Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 621: civil war begins


 Endless darkness sweeps across, is night falling?


 It’s the arrival of the Shadow Realm!

 Thanks to the three shadow-level experts from before, Cross Country had just completed six stages of condensed Yin Escape Brand, and was no longer in an empty state. Therefore, by directly casting Shadow Realm Arrival, Cross Country is to use Kagura's inner eye to sense all the shadow-level strongmen in the Daming Mansion of the Kingdom of Water, those shadow-level strongmen created by Madara, and on the other hand, use The Shadow Realm came to the Daming Mansion covering the entire Kingdom of Water, leaving these shadow-level powerhouses with no time to hide or escape.

Furthermore, as long as a shadow-level powerhouse is imprisoned by the arrival of the shadow world, there is only one outcome.

 That is death!

 In just a few seconds, Daming Mansion was stained with blood!

 Watching the horrific cross-country performance, Orochimaru and Jiraiya just remained silent. At least, after the cross-country **** battle with Damingfu and washing the Damingfu with the blood of Kage-level warriors, both Orochimaru and Jiraiya lost the confidence to fight against the cross-country. As long as they show up cross-country, what comes to their minds is the death of countless shadow-level experts. Their first feeling is that the next person to die is themselves.

Therefore, when Cross Country used the "Northern Darkness" ability of the Yin Escape Brand to swallow up the Yin Escape Brands of the remaining shadow-level experts, and used their spiritual energy to push the six condensed Yin Escape Brands to their peak, Orochimaru deeply He sighed deeply and silently left Daming Mansion in the Kingdom of Water. Jiraiya also sighed deeply, followed Orochimaru's figure, and slowly disappeared into the cross-country perception.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya have retreated. In the entire Daming Mansion, except for some ordinary fog ninjas, there are basically only two shadow-level powerhouses, including off-road and Mei Terumi.

  After that, Terumi Mei had no intention of killing them all. He suddenly appeared in front of every fog ninja and captured them with his own strong strength. While Cross Country silently calculated his gains from this fierce battle, Terumi Mei used his own persuasion to persuade the remaining fog ninjas in the Daming Mansion to surrender.


This is not to say that Terumi Mei's eloquence is very good, but that these fog ninjas really have no other way to go except surrender.

 But having recruited a group of fog ninjas, even though their strength was not very strong, Terumi Mei was also very happy. In addition, in Daming Mansion, all the shadow-level strong men produced by Banye have become "food" for Cross Country. Therefore, when Cross Country discovers that these shadow-level strong men created by Master Ban, their Yin Escape brand is only enough to push themselves. When facing the peak of the six condensed Yin Escape brands, he sighed helplessly, and then he thought to himself in his heart:

"I originally thought that with the one-stage condensed Yin Escape Brand of these shadow-level experts, my Yin Escape Brand could at least reach the level of seven stages of condensation. Now it seems that it is impossible. At most, it will be the peak of six stages of condensation, but like this The attainments are also very good. At least, most of the Uzumaki clan's attainments in cultivating the Yin Release Brand are not as high as mine. Moreover, as long as we return to Minato-sensei, Kushina-sama may be resurrected."

"Now with my Yin Escape Brand accomplishments, it is possible to resurrect Kushina-sama."

"Next, I only need to understand what the sixth stage of Yin Release Brand's condensed ability is. Then I should leave the Kingdom of Water, resurrect Kushina-sama first, and then properly train Shiro, little Naruto, and Gaara , plus Kimimaro and four little guys.”

“Time flies so fast, am I going to become a master soon?”

 “Minato-sensei, we.”

 “It’s been a long time since we last met!”

  I thought to myself, going off-road felt like I was returning home.

But Terumi Mei's sudden appearance delayed the time to go cross-country to the Fourth Hokage.

“Shadow Mage, I really want to thank you.”

“You can say that by taking care of the strong men in Daming Mansion, you have helped us recruit a group of combat forces, and enabled us to legitimately fight against the water shadows.”

"In the next few days, I will be preparing to spread the news about Kisame Kisame's assassination of the daimyo. When the time comes, there will be no evidence of Kisame Kisame's death. In addition, we can control the Daming Mansion, the real capital of the Water Kingdom, and the disadvantages we face will be resolved. Instead, Mizukage will have a headache!"

 Speaking, Terumi Mei smiled slightly again, and then asked:

“Shadow Mage, do you have any suggestions for our later strategy?”


Although he became famous during the Third World War, unfortunately, when he participated in cross-country battles, he often went alone and rarely had the experience of leading his teammates to fight. In addition to using his own terrifying combat power to divert most of the enemy's energy, Cross Country knew nothing about commanding a battle, so with a sharp twitch of the corner of his mouth, Cross Country said helplessly: "Terumi Mei, in the civil war you are going to fight in the future, I will Maybe I won’t participate because I have other things to deal with, including the beginning of the civil war.”

“You’d better have a good talk with Mr. Qingluo.”

 “Oh? Are you leaving?”

The look of reluctance in his eyes flashed away, Terumi Mei asked: "Didn't you agree to deal with the Mizukage before leaving? Why did you suddenly leave in such a hurry?"

 “This is it”

 There is no doubt that Cross Country cannot reveal the news that the Fourth Hokage is not dead, let alone the news that he can resurrect Uzumaki Kushina. Therefore, after listening to Terumi Mei's questions, Cross Country was a little embarrassed, and Terumi Mei was quite considerate in this regard. Seeing that Cross Country was in a bit of a dilemma, he naturally did not continue to ask further questions.

However, after Cross Country revealed his intention to leave, Terumi Mei still tried every means to stay in Cross Country.

Let’s not talk about personal emotions, let’s just say that as long as Xue Yue is here, being able to attract Madara’s attention is what Terumi Mei needs.

 So, first, I talked about going to the Mist Ninja Village to pick up Kimimaro off-road, and then talked about the threat of the Mizukage. It can be said that Terumi Mei exhausted all methods, and finally got the nod of cross-country, choosing to temporarily help Terumi Mei win the civil war. Only then was Terumi Mei satisfied and began to control Daming Mansion, hoping to use Daming Mansion as their real base.

  followed by.

Within a few days, the story of the rebel Ninja Kisame's assassination of the Water Country Daimyo spread to the ninja world.

 It’s a pity that the Third World War ended not long ago, and each Ninja Village needs a period of time to relieve the “fatigue” from the Ninja War. Otherwise, what the Mist Ninja Village will face may not be a civil war, but a foreign invasion station.

After the news that the rebel Ninja Kisame killed the Daimyo of the Land of Water caused a sensation, the civil war in the Kiri Ninja Village began immediately.

The "revolutionary army" headed by Mei Terumi began to occupy Daming Mansion, guarding the main roads around Daming Mansion, and began a strategy of gradually occupying the territory of the Kingdom of Water.

The forces of the Mist Ninja Village, led by Madara, or Mizukage, while occupying the Mist Ninja Village, began to engage in fierce battles with the "revolutionary army" of the Kingdom of Water.

 As for the outcome of every fierce battle

Although Mei Terumi's "revolutionary army" had the upper hand, truly understanding the encroachment of the Water Kingdom's territory was not something that could be accomplished overnight. Within half a year, he was leading a unit of the "revolutionary army", known as the "Fighting Army". The invincible shadow mage finally couldn't control his anxiety and made a suggestion to Terumi Mei!

  "Teumi Mei, tomorrow I am going to assassinate the Mizukage Shikura."

“After the assassination is completed, I am going to leave with Kimimaro, Bai and his daughter.”

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