Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 595: No distinction between closeness and distance

 Under night.

 Danzo Shimura, who is firmly in the "root" department, has clearly made a living with the idea of ​​​​purging the Uchiha clan and the Nara clan. It seems that what Shimura Danzo wants to do is consistent with the original plot of Naruto, but the addition of a Nara clan in the purge must be the butterfly effect of cross-country travel.

 After all, in the original plot of Naruto, no one ever thought of getting rid of the Nara clan.

However, purging an Uchiha clan is a very troublesome matter. If you want to purge the Uchiha clan and the Nara clan at the same time, you will definitely set off a wave of terror. Danzo Shimura also needs to plan well.

 So, the disaster that the Uchiha clan and the Nara clan will face is actually still not something that can happen before their eyes.

But the Uchiha clan and the Nara clan still have time to live a good life. The Mist Ninja Village, which originally had the name of Blood Mist, is not as gentle as Shimura Danzo.

Under the arrangement of Qing Hui Yeluo, Cross Country was stationed at a secret base at the port of the Country of Fire. It could be said that almost in the blink of an eye, he was stationed there for two full months.

 In the past two months, I have done a lot of things cross-country.

 The first thing that happened was that Cross Country got rid of the clones after becoming allies with Qing, Kaguya Luo and others.

That was done by the cooperation of Kaguya Raku, Shisui, and Ao when the clones were blocked by cross-country ice. After finally getting rid of the clones, the troubles we faced off-road were reduced by one. But thinking about it in cross-country, his time to solve the clones was still a little slow.

 Because, the Devil Sea God in the Yin Escape Brand took advantage of the time when the clones were not solved by the cross-country, and swallowed up most of the clones' spiritual energy. Because of this, the cold on the cross-country has become more serious. Unless he had other things to do, Shisui rarely went to Cross Country and chatted with him. This was because the cold on Cross Country became more and more terrifying, and even Shunshen Shisui couldn't get close easily.

 The second thing is what the Fourth Hokage arranged for the cross-country trip.

 It took about half a month, through the intelligence network under the Qing forces, to find out that the source of the intelligence obtained by the Fourth Hokage was false information revealed by the Mizukage. There is no doubt that the Mizukage hiding in the Mist Ninja Village, or let's just say Madara, wants to use this kind of information to lure the Fourth Hokage to the Kingdom of Water, in order to accomplish some unknown purpose. .

 Specifically, it is unclear what Madara wants to do to the Fourth Hokage.

However, knowing that the so-called Yin Escape master is completely false information, Cross Country can actually compete with the Fourth Hokage. However, looking at the reply from the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country knew that the Fourth Hokage was not in a very good mood. It is true that an opportunity to resurrect Kushina Uzumaki was in vain. Thinking of the fourth generation Hokage's love for Kushina Uzumaki, he did not go to the land of water to assassinate Madara, even though he was relatively calm. .

 The third thing is that about half a month ago, Poseidon, who suppressed the Devil Sea for the second time cross-country, finally found a way to control the coldness in his body.

In addition, the ninjas of the Minazuki clan captured by Ao and others are already willing to absorb the terrifying cold air from their bodies for cross-country travel even if they become prisoners. Therefore, the third thing that Cross Country has accomplished in these two months is to successfully find a way to control the cold air in the body. As the cold air gradually weakens, Cross Country is finally able to successfully cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape. I also used the "liberated" body energy to use some Yang Escape secret techniques.

But it would be a wrong idea to think that the biggest gain in the past two months of cross-country riding is to control the coldness in the body.

 Because the most exciting achievement of cross-country is that he found a way to use the cold air to temper his body after controlling the cold air in his body.

That is a shortcut to practice the secret technique of Yang Escape, and it is also a way to help cross-country further suppress the Poseidon of the Devil Sea.

Nowadays, relying on the cold air cast by the Poseidon of the Devil's Sea to temper the body, the cross-country practice of Yang Escape Secret Technique can be said to be a thousand miles. Every day, I can feel that my physical fitness is improving under the tempering of the cold air. Moreover, using cold air to temper the body while traveling cross-country does not require the ninjas of the Minazuki clan to use the secret technique of ice escape to absorb the cold air and slowly weaken the cold air.

 After all, using cold air to temper your body during cross-country travel also requires the consumption of cold air.

If the ninjas of the Minazuki clan were to assist in absorbing the cold air during the cross-country trip, the cold air released by the Poseidon of the Devil's Sea would not be enough to temper the body during the cross-country trip.

 Generally speaking, what has happened in the past two months is basically a good thing, at least from an off-road perspective.

It’s just that no one could imagine that just two months later today, a horrific battle suddenly occurred inside the Mist Ninja Village.

This battle is clearly a purge battle!

“Master Shadow Mage, are you busy? If not, Master Qing will ask you to go and discuss some matters.”

“Well, I’ll follow you now.”

  Seeing the mist ninja in front of me come to report the situation, after completing the cross-country training, I took Shisui with me and headed to the conference room. I wanted to see what happened, which made the usually calm Aozu unable to sit still.

 When I went to the conference room, I saw that there were some familiar faces in the conference room.

Needless to say, Qing and Hui Yeluo are both familiar with off-roading.

 The rest of the important roles, within two months, are also relatively familiar with cross-country. Therefore, after watching the cross-country and Shisui slowly took his seat, Qing unfolded the information scroll in his hand without any hesitation, took a deep breath and said: "Everyone, this is the recently obtained information, please take a look. After reading it, I really want to know why Mizukage."

 “Why does Mizukage attack the family under his command?”

“In the early hours of today, the ANBU under Mizukage’s command suddenly secretly sneaked into the Minazuki clan’s residence.”

 “The Minazuki clan under the command of Hara Mizukage.”

 “They were brutally exterminated!”

Almost as soon as Qing finished speaking, there were bursts of exclamations in the conference room.

"Nani? The Minazuki clan was actually wiped out? What kind of power did Mizukage use? That was the Minazuki clan!"

“In the previous battles in our village, the Minazuki clan was the number one hero. How can the clan be wiped out like this? It’s really unbelievable!”

"What is really incredible is why the Minazuki clan was exterminated! Weren't they loyal to the Mizukage? Why was the crime of rebellion when they were exterminated? Can the Minazuki clan betray the Mizukage? What a joke!"

Hearing a higher-pitched exclamation in the conference room, Cross Country also frowned slightly, wondering what Madara was planning to do and why he wanted to purge the Minazuki clan?

Just like what was said in exclamation before, the Minazuki clan is loyal to Mizukage, or in other words, loyal to Madara. Now they are suddenly facing annihilation. It really feels like they are close to Mizukage. Even if he is loyal to his family, as long as he makes Mizukage unhappy, his first thought is to kill him.

But Cross Country knows that the truth behind Madara’s destruction of the Minazuki clan may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

Seeing that there were a lot of discussions in the conference room, but Qing was the only one who kept staring at him, he knew exactly what Qing meant. So, he stood up slowly and patted Shisui on the shoulder. After standing up, Cross Country smiled and said to Qing, Kaguya and others in front of him: "Since everyone is curious, why did Mizukage give the order to exterminate the clan? "It's so sudden, why not"

“I will personally sneak into the Mist Ninja Village and get some information!”

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