Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 58: First battle

 “Is it really okay?”

 “That’s a jounin!”

 After some consolation from the cross-country trip, Iwahi was better, but Yuhi Hong really didn’t have any confidence at all.

 Jounin, what is that concept?

 Don't look at the plot of the original work, many Jonin's performance is not even as good as a supporting role, and they basically appear to be killed instantly.

  But in times of war, jounin are the ones who can lead the war. Whether a ninja village is strong depends on the number of shadow-level strongmen on the one hand, and the number of jounin on the other!

for example.

 For ordinary people to enter a ninja school to practice, it may not be very difficult to become a genin.

 But how difficult it is to pass the chunin exam and become a chunin? You must know something from the original plot, right?

 Among the one hundred chunin, if you want to become jounin, only a few may be able to successfully advance. Especially during the war, jonins need to not only complete a certain number of tasks, but also need to step on the corpses of genin and chuunin in order to successfully hold the title of jounin. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary ninjas, jounin are often killing machines in war!

   Yuhi Kurenai and Iwahi looked horrified when they heard the name of Jonin. That was not shameful at all.

 Because, if the rest of the group formed a breakout team like Cross Country, and if they heard that a Jonin was involved in the first encounter, they might have a psychological breakdown!

 So, the calm performance of off-roading seems completely weird to Deiwahi and Yuhi Hong, and she looks like a crazy person who is not afraid of death!

 The situation in Deiwahi is better.

 After all, he has followed Cross Country on missions, and even seen Cross Country kill Jonin, so he can always calm down under the comfort of Cross Country.

 Instead, it’s sunset red!

 At the beginning, I had no confidence in off-roading and just wanted to give some lessons on off-roading.

 Now I heard that there was an encounter with a jounin, and the battle was about to begin. When following the cross country and others to hide in the dark, Yuhi Hong's hand holding the kunai couldn't help but tremble.

 Let alone fighting, it would be good to maintain the original state.

 The cross-country focus was entirely on the encounter in front of him, and he obviously did not have the time to pay attention to the situation of Iwashi and Yuhihong. Especially when I heard from Dieyiwahi that when the enemy team in front entered the 100-meter cordon, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Zixiang's mouth!

“After practicing hard for so long, I finally have a chance to test!”


 “It’s really challenging!”

  thought secretly, off-road eyes were filled with strong murderous intent.

 While Cross Country was fully prepared, the enemy team also appeared in front of Cross Country and the others!

“Captain, we caught that guy just now, does that count as meritorious service?”

“That’s it, Captain! Our team has been the only one to capture someone from Konoha for so long, can it at least give us a break?”

"Yes! It's been three days, and even sleeping has a set time! Captain, how can the people of Konoha Village break through? Shouldn't they take a proper rest?"

“Shut up! Be on guard and don’t forget that we are on a mission!”

With a harsh rebuke, the noisy voice disappeared due to the captain's majesty.

However, looking at the eyes of his subordinates full of dissatisfaction, the leading Mist ninja Jonin Kiden Shoji felt a headache, and thought that the order above was really a bit outrageous.

 Three days ago, Oni Deng Shoji accepted the order and led the team to follow most of the medical troops encircling Konoha.

 Encircle and suppress, just encircle and suppress!

 But after three whole days of driving without sleep, you always need a rest, right?

Who would have thought that even if the Mist Ninja ended the era of "Blood Mist", the orders from above would still be so strict.

Not to mention resting, Kiden Shoji, as a Jonin, felt that the food was getting less and less, and it was becoming more and more unpalatable, and his body and bones could no longer hold up.

 It's a pity that for the pride of the Kirito ninja, Kiden Shoji had no choice but to hold on, which only pitied his subordinates.

It is true that jounin are the real main force during the war, but without the basic strength of chunin and genin, how can the war continue?

How can we win?

The two Mist Ninja Chunin and three Mist Ninja Genin under his command are all newcomers who have just entered the battlefield.

 With an experienced jounin like Kiden Shoji leading the way, the danger is not much, but if there is no sufficient supplies for a long time, isn't it common to die miserably on a certain battlefield?

 The more he thought about the situation in the village, the more irritated Gui Deng Zhenger became.

However, just when Ghost Shoji frowned and thought that he had to think of a way to solve the problem of food and clothing for his subordinates, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, which immediately made Ghost Shoji's eyes become solemn!

 “There is an enemy attack!”



Just as Kiden Shoji made a sound, the black figure in front suddenly accelerated and rushed in front of a genin under Kiden Shoji's command!

"So fast!"

Seeing the opponent's extraordinary speed, under the shadow of the dense forest, he was even vaguely aware of the opponent's clothes. He was probably the ANBU of Konoha Village.

Ghost Deng Zhenger couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart, and he had to step forward to protect his subordinates.


Immediately afterwards, there was another "swish" sound, and a living life fell in front of Gui Deng Zhengji!

And the person who suddenly appeared and instantly attacked and killed a Mist ninja genin was the off-road person who had been hiding in the dense forest before!

 “One solved!”

“Minato-sensei, I guess my speed didn’t disappoint you, right?”

 That’s right!

The moment Cross Country appeared, he used the Fourth Hokage's secret technique of "acceleration", and with just one "acceleration" he killed the Mist ninja genin in front of him.

 However, in a fierce battle, if a genin dies, it will definitely not be able to affect the trend of the battle.

 Because it seems that genin and chuunin are like cannon fodder in a war.

 So, the death of a genin has no way of affecting Kiden Shoji's mentality!

 The next second, holding the tachi hanging behind his back tightly, Ghost Shoji narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to burst out the chakra under his feet, cut down the tachi in his hand, and reap the life of the cross country!

 At one moment, the ghost Maserari suddenly accelerated, which is a thought that makes off-roaders feel frightened.

 That's the speed of a real Jonin, and it's a completely different level than Akai!

So when Ghost Shot Shoji attacked, Cross Country's pupils could not help but shrink slightly. He continued to use the "acceleration" secret technique, and barely dodged the sword that fell from Ghost Shot Shoji. However, the sharp edge of the sword still left a deep wound on the cross-country's shoulder, and a little blood flowed out.

However, just when Kiden Shoji smelled the smell of blood, the killing intent in his eyes became even more intense, and when he was about to cut down the sword again, there was a sudden "bang"!

Under the slightly contracted pupils of Gui Deng Zhenger, Xue Xue stepped on the ground with his feet, actually formed a seal with his hands, and suddenly used the technique of multiple shadow clones!

 “The art of multiple shadow clones!”


 “Bang! Bang! Bang!”

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