Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 62: Plan within plan

 The ghost is still not dead!

 Could it be that the Mist ninja Jonin who was fighting against Cross Country and others has some kind of immortality ability just like Kakuzu and Hidan in the original plot?

 No, it’s completely different!

 In fact, it’s not that Gui Deng Zhengji has some kind of immortal ability, but that the way Cross Country and others used to kill Gui Deng Zhengji is wrong!

In fact, it can be seen from the surname of Kiden Shoji that Kiden Shoji is a member of the Kiden clan in the Kiri Ninja Village.

In the original plot, Gui Deng Man Yue, Gui Deng Shui Yue and others of the Gui Deng clan all have a magical ability, which is to instantly liquefy their bodies when attacked to resist the enemy's fatal blow.

As a member of the Oniden clan and a jounin of the Mist Ninja Village, Kiden Shoji is naturally proficient in the ability to liquefy the body. Therefore, if Cross Country and others relied on physical attacks, they would not be able to kill Kiden Shoji, the fog ninja jounin, without grasping Kiden Shoji's weaknesses.

It is also because of this that by relying on the blood lineage of his family, Ghost Shoji not only escaped from the hands of Cross Country and others, but also obtained an important piece of information from the mouths of Cross Country and others!

That is the identity of Sarutobi Asuma, and it is important information about the son of the Third Hokage!

 In Konoha Village, even though the third Hokage abdicated to make way for a more talented person, the fourth Hokage succeeded in taking over.

 But anyone in the ninja world knows that the Fourth Hokage's rights in Konoha Village are far less than those of the Third Hokage. Therefore, with the son of the Third Hokage in hand, the Mist Ninja Village can use Sarutobi Asuma's identity to make a fuss and crush the Leaf Village in terms of momentum. On the other hand, the Mist Ninja Village can even use Sarutobi's identity. Asuma's life was very valuable to threaten the Third Hokage.

Moreover, even if they fail to crush the Leaf Village in terms of momentum, even if the Third Hokage is not threatened, it is always possible to use Sarutobi Asuma as a prisoner of war in exchange for some useful war resources from the Leaf Village. ?

The Third Hokage can't just watch his son die in battle for some war resources, right?

So, it can be said that after learning the identity of Sarutobi Asuma from Cross Country and others, Kiden Shoji's thoughts became hot. After all, all of Kiden Shoji's subordinates died in the encounter. As a Mist Ninja Jonin, he would also have to bear a certain amount of punishment when he returned to the Mist Ninja Village.

However, with Sarutobi Asuma's trump card, Kito Shoji not only doesn't have to think about being punished, but he also contributes to the Kiri Ninja Village to a certain extent, and the possibility of receiving rewards after returning to the village has changed. Much bigger.

Immediately afterwards, after deliberately observing that no one was following him around, Ghost Shoji slowly put away the cruel smile on his face, took a short rest, and headed towards the camp of Mist Ninja Village.

At this moment, Oniden Shoji’s destination was suddenly the place where Sarutobi Asuma was imprisoned.

  Unknown to Sarutobi Asuma’s identity before, Kito Shoji treated Sarutobi Asuma as an ordinary prisoner of war.

At this time, now that he knows Asuma Sarutobi's identity, in order to make up for his mistakes and get a generous reward, Oniden Shoji must go to the place where Sarutobi Asuma is imprisoned, and first make sure that Asuma Sarutobi survives!

“Little brat named Sarutobi, I hope your mouth will be firmer and you won’t reveal too much information.”

"Otherwise, if you really die in the Mist Ninja camp, we will really be in trouble!"


Huttered secretly, Gui Deng Zhenger knew it was too late and disappeared directly into the dense forest where he had fought before.

While rushing on the road at high speed, as an experienced fog ninja jounin, Oni Deng Shoji was still on guard against the deceptions of Cross Country and others.

 It wasn’t until he returned to the Mist Ninja camp that Ghost Shoji took a deep breath and his expression became relaxed.

 It can be seen that in the previous encounter, there was really a shadow on Ghost Light Shoji.

Especially the way that off-road looks like a kid, but is actually a ruthless ANBU, which makes Oni Deng Masaji secretly frightened. However, after returning to the Mist Ninja camp, he found that there were only a few Mist Ninja Chuunin in the camp. The Mist Ninja genin were guarding the camp. Kito Shoji couldn't help but frowned and asked a genin next to him:

 “Why are the guards at the camp so weak?”

 “Where is Master Loquat? Where have they gone?”

Listening to Kiden Shoji's question, the Mist ninja replied respectfully: "Sir, the Konoha troops we surrounded began to counterattack, and Mr. Loquat led the troops to encircle and suppress them."

