Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 538: Invite to challenge Japan

 Hitting Hinata was originally an impossible plan.

With the cross-country team following them, it was even more impossible for the Kumo ninja to take Hinata away smoothly.

 In fact, almost as soon as the four Kumo ninja masters knocked Hinata unconscious and prepared to take Hinata away, the people of the Hyuga clan became alert. You know, under the premise that cross-country helped several Kumo ninja jounin and successfully eliminated most of the Hyuga clan guards, the Hyuga clan people could find out that Hinata was in crisis.

 What if there is no off-roading?

It is estimated that these Kumo ninja jounin have just knocked Hinata unconscious, and their lives will be at stake here!

 And cross-country is determined to help Hinata survive the crisis, is it really because he likes Hinata in the original Naruto novel?

 It’s a reason, but not quite!

 Another deep meaning of the cross-country trip is actually for Hinata Hizashi, and for another tragic character that I like more, the Hyuga Neji who split up the Hyuga clan!

  In the original plot, although the details of the Hinata incident were not explained, Cross Country still learned some inside information based on his own speculations.

At that time, the Kumo ninja came to kidnap Hinata, but the reason for their failure was that Hinata and Hinata took action.

  Forcibly repelled the attack of the Kumo ninja. Hinata and Hinata shouldn't have killed all the Kumo ninjas who came to kidnap Hinata. This gave Raikage a good reason to fight back.

 He randomly fabricated a lie, saying that those Kumo ninjas went to visit Hyuga Hizashi, but who expected to be killed by Hyuuga Hizashi. The Raikage used a ridiculous reason to prepare to force the Leaf Village to hand over Hinata Hizuka. What was even more ridiculous was the compromise of the Third Hokage, and later Hyuuga Hizukai's compromise.

 Obviously, it was the elders of the Hyuga clan who negotiated and used the Hyuga Hizashi of the divided family, which was about the same length as the Hyuga Hizashi, to facilitate the peace talks.

 Thinking about it in cross-country, Hyuga Hizashi died unjustly.

 There are too many doorways, the most obvious one being the internal fighting among the Hyuga clan.

Not wanting Hyuga Hizashi, Hyuga Neji, or even future Hyuga Hinata to become victims of an internal fight, Cross Country took action without any hesitation, and was clearly preparing to eliminate the four Kumo ninja jounin before Hyuga Hizashi.


 What is more troublesome in cross-country is undoubtedly that he cannot use the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

 The secret technique of Shadow Release is derived from the secret technique of the Nara clan. If it is used cross-country, the unlucky one may be the Nara clan, not the Hyuga clan. Therefore, just when Cross Country was about to attack the first Kumo Ninjounin, his body energy exploded. Without using the Secret Technique of Shadow Escape, Cross Country surprisingly used the Secret Technique of Gale Wind Flow.


With a silhouette like the wind, Cross Country appeared in front of the Cloud Ninja Jonin, and he clearly noticed the astonishment in his eyes.

 He must have recognized the cross-country.

 Because the aura of off-road is very unique, when they went to Konoha Village with off-road, these cloud ninjas could basically recognize the aura of off-road.

However, it is not a good thing to recognize the off-road atmosphere.

 That way it will give off-roaders a better reason to kill each other.

Looking into the opponent's eyes full of astonishment, Cross Country raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and swung his fist and landed on the chest of the Cloud Ninja Jonin in front of him. With a "bang" sound, the body energy that exploded along the off-road fist instantly broke through the chest of the Kumo ninja jounin, causing the cloud ninja jounin to die miserably without even a chance to scream in pain. In front of cross-country.

 However, the death of the first Kumo ninja was just a prelude.

 Following that, there was another "swish" sound!

In midair, there were countless ninjas from the Hyuga clan, as well as the remaining three Kumo ninjas in front of Cross Country. It felt like Cross Country's figure suddenly turned into three. And those three cross-country figures attacked three Cloud Ninjas in an instant. Just like the flip flop that killed the first Cloud Ninja, Cross Country also exploded the physical energy in his body, using "Collapse Fist" to quickly eliminate the other three Cloud Ninja Jonin, and caught the slow blow from the air. Hinata fell slowly.

When all the ninjas of the Hyuga clan were staring at the figure of Cross Country with surprised eyes, in the night, they first used their spiritual energy to block the white-eyed insights of those ninjas of the Hyuga clan. Then Cross Country casually used a transformation technique and turned into a Looking like a dragon, he shouted at the surrounding Hyuga clan ninjas:

 “I am from Sand Ninja Village, and I want to meet your clan leader!”

"Where is Hinata Hinashi? If you don't want your daughter to die young, come and see me!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a roar came from him.

Moreover, just when the roar reached the ears of the off-roader, there was another "bang"!

 Soft boxing technique, Bagua empty palm!

Hinata Hinata just appeared, and he used Bagua Air Palm to attack the direction of the cross-country, preparing to give the cross-country a start. However, what Hinata Hizu never expected was that just when his Bagua Air Palm attacked and was about to land on the cross-country chest, suddenly the cross-country slowly stretched out a finger.

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Wind Barrier!”


 When your fingers fall in front of you, what changes will happen when you go off-road?

 The answer is "wind"!

 It is the "wind" controlled by mental energy during off-roading!

The invisible "wind" turned into a barrier and stood in front of the cross-country, forming a barrier of wind. Utilizing the strength of the wind barrier, Cross Country easily resolved Hinata and Hinata's Bagua Kong Palm. Immediately, his palm slowly landed on Hinata's neck. He raised a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth and asked:

 “Hi Xiang Rizu, do you want to kill your daughter?”

"Okay, since you are willing to watch her die, then I will help you!"


 Having said that, when going off-road, you need to increase the strength on your palms, as if you are trying to strangle Hinata to death.

 But just as Cross Country expected, seeing that his only descendant was about to die, Hinata Hinata only hesitated for half a second before giving up the majesty of the Hyuga clan leader.

 He glared at Cross Country fiercely, and Hinata Hinashi, who was about to compromise first, took a deep breath and asked: "Are you from Sand Ninja Village? What exactly do you want from me?"

 “What to do? It’s actually very simple!”

 The sneer raised at the corner of his mouth suddenly became a little stronger.

Faced with Hinata and Hinata's questioning, the somewhat evil cross-country hijacked Hinata and said directly: "It is said that your Hyuga clan is the "rich family" of Konoha Village, right? You, Hinata and Hinata, are the clan leader, so you must be. A famous strongman in Konoha Village, right? In that case, you can go to your No. 8 training ground in Konoha Village alone in half an hour!"

 “I’m waiting for you at training ground No. 8!”

 “Hyugata Hinatsu, let’s fight!”

 “Fight for your flesh and blood, fight for the honor of your Hyuga clan!”

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