Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 555: come back to life

 Just a few words, if others don’t understand the meaning of Orochimaru’s words, how can they not?

After peeking into Hinata Hizashi's memory, coupled with the fact that Shimura Danzo can cast the Uchiha clan's forbidden technique Izanagi, combined with the words spoken by Orochimaru now, the cross-country pupils tightened slightly, and he instantly knew that Shimura Danzo was The second person in Konoha Village to conduct human experiments was even ahead of Orochimaru and had mastered some kind of black technology.

However, when it comes to off-roading, the kind of black technology mastered by Shimura Danzo is only in its preliminary stage and cannot be used in batches. However, if that kind of black technology slowly becomes mature and perfected, off-roading is basically certain that the power of the black technology will soon surpass the power of the tailed beasts and become the true power of the ninja world. War weapons.

  But no matter what kind of black technology it is, there is a limit to its use.

If that limitation is shattered, while black technology can bring benefits to Konoha Village, it may also bring disaster to the ninja world.

However, when peeking into Hinata Hizashi's memory, Cross Country did not understand the real use method of that black technology, and even the real effect of using that black technology was not clear to Cross Country. After all, how could the Third Hokage and Danzo Shimura tell such an important thing directly to Hinata Hizashi, a person who was about to surrender?

 So, after listening to Orochimaru's low murmur, Cross Country took a deep breath and was already ready to find out at night. If the black technology in Danzo Shimura's hands is really as terrifying as Cross Country imagined, let alone destroying the black technology, the final result will be Cross Country's betrayal of the Leaf Village. Let's just say that Cross-country is the enemy of the entire ninja world. Cross-country is willing to destroy that black technology, because in the entire ninja world, maybe only the cross-country who has traveled through time knows the harm of that black technology!

 Night fell soon.

Outside the Hyuga Clan's station, the cross-country was well hidden outside, waiting for the arrival of the Yunnin Village envoy.

 There is no doubt that the purpose of the Yunren Village envoy's arrival is to find the body of Hinata Hizashi. Of course, on the surface, what the Hyuga clan handed over was Hyuga Hichizu. The people in the Yunnin Village mission did not know that the body they wanted to obtain was the body of Hyuga Hichizu's younger brother. They were still complacent there, as if they were It was like a complete victory in this battle.

Looking at the pitiful Yunren Village envoy in front of him, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

 That’s right.

 They won.

  Obtained the body of Hinata Hizashi!

 But unfortunately, that is what happened in the original plot!

  Hyuga Hizashi's body had been dumped early. That was something that only a few strong men in Konoha Village, including Cross Country, knew about. Therefore, on the surface, the members of the Hyuga clan are full of sadness, and even Hyuga Neji, the son of Hyuga Hizashi, has a tearful look. However, in front of those who really know the truth, the mission from the Cloud Ninja Village, plus the Raikage, is truly sad.

Immediately afterwards, under the contemptuous smile of the cross country, the envoy of Yun Ninja Village, who seemed to have won a battle, after inspecting the body of "Hyuga Hizashi", happily embarked on the road back to Yun Ninja Village. If the situation still develops as in the original plot, the result is needless to say, the Kumo Ninja Village who got the body of Hinata Hizashi can only suffer a dumb loss, and finally signed a peace agreement with the Konoha Village, and the eye-catching three wars have truly come to an end. .

 But at this point, it’s hard to say how the plot will develop.

After all, in order to find out the truth about black technology, Cross Country is already preparing to attack the mission of Yun Ninja Village at night!

Not long after, the envoy from Yunren Village took the coffin containing the body of "Hyuga Hizashi" and embarked on a journey back to the Kingdom of Thunder. Along the way, thinking that Konoha Village had compromised, the delegation from Yunnin Village behaved very relaxedly. Obviously, they never expected that Cross Country would ambush them halfway.

Furthermore, the ambush location selected during the cross-country trip did not leave the Country of Fire.

 In other words, the cross-country had no intention of avoiding suspicion at all. Astonishingly, when the Yunnin Village envoy had just stepped out of the gate of Konoha Village, they launched a sneak attack!


 Suddenly, the body's energy explodes, and "Moon Step" is used.

In the dark night, the off-road figure was like a ghost, suddenly attacking in front of the first Yun Ninja in the Yun Ninja Village Mission. He held the kunai in his palm with his backhand, and easily harvested the Yun Ninja's weapon. life.

 Suddenly attacked, the leader of the Yunren Village envoy was completely stunned.

 Because the cross-country sneak attack was something that all the Kumo ninjas, especially the ninjas of Konoha Village, did not expect!

The Uchiha clan has not yet been exterminated, so the people guarding the main entrance of Konoha Village are still members of the Uchiha clan guard team. When he saw that Cross Country suddenly appeared, he had killed a ninja from the Cloud Ninja Village Mission. The members of the Uchiha Clan Guards were about to take action. Who would have thought that Uchiha Shisui, who was wearing Anbu costume, suddenly appeared? In front of these Uchiha clan guard members.

“Master Fugaku’s order is that you are not allowed to go out to fight. Anyone who disobeys the order will die!”

 “You are all here to watch the show, that’s enough!”

 “Yes, Master Shisui!”

Listening to Uchiha Shisui's instructions, the members of the Uchiha clan's guard nodded silently, and then, as Uchiha Fugaku ordered, they all sat cross-legged at the main entrance of Konoha Village and began to watch the show.

On the contrary, the ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village Mission were really angry when they found that the ninjas from Konoha Village had no intention of helping!

 However, what’s the use of being angry?

  Can these ordinary cloud ninjas withstand the ferocious power of off-roading?

 Of course not!

 Nowadays, unless a shadow-level warrior in the ninja world fights him personally, even a jounin-level ninja is an enemy that can be killed in seconds when facing off-road. Immediately, they didn't even use the secret technique of the Shadow Escape style. They just used the burst of body energy combined with the secret technique of the Hayate Style to kill the enemy. It didn't even take five minutes. The ninjas of the Cloud Ninja Village Mission were already As many as half were annihilated by cross-country.

  It’s just that after annihilating nearly half of the members of the Yunnin Village envoy, Cross Country didn’t feel the slightest bit happy.

  Kagura's inner eye perception has always been placed on the coffin containing "Hyuga Hizashi".

Just when Cross Country frowned and felt something was wrong, and at the same time used the "Beng Fist" to kill a Cloud Ninja, there was a sudden "bang"!

The coffin lid shattered, and a figure leapt out of the coffin, suddenly heading off-road!

Looking back at the cross-country trip, I felt that there were abnormal energy fluctuations in the coffin long before.

Now, seeing the "Hyuga Hizashi" who had clearly lost the breath of life in the coffin, suddenly resurrected from the dead, a cold smile appeared on the corner of Zi Yue's mouth!

 “Resurrection from the dead?”

“Basically, I can determine what black technology is!”

"First Hokage, you are dead when you die, why do you still cause trouble to others after death?"

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