Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 512: Whose domain?

 “The God of the Wind?”

“It means that even if the meridians are exhausted and chakra cannot be used, the power of “Heavenly Jealousy” can still be released?”

 As soon as Ichibi Shukaku finished speaking, Cross Country finally understood what a temptation he couldn't refuse was.

There is no doubt that having all the meridians broken is something that Cross Country does not seem to be concerned about. In fact, if the meridians can be restored and the use of chakra can be restored, then Cross Country's current strength can still be improved to a higher level. It can be said that it is comparable to that of Konoha. The Third Hokage in the village, or the Raikage in the Kumo Ninja Village, are at odds with each other a bit.

 At this stage, the injuries to the meridians have undoubtedly affected his cross-country strength.

 So, even when he was preparing to enter Sand Ninja Village to take refuge, Cross Country was thinking about when to contact Tsunade-hime and have a good talk with Tsunade-hime about the secret technique of creation and regeneration. Nowadays, cross-country people never expected that Ichibi Shukaku actually mastered an alternative method to help cross-country improve their strength.

 That is to liberate the power of "Jealousy" without using chakra.

 For a moment, listening to Ichibi Shukaku's words, Cross Country was really tempted.

 The power of devouring the One-Tailed Shukaku can definitely be done in the future.

 But the opportunity to trade with Ichibi Shukaku may only be once!

  followed by.

With eyes full of fire, Cross Country took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and prepared to discuss the transaction with Ichibi Shukaku. I have already thought about going cross-country. This time, Ichibi Shukaku really hid in his Yin Escape brand, so let Ichibi Shukaku hide well. When Ichibi Shukaku regains some of his original strength and feels that he can be free, then Cross Country should give up the opportunity to devour Ichibi Shukaku and give Ichibi Shukaku freedom.

 However, from the conversation with the Erwei Mata Brigade, he knew that the tailed beasts were not easy to deal with. Therefore, if Ichibi Shukaku wants to make a good deal, he must first give Cross Country certain benefits. Immediately, in the process of negotiating the deal, Cross Country refused to give in, wanting Ichibi Shukaku to hand over the method to release the power of "Tianjealous" without using chakra.

 As for the one-tailed Shukaku?

 It naturally doesn’t trust humans!

Because of this, the negotiations between Cross Country and Ichibi Shukaku soon reached a deadlock.

In the end, Cross Country needs the one Shukaku Ichibi holds more, a method that can liberate the power of "Tianjealous" without chakra. Then he took a deep breath, and Cross Country said: "Shukaku, if we don't give in. , our negotiation may not be able to proceed. Think about the taste of freedom! Think about how shameful it is to be trapped in a human body! If I were you, as long as I saw the opportunity to be free, I can agree to any conditions.”

“Now, the opportunity for freedom is right in front of you, why do you still need to hesitate?”

 “The worst case is this, let’s all take a step back!”

As he spoke, Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Ichibi Shukaku's expression, and then said: "Teach me half of your secret technique first, and then leave the rest to me when you are truly free. You see How about it? This is my last concession. If you are not willing to carry out such a transaction, then I have nothing to say!"


 “Just fight in the spiritual space of sharing blessings!”


Listening to Off-Road’s words, Ichibi Shukaku’s reaction was completely different from what Off-Road had imagined. Without any intention of thinking at all, he retorted:

“Nara Cross Country, do you think you have the possibility to beat me in the spiritual space of Fenfu?”

"What do you mean?"

 After Ichibi Shukaku finished speaking, his narrowed eyes were full of disappointment.

Obviously, if Ichibi Shukaku has a little bit of hesitation, or has a little bit of consideration, then Off-Road can be sure that what Ichibi Shukaku said before is true, and it really wants to be with him. Negotiable. On the contrary, it is like this now. Ichibi Shukaku did not think or hesitate, but directly asked whether Cross-country could defeat him in Fenfu's mental space. Ichibi Shukaku immediately made Cross-country feel like Ichibi Shukaku. There is no sincerity in the transaction.

 Even, it is possible that what Ichibi Shukaku said before was false.

 But Ichibi Shukaku is not sincere, and there is nothing noteworthy from the cross-country perspective.

On the contrary, it was what Ichibi Shukaku said before. If it were true or false, then the excitement before the cross-country trip would be in vain.

  Faintly feeling a little disappointed, as a shadow-level powerhouse, Cross Country has adjusted his emotions very well.

 The next second.

Just when Ichibi Shukaku was about to say something to prove that in Fenfu’s spiritual space, Cross Country was not qualified to negotiate with it, there was a sudden “rumbling” sound!

 That’s a light blue flame!

That's Erwei Youlu's Nether Fire!

When Cross Country felt that the Ichibi Shukaku in front of him was probably playing a trick on him, Cross Country used the Yin Escape Brand ability without any hesitation. The Fire of the Netherworld by the Second Taimi Mata was clearly prepared by Ichibi Shukaku. The moment he spoke, he was enveloped in Fenfu's spiritual space.

However, when it comes to cross-country mastery of Nether Fire, it is completely impossible to compare it with Erwei Youlu. After all, Erwei Matauri's Nether Fire is a dark blue flame, which is the power that can truly hurt the soul of others, while the Nether Fire under off-road control is light blue and can hurt others. The mental energy is somewhat difficult.

However, when the off-road controls the fire of the netherworld and envelopes the spiritual space of Fenfu, you can hear the endless sounds of "pah la" and "pah la"!

That is the sound of the fire of the netherworld, beginning to damage the spiritual space of Fenfu.


That voice was also the one that made Ichibi Shukaku feel chills running down his spine!

If the netherworld fire mastered by Cross Country really completely destroys Fenfu's spiritual space and completely collapses Fenfu's spiritual space, if Ichibi Shukaku is more lucky, he can still transfer his original power and just recover Strength just takes a long time. So, what if you are a little less lucky?

 No need to say more!

 The original power of Ichibi Shukaku may be destroyed along with Fenfu's spiritual space!

 So, when the trump card of Nether Fire was revealed, Cross Country used facts to tell Ichibi Shukaku in front of him, whose domain belongs to the spiritual space of Fenfu!

Shortly after showing off his trump card in the cross-country, Ichibi Shukaku in front of him slowly regained his composure from the state of panic.

After that, a familiar and old voice slowly reached the ears of Cross Country!

“Shadow Mage, it was just a joke.”


 “Don’t mind!”

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