Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 566: Escape Master

 The secret technique of Shadow Escape is not invincible.

 In other words, there are no invincible ninjutsu or secret techniques in the ninja world.

But in the ninja world, Cross Country can say that his secret technique of Shadow Escape is not invincible. Someone can limit the power of the secret technique of Shadow Escape, making it useless. However, this was the first time that Cross Country had seen someone like the Third Hokage in front of him who completely ignored the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

 So, when he discovered that the Third Hokage's fist could penetrate the shadow armor and hit his chest directly, he was shocked and wary at the same time.

“At least three of the ribs on my chest are broken. The Third Hokage’s fist is so heavy!”

"However, as long as I can resist it, it doesn't matter. On the contrary, the Third Hokage can ignore the secret technique of Shadow Escape. I must be careful in the future!"

"How did the Third Hokage just ignore my Shadow Armor protection?"

 “on his fist”

 “So that’s it, the source of the Third Hokage’s ability to decipher the secret technique of Shadow Escape, turns out to be here!”

Secretly wary of someone being able to completely ignore the secret technique of Shadow Escape, Cross Country sounded the alarm in his mind. While silently on guard, he cast the Uzumaki clan's secret technique Kagura Heart's Eye, and soon discovered that the Third Hokage could ignore Shadow Escape. The reason for the occult flow.

 The reason is.

 The Third Hokage is also a strong man who is proficient in the secret art of Yin Escape!

Moreover, judging from the fact that the Third Hokage can ignore the secret art of Shadow Escape, Cross Country can confirm that the Third Hokage's attainments in the Secret Art of Shadow Escape are quite good!

When the attack came, the Third Hokage had already guessed that Cross Country would use his secret technique of Shadow Escape, which was the secret technique of the Nara clan, to defend himself. Therefore, when the fist failed to land on the off-road chest, the Third Hokage silently used the Yin Escape Secret Technique to wrap his own spiritual energy around his fist. First, he used the spiritual energy on his fist to offset the Shadow Armor. ’s protection, and then the Iron Fist of the Third Hokage landed on the chest of the Cross Country as if ignoring the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

 Immediately, the use of "Moon Step" broke out, and Cross Country once again maintained a safe distance from the Third Hokage. At the same time, knowing that the Third Hokage could use the secret technique of Yin Escape to break the secret technique of Shadow Escape, he undoubtedly became more cautious when going off-road. But there is a kind of enemy that is impossible to guard against, and that is enemies like the Third Hokage.

Once again, I used the "moon step" to evacuate quickly. Not long after I kept retreating cross-country, I felt that I was stepping on a solid rock.

  followed by.


 “Earth Release·Earth Dragon Bullet Technique!”

Suddenly, the solid rock that Off-Road accidentally stepped on suddenly flew up under the control of the Third Hokage and pounced directly on Off-Road above. There is no doubt that it was the Earth Release Ninjutsu secretly used by the Third Hokage while taking advantage of the "Moon Step" to retreat off-road. In an instant, the chakra in the body of the Third Hokage completed the change in the nature of the earth attribute chakra, and the power of the earth escape ninjutsu he cast was comparable to the S-class secret earth escape ninjutsu.

To explain it in the most intuitive way, the Earth Release Ninjutsu used by others is very rigid. Even if the Earth Release and Earth Release Ninjutsu are cast, the Earth Release Ninjutsu controlled by ordinary ninjas will be very rigid. How could it be so hard that it could cause trouble for an off-roader whose movement speed was comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage?

 However, the earth dragon under the control of the Third Hokage is simply like a living earth dragon.

 Soaring into the sky, the off-road vehicle will soon be forced down below.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Cross Country took a deep breath. He could only explode his physical energy and further explode his mental energy, completing the use of the secret technique of the blast flow!

 “Sharp gun flow!”



Blue light spread all over his body. At this time, he had made all the progress in the Yang Release Secret Technique. He perfectly mastered the use of the sharp spear style. He used the characteristics of the sharp spear in his body to directly neutralize the Earth Release Ninjutsu of the Third Hokage. .

 But just when Cross Country had just finished using the sharp gun style, the third Hokage's palm suddenly hit the ground.

 “Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”

 Control the little water stains on the surrounding ground, plus the moisture in the condensed air.

 Another Water Release Ninjutsu was completed instantly. Cross Country originally wanted to maintain the use of the sharp spear style and then break another Water Release Ninjutsu of the Third Hokage.

Who would have thought that when the Third Hokage used the Water Release and Water Dragon Bullet technique, he would change the nature of the chakra in his body three times in a row, once again completing the change in the nature of the thunder attribute chakra!

 “Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!”

 “Combined Ninjutsu!”

 “Thunder, Water and Dragon Bullet Technique!”



 Water can conduct electricity.

At this time, the Water Release Ninjutsu and the Thunder Release Ninjutsu cast by the Third Hokage were combined together, which undoubtedly formed a more powerful Thunder Release Ninjutsu. In the theory of chakra mutual restraint, it is true that Wind Release can restrain Thunder Release, just like Water Release can restrain Fire Release. But there is a situation where if the Fire Release Ninjutsu is too strong, can the low-level Water Release Ninjutsu be turned into steam?

Needless to say, at this time, the Third Hokage used a combined ninjutsu to attack, in order to use the enhanced thunder escape ninjutsu to forcefully break the cross-country wind escape secret technique!


 The secret technique of wind escape is used for off-roading!

That is the secret wind escape technique that I learned after liberating the power of "Tianjealousy"!

Unless the Third Hokage's Thunder Release and Water Release Ninjutsu are capable of liberating the power of "Tenjealous", it is basically impossible for him to use Thunder Release Ninjutsu to break the cross-country Wind Release Ninjutsu. Therefore, seeing the Third Hokage's combined ninjutsu attack, Cross Country smiled coldly, and then used the S-level wind escape secret technique sharp spear style to block the third Hokage's combined ninjutsu.

  However, after defending against the Third Hokage's combined ninjutsu, Cross Country didn't feel the slightest bit proud.

 Because in just a few seconds of confrontation, the Third Hokage showed off his terrifying attainments in the three escape techniques, and he has already received silent admiration from off-road!

“The Third Hokage’s escaping skills cannot be described in words.”

“It’s a pity that your third generation Hokage is proficient in the five escape techniques, but compared with the proficient wind escape, it is still somewhat insufficient!”

“Because in addition to the secret technique of Shadow Escape, I, the Shadow Mage, am also a master of Wind Escape!”

 “Let’s compare and see who’s escape technique is more powerful!”

Muttered secretly, Cross Country surged out the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, plus the remaining physical energy in the body, and suddenly glanced at the Third Hokage with an indifferent gaze. The Third Hokage looked at Cross Country's indifferent eyes, and for some reason, there was a faint chill. Then, when Cross Country slowly stretched out his right hand, the Third Hokage finally knew what the chill was about.

 The reason is that when Cross Country concentrates the strength in his body and prepares to compete with the Third Hokage in escape skills.


Sharp spears flashing with dark blue light shot out.

In an instant, Cross-Country unleashed the sharp spear at the extreme, causing the light of the sharp spear to rush directly towards the direction of the Third Hokage!

 “What a powerful wind escape!”

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