this for a long time."

“Now, this is what Minato gave me before. Go back and test the properties of chakra!”

 “Uncle Lujiu, thank you very much!”

 I successfully obtained the chakra test strips, and I couldn’t be happier about the cross-country trip.

 Almost the moment he obtained the chakra test paper, Shikaku disappeared in a hurry from Shikaku's face, making Shikaku shake his head and laugh.

When I returned to the room and looked at the plain white paper, I was very nervous.

 Because the chakra attribute test seems to be quite fateful in cross-country!

 It seems that the attributes of chakra are wind, thunder, and fire. The attributes that help more obviously in offense can smoothly make up for some of the weaknesses of cross-country and further enhance the strength of cross-country. If the attributes of chakra were earth or water, the kind of chakra attributes that tend to be defensive, off-roading would feel like there was really no place for me to cry.

 Then, holding the chakra test strips, I prayed silently, hoping that the attributes of chakra would never be water or earth. Off-road controlled the little chakra remaining in the body and input it all into the chakra test strips. Immediately, when he opened his eyes a little nervously, and saw the changes on the chakra test paper, he finally breathed a sigh of relief!

 “Fortunately, really lucky!”

“Wind chakra? The prayer just now was indeed correct!”

 “Wait! Something seems wrong!”

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