Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 588: Invite to join


 How can there be so many coincidences in the world!

Not long after he learned about the hunt for clones in Konoha Village, Cross Country and Shisui went to the Kingdom of Water together. On the way, they met the hunted and elusive clone. Cross Country did not think that what was happening in front of him was a mystery at all. Coincidence, then there can only be one answer. The clone deliberately wanted to meet Cross Country by chance, so it could appear in Cross Country's Kagura mind and eye perception at this time.

What surprised everyone in the cross-country was that his Kagura's eyes had just locked on the clone's position. The clone's gaze followed the spiritual energy of the cross-country and suddenly landed in the direction of the cross-country and Shisui. There is no doubt that the cold air on Cross Country's body affected his terrifying perception at this time. If the mental energy was not filled with a little bit of cold air when Kagura's Heart Eye was cast, how could the clone have captured Cross Country? Where are the traces of Shisui?

 However, just relying on the cold air in the spiritual energy to capture the location of cross-country and water-stopping, the clone's perception ability cannot be underestimated. Therefore, while Zhishui was slowly moving forward, Cross Country whispered not far in front of Zhishui, who happened to have avoided the influence of the cold air: "Zhishui, the guy you are chasing has appeared. , it’s better to be careful. If I’m not wrong, his target should be me, so you can take the opportunity to capture him when he is about to attack me.”

 “At that time, you can return to the village for business.”

 “What about the attack?”

Suddenly hearing the words whispered by Off-Road, Shisui narrowed his eyes slightly and was stunned for half a second, which made Off-Road feel that there was something abnormal in the development of the matter. Unfortunately, just when Cross Country had a flash of inspiration and was about to faintly capture the origin of that abnormal perception, the clone following Zhi Shui behind Cross Country suddenly exploded with chakra under his feet. While bursting out chakra, he used the teleportation technique!


 With a blink of an eye, the clone's figure suddenly stopped in front of Shisui, off-road.

 However, recalling the teleportation technique previously used by the clone, Xue Yu frowned slightly.


 Because the previous clones used the teleportation technique, Cross Country is really familiar with it. Isn't that Shisui's technique for using the teleportation technique?

 In the original ninja world, there were several master-level guys who used the teleportation technique, and each of them used different techniques of teleportation. For example, Demigod and Hanzo's teleportation technique, the Fourth Hokage's teleportation technique, cross-country are all experienced. As a cross-country companion, Shisui is another guy who has master-level attainments in using the teleportation technique. How could he not understand his cross-country teleportation technique?

 So, seeing that the teleportation technique used by the clones was the same as the teleportation technique used by Shisui, Cross Country once again grasped the clues and deduced the true purpose of the clones.

Who would have thought that just when Cross Country thought that the target of the clones was actually Zhi Shui, rather than himself, the clone intercepted in front of Cross Country and Zhi Shui actually stared directly at Cross Country ahead with greedy eyes.

“You have an aura that I like very much, so I’m going to kill you this time!”

“In the information I obtained, you claim to be the shadow mage of Konoha Village, right?”

“Then today is the day when your Konoha Shadow Master will die!”

 “Soft Boxing Technique!”

 “Bagua Kongzhang!”


I haven’t seen the clones for a long time, and now the clones feel more and more violent off-road.

If the previous clone was still a beast with shackles and had to obey the orders of creators such as Shimura Danzo and the Third Hokage, then the current clone is a beast that has escaped the shackles and is merely cast from the clone. The murderous intent alone gave off a strong smell of blood.

Moreover, the clone's strength growth is also very terrifying. It's just a Bagua Air Palm. Off-road feels the chakra contained in the Bagua Air Palm and the power of the Rou Fist, and can determine the clone's strength. It is very easy to kill a jounin-level ninja with just one Bagua Air Palm. Therefore, when faced with the clone's Bagua Kongzhang, Cross Country also cannot have the slightest contempt, and will immediately use the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

However, there is an endless chill hidden in Xue Xue's body, which is the trauma caused by the Poseidon of the Devil's Sea to Xu Xue. While carrying the injury, mobilizing the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand cross-country has become very awkward. It was also because of this that until the clone's Bagua Air Palm attacked Cross Country, Cross Country's Shadow Escape Secret Technique was unable to be used.

But when he saw that the clone's Bagua air palm was about to land **** the cross-country's chest, there was a sudden "boom"!

The chakra contained in the clone's Bagua Kong Palm was suddenly affected by the cold air before it hit the cross-country chest. It was first frozen in front of the cross-country, and then turned into little ice flowers and dissipated in the air. in mid-air.

"what's the situation?"

“In addition to affecting me, the cold air can also help me?”

“It seems that the cold air released by the Poseidon of the Devil’s Sea is quite effective!”

  thought to himself, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Zi Xiangxu's lips.

It can be said that, having been affected by the cold air, when fighting the clones, Cross Country discovered that the cold air surrounding him actually had the effect of helping him fight.

Immediately afterwards, the smile that raised at the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger. He took a deep breath and suddenly approached the clone. The clone didn't know how terrifying the cold air on Cross Country was. When he saw Cross Country coming, he was thinking of using the Hyuga clan's soft fists to hit Cross Country hard. Unexpectedly, just when the cloned Hyuga Clan's soft fist was about to be used, the sound of "click" and "click" was transmitted to the ears of Shisui, off-road, along the direction of the clone.

And when they were off-roading, Shisui's eyes fell on the clones again, and they discovered that the clones' bodies were covered with a thick layer of frost, and they couldn't even move their bodies freely!

"what is this?"

 “Ice shield?”

You must know that the previous cross-country trip was just to test the effect of the cold air surrounding the body. Therefore, even when he was off-roading, he never expected that the cold air surrounding his body could actually have an effect similar to an "ice shield". He did not give the clone a chance to attack, but it was frozen. in front of himself.

However, when he was shocked that the cold air surrounding his body was far more useful than he thought, he already had a certain advantage in cross-country in front of the clones, but he frowned tightly.

 Because after freezing the clone, Cross Country obviously heard the voice of the clone in his mind!

 Other clones

He has actually mastered the secret of spiritual communication!

“Shadow Mage, Nara Cross Country, I sincerely invite you to join us.”

“How about joining me to take away the blood power of the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan?”

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