Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 497: place of refuge

What can make the masked man stop is definitely not the desert, but the people!


 It is a creature that has the ability to turn this desert into a "domain".

Because, if Off-Road had no injuries to his meridians and could still use chakra, it would be just a desert. Even if Off-Road took refuge and infiltrated into it, it would be impossible for him to face a near-death situation. Even if you can use chakra off-road, you may not be an opponent of the masked man. In this case, the masked man stopped at the outskirts of the desert. He is definitely not afraid of the harsh environment of the desert, but is secretly wary of that guy in the desert. Got it!

  followed by.

 Understanding that it was no longer possible for him to sneak into the desert off-road, the masked man sighed deeply and quickly disappeared on the outskirts of the desert.

At this moment, if Off-Road could know that the pursuit of the masked man was over, then the first thing he would do would be to return from the desert to the border of the Kingdom of Wind. Because it only took two days to sneak into the desert to take refuge. Off-road, you will know the despair that ordinary people feel in the desert.

Being in the desert, the off-roading soon began to feel lonely. In front of you was the endless yellow sand. It was quiet, there was no wind, and there was only the scorching sun. Many times, I couldn't help but want to scream, but because of the vastness of the desert, there was not even a little echo in the end, which was really a bit maddening.

At this moment, Cross Country suddenly felt a little nostalgic that Erwei was traveling again.

  If Futao Mata Brigade had not died tragically due to the explosion of the power of the Nara Seal, maybe he would have had someone to chat with in the cross country.

However, if Erwei Mata Brigade really did not die tragically, but still "lives" in the Yin Eun brand of off-roading, then off-roading may become more and more troublesome!

 About three days later, all the resources were exhausted while traveling cross-country in the desert.

The water and food carried in the ninja bag were gone. As we walked all the way forward, even with Kagura's eyes open, we didn't see anything around that could provide food or water. Coupled with the mental and physical torture, every time I step forward on cross-country, I wonder, am I going to die in the desert?

 Are there any other Kage-level experts in the ninja world who were as helpless as themselves and died miserably in the desert?

 Finally, after enduring the hunger and thirst for two days, I half-knelt down in the desert.

 His knees fell on the hot yellow sand, his lips became chapped due to lack of water, and his face turned sallow due to the internal injuries in his body. If there is no more food and water, the off-roader will really become the first shadow-level strongman to die tragically in the desert, and become a shame and a joke to the entire ninja world.

 But sometimes, there really is no sure path.

Just when the cross-country vision began to dim, the sound of "hiss" and "hiss" suddenly came, making him see the hope of "survival"!

In the desert, the off-road posture is no longer half-kneeling, but lying flat in the desert.

Looking up at the blue sky, Xue Xue missed the men in black robes, the masked men, and the two strong men who had kidnapped him. He wondered if he could follow them back to their so-called destination, wouldn't he not have to suffer in the desert?

However, just when I felt a little regretful about the off-roading, a rattlesnake appeared along with the sound of "hiss" and "hiss"!

Off-road remained motionless, letting the rattlesnake crawl onto his body.

 When it climbed over the off-road neck, there was only a "click" sound!


Off-road, whose eyes turned red, suddenly bit the rattlesnake's seven inches.

 Between life and death, off-roading still chooses life!

So, I suppressed the feeling of nausea, sucked up the blood of the rattlesnake, and used a kunai to cut off the rattlesnake's head off-road. It was like eating the rattlesnake alive in the wilderness!

"Minato-sensei seemed to have told me some of his experiences in the desert. It seemed that it was during the war with the Sand Ninja Village, right?"

"Speaking of creatures like rattlesnakes, which are afraid of cold and heat, there must be rocks near the place where they live to keep cool, and there must be shrubs to keep warm. So, there is probably a water source nearby?"

 “It seems to be heaven.”

 “You’re not even going to let me die here!”

Huttered to himself, he managed to get up off-road. Sure enough, he followed the traces of rattlesnakes, found the bushes, dug out water, and survived again.

Then, when I found the second bush, I was lucky enough to find an oasis.

The food in the oasis is relatively abundant, including rattlesnakes, scorpions, vultures, lizards, and gerbils. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to eat these things off-road, but under special circumstances, these things are simply gifts from the gods. In addition, there is a small lake in the oasis, which improves a lot of plant food.

 So, off-road, we set up camp in the oasis, preparing to restore our strength first, and then find a way to leave this desert.

 In the past few days, there was a lack of water and food, and it was impossible to calm down even for practicing cross-country. Nowadays, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand is almost exhausted, and the physical injuries have stabilized. Unfortunately, because the meridians are completely shattered, cross-country cannot reshape the meridians, and can only think of practicing Yang Escape in the desert. The secret technique is about opening up the secret cultivation path of one's own body.

During the time of training in the desert, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was quickly restored with the cross-country training.

Coupled with sufficient food and water, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand has been restored. Looking at the scorching sun on the horizon, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the mouth, and the creature began to live in seclusion in the desert.

 However, people are always social animals. If you want a person to practice in the mountains for a few years and then return to the real world and become a master, basically it can only happen in novels.

Having lived here for just half a month, I feel like I am going crazy while traveling cross-country.

Even when he was practicing, the feeling of irritability filled Xue Xue's heart. He was really afraid that one day when he was practicing, he could not suppress the irritability in his heart and would die tragically in the desert due to "being possessed".

 In order to pass the boring time, Cross Country began to create shadow clones to communicate with himself.

 But the more this happens, the more annoying it becomes off-road.

  After all, communicating with yourself is also a very boring thing. Off-road, I have been thinking about raising rattlesnakes, lizards, vultures, gerbils and other creatures as pets to accompany me through this period of refuge.

However, even though life in the desert is very boring, today's off-roaders who turn to the secret art of escape are somewhat likely to suffer from mental illness. But even off-roaders have to admit that this desert is really a good refuge. It is impossible for an incompetent ninja to step into it. A capable ninja can step into it and search for himself in a short time. Traces of it are also impossible.

In this way, I first kept a rattlesnake as a pet, and then a vulture as a pet. I finally suppressed the restlessness in my heart and began to practice peacefully in this refuge. This kind of life soon lasted for half a year. After half a year, when Cross Country vaguely grasped the ability to absorb the original power of Erwei Mata, he thought that he would soon start to absorb the original power of Erwei Mata. Off-road was secretly relieved, thinking that his six months of hard training in the desert, or half a year of refuge, had yielded something.

Who would have thought that just a second before going off-road, he would begin to absorb the original power of Erwei Youlu and further enhance his Yin Escape brand cultivation attainments.

 One second later!

A figure in the desert suddenly attracted the attention of Cross Country!

"who is it?"

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