Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 504: double agent


“Lord Fugaku, isn’t it inappropriate to entrust Itachi with such an important task?”

Perhaps it was because of off-roading, or more likely because of the fate of the two. Just like the plot of the original work, there must be some involvement. Shisui, whose parents passed away as early as World War II, now regards Itachi as his own. My brother will take a look. Therefore, when I heard that Uchiha Fugaku wanted Itachi to join the ANBU, it was actually to place the Uchiha clan's thorn in the ANBU. Shisui's first thought was to refuse, otherwise he would not be able to join Uchiha Fugaku. This Uchiha The leader of the Bo clan had some objections.

 As for Uchiha Fugaku.

 Looking at Shisui's rebuttal from his father's perspective, he was happy.

 Due to the influence of off-roading, Itachi opened his eyes earlier than in the original plot, and naturally became the hope of the Uchiha clan. Although, in the battle with cross-country, Itachi's talent has always been suppressed by cross-country. However, how many people in the ninja world can compare with the Shadow Mage? With such a simple idea, Itachi's childhood was very miserable. He spent almost all of it under the personal training of Uchiha Fugaku. He did not suffer from mental illness because Itachi's ability was relatively high.

 So, thinking that he owed Itachi a perfect childhood, Uchiha Fugaku was filled with guilt.

Because of this, after listening to Shisui's rebuttal, Uchiha Fugaku almost changed the candidate to infiltrate ANBU.

 But don’t forget, Uchiha Fugaku is the leader of the Uchiha clan.

Thinking about the future of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku's expression gradually became serious. He snorted coldly and said to Shisui: "Shisui, I understand the feelings between you and Itachi, but you want to I miss your old teammate Cross Country. Nara Cross Country is just a member of the Nara clan. Now he has the title of Shadow Master in the ninja world. Even if Itachi is a little worse than Cross Country, he is still a member of my Uchiha clan. How can I do that? Are you always left behind by Nara Cross Country?”

“Now that Nara Cross Country is missing, we might as well cultivate another Nara Cross Country!”

"Kakashi who joined ANBU is dead, and you and Itachi both hope to take his place."

“So, I have already decided on Itachi joining the ANBU. Shisui, you don’t have to persuade me. Next, let’s think about how to get Itachi to join the ANBU!”

 “Yes, Lord Fugaku!”

Listening to Uchiha Fugaku's lecture, Shisui sighed helplessly, unable to help but miss cross-country.

 On the one hand, when he was with Cross Country, Shisui didn't have to think about so many things, and he could properly tell his secrets to Cross Country. On the other hand, Shisui was secretly thinking, if the cross-country is still in Konoha Village, is it not necessary for our future Itachi God to join the ANBU and fight for the glory of the Uchiha clan?

Missing off-roading so much, Shisui's eyes couldn't help but wander a little.

 And that dissociation, in the eyes of Uchiha Fugaku, represents lack of confidence.

 So, just when Shisui turned around silently and was about to get busy with the matter of Itachi joining the ANBU


Uchiha Fugaku's figure suddenly blocked Shisui!

 Follow up!

Just when Shisui looked very flustered, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly opened his Sharingan, and then three black magatama rotated in Uchiha Fugaku's red pupils. The next second, when Shisui was very curious as to why Uchiha Fugaku wanted to open the Sharingan in front of him, the three magatama in Uchiha Fugaku's red pupils slowly connected together!

That's it.

 The ultimate Sharingan that all Uchiha clan members dream of!

 Mangekyo Sharingan!

 “Lord Fugaku, you.”

As a member of the Uchiha clan and a close confidant of Uchiha Fugaku, how could Shisui not know the secret of the Mangekyou Sharingan?

For a long time, Shisui and Itachi were trained by Uchiha Fugaku, inheriting the hope of the Uchiha clan. In the eyes of countless clan members, they are existences that can awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, and can be like Madara and Izuna brothers. , an existence that can lead the Uchiha clan to glory again. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that Uchiha Fugaku, who had always placed hope on him, had actually mastered the ultimate secret of the Uchiha clan and had awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan. To say that Shisui was not shocked at all, that would be wrong. possible.

Who can imagine that in the original plot, Uchiha Fugaku, who has good tactics but has always been despised for his strength, is the owner of the Mangekyou Sharingan?

Even those who know the plot of the original novel may not know that Uchiha Fugaku during the Third World War was already the owner of the Mangekyou Sharingan!

 Speaking of which, most of the original plot that Cross Country knows is from the comics.

So after the completion of Naruto, Tsuyoshi didn't pay attention to the later works about Naruto. Naturally, he didn't know that in the subsequent works of the author of Naruto, there was the matter of Uchiha Fugaku awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan during the Third World War.

At this moment, Uchiha Fugaku showed his Mangekyō Sharingan in front of Shisui, with a confident smile on his lips.

  Patted Shisui's shoulder hard, Uchiha Fugaku didn't need to say anything more, a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan can represent the source of his ambition, and what it is.

Then, as they slowly left, the conversation between Uchiha Fugaku and Shisui had some unspoken meanings.

What Uchiha Fugaku never expected was that he showed the Mangekyou Sharingan, showed the source of his ambition, and showed his confidence, but in fact it did not bring much confidence to Shisui. On the complete contrary, Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan made Shisui even more frightened.

Immediately, when Uchiha Fugaku disappeared, Shisui appeared again, and he came to the Hokage's office!

  Just like the Weasel God in the original plot!

 In fact, Shisui is the first double agent among the Uchiha clan!

 A double agent who is loyal to the Uchiha clan and Uchiha Fugaku on one side, and loyal to the Leaf Village and the Third Hokage on the other!

 “Uchiha Fugaku, are you in a bad mood recently?”

 Hokage's office.

Seeing Shisui coming, the Third Hokage raised a faint smile on his lips and asked Shisui.

 On the contrary, it is water-stopping.

 As a double agent, he is very conflicted now.

Especially after Uchiha Fugaku showed his pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, Shisui became even more hesitant in front of the Third Hokage, instantly making the smiling face of the Third Hokage turn cold.

 “What, Shisui, have your beliefs changed?”

“You don’t want to fight for the village. Do you feel that since you are a member of the Uchiha clan, you have to fight for your own family?”

 “No, no, the Third Hokage, it’s just. Just”

Shaking his head vigorously, Shisui hesitated for a while and replied: "It's just that Lord Fugaku asked me to let Itachi join the ANBU, and I don't know how to report it!"

 “Itachi? Well, he is very talented.”

Recalling the face of God Itachi in his mind, the Third Hokage paused and said: "As long as the Uchiha clan can temporarily stabilize and give me some time to sign an agreement with the Raikage of Cloud Ninja Village, then Itachi will join the Anbu. Approved!"

As he said that, the Third Hokage remembered something again, and then ordered: "By the way, Danzo has always said that he admires you and wants you to do something for him, Shisui, what do you think?"

 “Let the Third Hokage do whatever you want!”

With his proud head lowered, Shisui acted like a loyal dog in front of the Third Hokage.

 The Third Hokage obviously wants a loyal dog, not a double agent.

So, he nodded with satisfaction at Shisui. After the Third Hokage finished speaking, Shisui, who was originally a double agent,

 He has turned into a triple agent!

"Danzo has been a little restless lately, Shisui, so you should go and "help" him."

“Remember, we need to collect all the information about Danzo. I feel he is the closest.”

 “It seems like we are getting a little close to Orochimaru!”

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