Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 56: Leading the team to break through (Part 2)


Yuhi Hong’s poisonous tongue is a talent that has not been shown in the original plot!

So, when Yuhi Hong’s comments came, the cross-country was still full of black lines, and I felt that the difficulty of the task had increased a bit. As for Die Iwashi, he looked like he was about to vomit blood. Apparently Yuhi Kurenai's evaluation gave him as much mental energy as a hundred thousand points, which almost made Die Iwashi lose the ability to fight.

However, joking is joking, when he is really ready to start the mission, he is also a very serious person.

Immediately afterwards, after discovering that Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai had no intention of quitting, Cross Country unfolded the map that had been stored in the ninja tool bag for a long time, faced Iwahi and said: "Wahi, I will just call you Wa. I'm glad, after all, the codename "gan" is indeed a bit girly, I wanted to say that a long time ago."

“Shadow, can I have a duel with you before setting off?”

 “No, because I am the captain.”

Using the authority of the captain, he directly suppressed Deyiwahi's depression.

With just a few words off-road, he successfully resolved the depressing atmosphere of the breakout, and said with a smile: "Vashi, I am a rookie, you know it. So I have to rely on you to lead the way. I don't want to be successful." After the breakout, we couldn’t even find the camp of the large army. You should be fine with this, right?”

“No problem, I’ll take care of it!”

“Well, then Hong, Asuma, just talk about what you are good at!”

 In fact, in terms of leading the way, with Dieyiwaxi, Cross-country firmly believes that with his ability and the perception ability of Dieyiwaxi, he can successfully break through.

As for Kurenai Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi, Cross Country wants to know their abilities just to better protect them.

Then, just like what Iwashi said just now, Yuhi Kurenai is an illusion-type ninja, and she already has certain attainments in illusions. Off-road can't help but secretly nod, thinking that Yuhi Kurenai is still relatively good at breaking out of encirclement. useful. On the contrary, Sarutobi Asuma has a completely reckless character.

 Besides fighting, there seems to be nothing else he is good at.

Off-road person really doesn’t understand how the beauty Yuhi Kurenai in the original novel could fall in love with such a guy who started to age so early.

However, when it comes to "beauty", off-road eyes inevitably fall on Yuhi Hong, and it turns out that Yuhi Hong is a beauty at a young age.

Due to her young age, Yuhi Hong’s figure has not yet developed, and is far from as curvy as the original plot. But that delicate face and ruby-like eyes really made Xuejiao sigh. Yuhi Hong had the potential to become a beauty early on, and becoming a beauty in the future must be a matter of course.

While Cross Country secretly lamented the beauty potential of Yuhihi Kurenai, how could he have thought that Yuhihi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma were also sizing up Cross Country.

To put it bluntly, the age for off-roading is still too young.

Although Iwahi spoke highly of Cross Country, the captain of the medical unit actually handed over such an important task to Cross Country. Kurenai Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi didn't say anything, but they couldn't help but feel a little strange in their hearts.

Especially in the subsequent battles, they must obey the command of Cross Country. Kurenai Yuhi and Asuma Sarutobi looked at each other, and they could see the joking in their eyes. Obviously, if the cross-country failed to convince Yuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma, then the cross-country breakout incident may not only face enemies from the outside, but also internal "enemies".

  Instead, it’s off-road.

Even if he sees Yuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma's dissatisfaction, what can he do?

 In addition to speaking with strength, it is impossible for cross-country to use the authority of the captain to oppress the two people.

 So, after making a preliminary plan to break out of the encirclement, off-road looked at the time and ordered:

 “Wahi, Hong, Asma, we have twenty minutes left to rest.”

“Twenty minutes later, we will meet at the Washi camp and prepare to break out, do you understand?”

 “Yes, Captain!”

Replying to the cross country, Iwahi, Yuhi Kurenai, and Sarutobi Asuma went to rest one after another.

 When Yuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma left, although the conversation between the two was very quiet, Cross Country still heard some words that he shouldn't have heard.

"Asuma, do you think Shadow is really as strong as Vashi said?"

"Ha, I think Vashi must have exaggerated Kage's strength. He can compare with Kakashi at a young age. Who does he think he is? So, Hong, you should follow me closely when you break out, so as not to follow that Kage. , It’s impossible to even break through, so how can we talk about passing on information?”

“Forget it, Asuma, Shadow is the captain after all, we still have to obey his orders for the time being.”

“Tch, I don’t care about that much! If he really makes me unhappy, let’s see how I beat him!”

Hearing the sounds in the distance disappear little by little, Cross Country who was resting in the camp couldn't help but sneered and thought to himself:

  "Red can say it better, but why is Asuma such a nasty guy?"

“Not everyone in the original novel is so likable. It seems that Kakashi and Asuma are the exceptions!”

“Forget it, let’s not think about those insignificant things. There is no need to be like a brat. It’s better to complete the task!”

Humbling to himself, he chose to forget his previous discomfort for the time being. After a twenty-minute rest, he headed to the gathering place.

Who would have thought that among the meeting points, Iwashi and Kurenai Yuhi had both arrived, but Asuma Sarutobi had not come for a long time, as if he had completely forgotten the off-road order.

 Seeing that Asuma Sarutobi didn't come, not to mention off-roading, even Iwahi's face turned a little dark.

At that time, Cross Country was thinking, it doesn’t matter that Asuma Sarutobi looks down on me, why don’t you even have the basic qualities of a ninja?

Especially when the ninja troops are in danger, if the ninja disobeys the order, he can be executed directly!

As the son of the Third Hokage, who doesn't even understand such basic principles, Cross Country really reduced his sense of Sarutobi Asuma to the freezing point, and even the little remaining good impression disappeared without a trace.

 As for Deyiwahi, he was even more embarrassed.

Yuhi Kurenai and Sarutobi Asuma were the people he introduced to cross-country.

Now that Sarutobi Asuma is out of control, Dai Iwashi feels like he is not a human being in front of Cross Country, and he immediately needs to explain to Cross Country:

 “Shadow, that Asma”

 “There’s no need to explain, Vashi, we are partners!”

Finding that Deiwahi wanted to explain to Asuma Sarutobi, Cross Country felt that there was no need to hurt his friendship with Deiwahi for someone who didn't matter, so he smiled and said directly:

“Since Asuma doesn’t dare to come, let’s set off!”

 “Wahi, Hong, follow me!”

 “Breakout. Begin!”

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