Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 605: Masking (Part 2)

 Not a friend, but an enemy?

 What is this, "masking"?

As long as people become "masked", will they lose their consciousness and become Mr. Ban's lackey?

It is unbelievable that Madara actually has the ability to "mask" people. First he "masked" Uchiha Obito, and then Uchiha Obito "blackened", and then "masked" Lin, and Lin again Became Madara's pawn.

  Will Nagato, who becomes "black" in the future, also embark on the road of "masking"?

  Will the people Banye values ​​​​become his enemies in the future?

  Listening to Zhisui's cold words and looking at his cold eyes, Yue Yue was very unwilling to believe that his friend could actually become like this, and the reason for his change was because of his underestimation of his enemy.

In the past, for Uchiha Obito, Lin, and even Nagato's "blackening", cross-country felt that it had little to do with him. After all, neither Uchiha Obito, Lin, nor Nagato were cross-country in the true sense. friend. There was only Shisui in front of him, who had really been friends with him for a long time. Now that he was like this, he was angry and guilty at the same time.

However, Shisui didn't feel any guilt or anger towards Cross Country, and he was directly attacked when faced with Cross Country!

That's the teleportation technique!

The instant body technique of Shisui!

He never expected that Zhi Shui's instant body technique would one day work in front of him. The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, and he was about to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to imprison Zhi Shui and find a way to restore Zhi Shui. Method. Who would have thought that just when the shadow under the cross-country foot had just extended, Zhisui suddenly used another teleportation technique!

Moreover, when Shisui avoided the secret technique of Shadow Escape from Cross Country, what he said stung the heart of Cross Country even more!

“Off-road, we have known each other for so long, how could I not understand your strength?”

"So, no matter what kind of technique you use, you can't restrain me."

“Because the person who knows you best is me!”

 Listening to Shisui's words, Shisui was very heartbroken, because just like what Shisui said, the person who knows most about Shisui is him!

Soon, a sudden teleportation technique came to the back of the cross-country, and towards the direction of the cross-country, Shisui suddenly used the secret technique of the Uchiha style!

 “Uchiha flow!”

 “Sword leaps into flames!”

That is the Uchiha-ryu secret technique, which is like the cross-country blast flow secret technique. It is also the Uchiha-ryu secret technique that Shisui can only complete by asking for cross-country guidance!

Once upon a time, Off-Road and Shisui were happily discussing secret techniques and exchanging how to use them.

 And now?

Shisui actually used Uchiha-ryu’s secret technique to directly affect Yuki’s body!

Although he felt that his mentality was maintained very well off-road, when he avoided Shisui's Uchiha style secret technique, he was still attacked by a fierce flame blade and injured his shoulder.

  How long has it been since you were injured?

 I don’t even know about off-roading!

However, blood stains were just about to flow from Xue Xue's shoulder. The cold air accompanying Xue Xue's body suddenly sealed his wound with ice, preventing the blood from flowing out. Immediately afterwards, feeling the cold air surrounding him, Cross Country seemed to feel a reminder from the Poseidon of the Devil's Sea, knowing that if he didn't fight well, he would die miserably in the hands of Shisui.

But who could have imagined that just when Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, without any extra movement, he suddenly cast the S-level secret technique of Shadow Escape, Shadow Realm Arrival, the dark shadow of Shadow Realm Arrival had just enveloped the world. Just as Zhisui was imprisoned, Zhisui's Mangekyō Sharingan suddenly returned to its dark pupils, and he shouted at the crossroads:

 “Off-road, kill me quickly!”

“I can only control myself for a few seconds, kill me quickly!”


 Shisui is actually back to normal?

what happened?

He stared at Shisui blankly, even though he missed a good opportunity to deal with Shisui by going off-road, because just when Shisui finished speaking, the chakra that suddenly burst out from his body was the faint force of the enemy. The shadow realm that breaks through cross-country has arrived. However, knowing that Shisui can vaguely resist Madara's power, it still feels very happy to go off-road.

 The next second.

Following the shadow that imprisoned Shisui from the shadow world, Cross Country used his own spiritual energy to severely invade Shisui's spiritual energy, trying to find the real reason why Madara controlled Shisui.

on the other hand.

 How could Madara not feel that Shisui was out of control after he left?

Hiding in Kamui's space with the "blackened" Uchiha Obito, Madara, who was suddenly wearing a mask, became depressed for a moment, causing the "blackened" Uchiha Obito next to him to ask nervously: "Master ,Are you OK?"

 “It’s okay, I just went too far.”

Faintly replying to the "blackened" Uchiha Obito, Madara sighed deeply and said: "The Mangekyo Sharingan is indeed a pair of magical eyes. Everyone awakens the Mangekyo Sharingan in a different way. My personal Mangekyo Sharingan ability is different. Although I have been studying the Mangekyo Sharingan for so many years, I have always felt that the Mangekyo Sharingan is likely to surpass the Rinnegan. Unfortunately, I still have not been able to grasp the secret of the Mangekyo Sharingan. through."

"If I guess correctly, Shisui's Mangekyo Sharingan should be able to vaguely restrain my ability."

“So, it’s a matter of time before he gets out of control.”

 “Obito, we may be facing another failure!”

Even though it was a failure, Madara didn't feel depressed at all. In other words, Madara didn't expect that Cross Country could actually find his location before sneaking into the Mist Ninja Village.

The "blackened" Uchiha Obito remembered another thing after listening to Madara's words, and immediately asked Madara: "Master, what about the Mist Ninja Village?"

 “Give up, it’s meaningless.”

With a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth, Madara said slowly: "Perhaps Nara Cross Country thinks that Mist Ninja Village is really important to me. In fact, Mist Ninja Village is something I have wanted to destroy for a long time. Since If they are willing to take it, but they have to pay a certain price, then leave the Mist Ninja Village to them. Obito, you have to keep an eye on Nagato, because Nagato is a member of the Uzumaki Clan, and the secret skills of their Uzumaki Clan are the same. Can restrain the secret technique I use."

 “It would be really bad if Nagato gets out of control!”

"It's a pity that when I used that secret technique to extend my life, I encountered a backlash, otherwise"

 “The current ninja world has long fallen into our hands!”

With that said, Madara was silent for a moment, then faced the "blackened" Uchiha Obito, and asked again: "Obito, give all the corpses of the Minazuki clan ninjas to Rin for disposal!"

“Just now I observed the situation inside Nara’s cross-country body, and I discovered.”

“It’s possible that our experiment didn’t really fail. As long as we put in more effort, we can indeed create that thing artificially!”

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