“Master Loquat said that if he comes back, he will quickly lead his team to help.”

 Speaking, the Mist ninja genin was startled, and then asked: "Sir, your team?"

 “Hmph, are you allowed to ask these things? Get out of here!”

After losing all his subordinates in the battle with Cross Country and others, Ghost Shoji was still angry, so naturally he couldn't look good on the mist ninja genin.

Then, after asking about the camp where Sarutobi Asuma was located, Oniden Shoji angrily went to the camp where the prisoners of war were held, and saw Sarutobi Asuma's figure at a glance.

  Sarutobi Asuma was really miserable when it came to falling into the hands of the mist ninja.

Even though there were only a few Mist ninja Chuunin and Mist ninja genin left in the Mist ninja camp, as the Mist ninja's first prisoner of war, the Mist ninja ninjas still sent interrogation experts to torture Sarutobi Asa Ma.

No, not long after he fell into the hands of the Mist Ninja, Sarutobi Asuma was almost mentally broken under the severe punishment.

It is estimated that if Kito Shoji had returned later, Sarutobi Asuma might have revealed the secret of Cross Country and others' breakout due to a mental breakdown, and would have become useless and died miserably at the hands of the Kiri Ninja.

 Fortunately, as the son of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Asuma's mouth is still very strong.

And Shoji Oniden also saw that Sarutobi Asuma was fine, so he took a deep breath and said to the ANBU who were interrogating Sarutobi Asuma:

"You guys, please step back. I captured the prisoners of war. According to the rules, I should handle them myself."

 “Yes, sir!”

After hearing Shoji Kiden's order, the several fog ninja chunin who came to interrogate Asuma Sarutobi quickly retreated, leaving only Shoji Kiden and Asuma Sarutobi in this camp.

 Then, looking at Sarutobi Asuma, whose eyes became confused in front of him, Oni Deng Shoji couldn't help but smile proudly.

Especially when recalling the identity of Sarutobi Asuma and the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Cross Country and others, Kiden Shoji held the sword in his hand tightly, and the smile that raised the corner of his mouth contained a hint of cruelty!

“Kid, I heard that you are the son of the Third Hokage, right?”

  “No, it’s not.”

The spirit is still not broken, Sarutobi Asuma still knows what can and cannot be said.

Just when Oni Shoji suddenly asked, Sarutobi Asuma couldn't help but feel in a trance. Coupled with the previous torture, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a strange color, which made Oni Shoji secretly sneer at the same time, holding the sword in his hand and slowly approached. He stood next to Sarutobi Asuma, pressed his sword tightly against Sarutobi Asuma's neck, and said with a ferocious smile:

"Kid, your companions have exposed your secret, so you don't need to pretend any more! Your companions are also very powerful, and they can actually make the uncle suffer! Humph, wait until I successfully hand you over After giving it to Master Loquat, I will naturally go to seek revenge on your little companions!"

 “But before that, I’m going to charge some interest on you!”

 “Hahahahaha! Wouldn’t it be interesting if the Third Hokage’s son was missing a leg?”

“Little devil, do you want your right leg? Or your left leg?”

"no, do not want!"

Facing the cruel and somewhat ferocious smile of Oni Deng Shoji, Sarutobi Asuma was really scared.

As the son of the Third Hokage, a ninja who sneaked out of the camp and did not obey the off-road orders, if Asuma Sarutobi died in battle, either he or the Third Hokage would have some face. But if he becomes disabled and returns to the Leaf Village as a prisoner of war, not to mention the Third Hokage losing face, Sarutobi Asuma will commit suicide in shame and anger after he returns.

However, at this time, in front of Kiden Shoji, Sarutobi Asuma is someone else's fish, how can he have the strength to resist?

So looking at the figure of Kiden Shoji getting closer, Sarutobi Asuma was really scared, and even his eyes were filled with crystal tears, for fear that he would end up disabled in the hands of Kiden Shoji.

However, since Oniden Shoji is determined to torture Sarutobi Asuma, he must not be lenient as he has been trained in "Blood Mist". The more he listened to Sarutobi Asuma's wailing, the more excited Kito Shoji felt. Especially when Sarutobi Asma cried, Kito Shoji's eyes showed even more excitement, and he waved directly. The sword in hand.

But just when Kito Shoji's sword was about to fall on Sarutobi Asuma's lap, and Sarutobi Asma was about to scream in pain, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound!

Immediately afterwards, under the astonished look in Kiden Shoji's eyes, a familiar voice echoed in the ears of Kiden Shoji and Sarutobi Asuma!

 “Shadow Imitation, success!”

 "The surviving Mist ninja Jonin, you have fallen into my trap again!"

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