Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 564: Three generations still young (middle)

Who is the person who sneaked into the cross-country?

 There is no doubt that that person is the Third Hokage!

 When he heard that the Third Hokage wanted to cooperate in chasing Orochimaru, Cross Country really had no doubt at all, thinking that the Third Hokage's main target was Orochimaru. However, when the Third Hokage suddenly formed a seal to use the Shadow Clone Technique and controlled the Shadow Clone to attack from the right side of the Cross Country, he simply used the Taijutsu of the Shadow Clone to crush the Shadow Shield's defense, and the Cross Country Suddenly he caught a glimpse of the Third Hokage with a surprised look, and soon he met the Third Hokage's serious eyes.

 “Who is the person you really want to get rid of, huh?”

 “That’s right.”

The sneak attack failed. The Third Hokage controlled the shadow clone to return to his side and said calmly: "Orochimaru has been prepared for a long time. It is not a matter of a day or two for him to be ready to defect. How can I not know as the Hokage? ? What's more, since we are looking for a scapegoat, a living scapegoat is the most perfect. Only when Orochimaru is alive can the attention of the village be turned to Orochimaru, so I have no intention of killing everyone. "

“Nara Cross Country, my goal this time is just you and has nothing to do with anyone else.”

 “It’s indeed a good plan!”

Listening to the words of the Third Hokage, a sneer slowly appeared at the corner of the cross country's mouth, and he said in the same indifferent tone: "If you know from Danzo about my cooperation with Orochimaru, you know that I definitely know that Orochimaru is planning to defect. Something happened. I am a person who likes to join in the fun. As long as I show up at the place where Orochimaru defected, then I will be the one who assisted Orochimaru in his defection. As the Hokage, You will naturally have a perfect opportunity to kill me."

“I really want to know, Third Hokage, whether Uncle Shikaku knows that you want to kill me.”

“If Uncle Shikaku knows, no matter we win or lose, I am willing not to harm Konoha Village, so.”

 “Tell the truth!”

 “Shikaku? He knows!”

 Just when the Third Hokage answered, Cross Country finally felt at ease.

 Because even the Third Hokage couldn't imagine that Cross Country mastered the secret art of lie detection. Therefore, only the Third Hokage's answer is needed, and Cross Country can actually know whether the Nara clan, or Shikaku, is involved in this matter. The answer of the Third Hokage was actually not important, so even if he wanted to sow discord between Cross Country and Shikaku, it would have no effect at all under the Nara clan's secret technique that Cross Country was proficient in.

 Then, he took a deep breath and could feel the strong murderous intent in the eyes of the Third Hokage. The sneer raised at the corner of Cross Country's mouth gradually turned into a sarcastic smile.

 That’s right.

 You, the Third Hokage, are indeed a good calculator.

 But, if you have a perfect reason to kill someone else, can you really kill that person?

actually not!

Slowly condensing the physical energy in the body, plus the cross-country spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand, now he has to tell the Third Hokage in front of him that he is really old!

 In today's ninja world, it is no longer an era where the third Hokage can die whoever he wants!

 Next second!


With a sudden burst of body energy, Cross Country used the "Moon Step" without any hesitation. He completely ignored the Third Hokage's shadow clone and attacked the Third Hokage's body. When the Third Hokage saw the cross-country "Moon Step" erupting, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. Although Cross Country had previously demonstrated the strength of a shadow-level warrior in front of Shimura Danzo, knowing that all the veins in Cross Country's body were broken, the Third Hokage subconsciously thought that Cross Country's physical skills were not very good.

 Otherwise, how could the previous Third Hokage use shadow clones to sneak attack using Taijutsu?

At this time, seeing the "Moon Step" used in cross-country, the Third Hokage narrowed his eyes slightly, and it was clear that he knew the physical skills of cross-country, and it was far from what he imagined. However, the look of astonishment in the eyes of the Third Hokage was, at most, a look of astonishment at the cross-country taijutsu attainments. Watching the off-road invasion, the Third Hokage looked very calm. Even when the off-road had just raised his right fist, preparing to explode his body energy and use the "collapse fist", he also raised his palm, trying to use his palm to defend the off-road. "Collapse Fist".

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, do you really think you are still the Third Hokage?"

"With my current Yang Escape skills, let alone you now, even you back then would have been unable to defend against my Beng Fist with just one hand."

 “Now, just pay the price for your underestimation of the enemy!”


 She thought to herself that she obviously didn't believe that the Third Hokage, in his current state, could resist the "Bang Fist" he unleashed with just one hand using his own body energy. However, when Cross Country's "Beng Fist" really collided with the Third Hokage's palm, the look of shock disappeared from the Third Hokage's face and appeared directly on Cross Country's face.


Because as Cross Country's fist collided with the palm of the Third Hokage, Cross Country was shocked to find that the Third Hokage really used one palm to resist the "Collapse Fist" that he unleashed with his body's energy!

One second ago, the body energy pouring from the "Beng Fist" was about to explode in the palm of the Third Hokage, but in the next second...


 Chakra fluctuations filled the palms of the Third Hokage's hands.

  Following the chakra released by the Third Hokage, the physical energy that burst out from cross-country fell to the ground instantly.

Immediately, with a "bang", the body energy that exploded from the off-road was completely scattered on the ground, creating a deep depression.

On the other hand, the Third Hokage still maintained the posture of using his palms to defend against the "collapse fist".

Moreover, when Cross Country felt that his fist was firmly grasped by the palm of the Third Hokage, there was another "click"!

When he was living in seclusion in the Suna Ninja Village, Yue Yue never gave up on his Yang Escape practice. His strong body, tempered by the Yang Escape secret technique, actually felt like a faint feeling of broken hand bones under the sudden exertion of the Third Hokage. Got it!

"How can it be?"

 Feeling that the bones in his hand were about to break, he went off-road without any hesitation and directly used local "elementalization". The palm restricted by the Third Hokage instantly turned into a wisp of breeze and disappeared in front of the Third Hokage. When the Third Hokage looked at the cross-country with a slightly surprised look, another "moon step" cross-country broke out, and he was clearly maintaining a safe distance from the Third Hokage.

 However, when he looked at the Third Hokage, his eyes were still full of vigilance.

 If nothing else, let’s just say that the power that the Third Hokage just showed is enough to make off-roaders wary.

not to mention.

Just when Cross Country once again looked at the Third Hokage in front of him, the Third Hokage controlled the shadow clone to attack, while muttering something like this on the other side?

"Off-road, many people think that I am old and no longer the ninja hero who can dominate the ninja world, but what is the reality?"

 “Actually, I’m not just not old!”

  “More than.”

 “Stronger than you think!”

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