Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 639: The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit (Part 1)

be honest.

The Iwa Ninja Village sent four jounin to help Kado. It is no exaggeration to say that the four Iwa Ninja jonin were able to defeat the country of waves. Unfortunately, Kado was very unlucky. He met the famous shadow mage in the ninja world.

With the shadow mage here, let alone the four Iwa ninja jonin, even if the Tsuchikage comes in person, Cross Country is sure to repel them.

Therefore, after successfully assassinating Kado and defeating the Iwa Ninja, he saw the Iwa Ninja fleeing in despair. He was neither happy nor angry. He just ordered Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro to take Kimimaro with him, and rested in vain. . Instead, they went cross-country and hurried to Cardo's company, preparing to take over Cardo's property.

The wealth that originally belonged to Cardo was undoubtedly the funds that Cross Country would use to develop the country of Waves.

 It’s a pity that God didn’t follow his wishes, so he went cross-country to Kaduo’s company, but it turned out to be in vain.


In the original book of Naruto, Kado, who has escaped the control of the Tsuchikage, is one of the few rich people in the ninja world. Kado now is at best a puppet. All his wealth was given by the Iwa Ninja Village. Naturally, It will be owned by the Iwa Ninja Village. As early as when the Tsuchikage sent the Iwa Ninja Jonin to protect Cardo, the Tsuchikage had already thought of someone who wanted to deal with Cardo, so he transferred all the wealth in Cardo's name to the name of the Iwa Ninja Village. .

In this way, the funds needed for the cross-country trip naturally disappeared. When I returned to the place where I lived with my mouth twitching, I was very depressed even with the cross-country trip.

 Without money, how can he develop the economy of the country of Waves?

 If the economy of the country of Wave cannot be developed, how can the base area of ​​the Dusk "organization" be successfully established?

 In the end, there is no way. Cross-country cannot exploit the civilians in the Kingdom of Waves like Cardo. Therefore, on the third day after Cross Country eliminated Cardo, Cross Country quietly contacted Yahiko, hoping that Yahiko could take members of the "Twilight" organization to the Country of Waves to develop the economy.

 But it is still a pity. Xiaonan was responsible for managing the economy of the "Akatsuki" organization at the beginning. Yahiko was at most a good leader, but in terms of economic development, Yahiko didn't have any good ideas. However, when Yahiko proposed the idea of ​​using the power of others to develop the country of Waves, Yahiko's suggestion was to give Cross Country a little more ideas.

  followed by.

On the second day after Yahiko came to the Land of Waves, he ordered Yahiko to take good care of Kimimaro and the other little ones, and he suddenly embarked on his way back to the Land of Fire.

 Because, the allies in the cross-country idea are surprisingly in the Leaf Village of the Country of Fire!

 As long as they are around, the development of the country of Nabo will

  There will definitely be a "qualitative" leap in a short period of time!

 Six days later, in the Kingdom of Fire.

Hours quickly, cross-country across the Kingdom of Waves, and returns to the Kingdom of Fire in just six days. However, when walking along the border of the Land of Rain and entering the border of the Land of Fire, Cross Country suddenly discovered that all the members of the Uchiha Clan's garrison who were originally guarding the border of the Land of Rain had disappeared.

The Uchiha clan's police force not only guards the safety of Konoha Village, but also guards the borders of the Land of Fire.

Almost every time at the border of the Land of Fire, there are members of the Uchiha Clan's guard stationed there. Now, at the border of the Land of Rain, all the members of the Uchiha Clan's guard have disappeared. Cross Country's mind has obviously popped up. Some bad thoughts. Sure enough, when we returned to Konoha Village from cross-country, we found that the members of the Uchiha clan guarding the entrance to Konoha Village were all mixed with some other guys or civilian ninjas. The Uchiha in the original Naruto novel The tragedy of the family's annihilation suddenly appeared in Cross Country's memory.

"It seems that I lost track of time. Naruto is already four years old now, and Sasuke must be four years old as well, almost five years old."

"At this point in time, the plot in Naruto's original novel seems to be the massacre of the Uchiha clan. I wonder if there is trouble on Shisui's side, and there is also Itachi, whom I haven't seen for a long time."

 “Have you also taken refuge in Master Madara?”

 “If you really take refuge in Master Ban, then we.”

 “I’m afraid I’m going to become an enemy!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country sighed deeply. He really didn't want to see the Weasel God again when the Weasel God had already become his enemy.

As for Cross Country, relying on the terrifying accomplishments of his Yin Escape brand, it is also very simple to sneak into Konoha Village with silent weapons. However, in order to avoid being discovered by others, the person whom Cross Country contacted immediately was not his uncle Nara Shikaku, but his friend whom he had not seen for a long time, Shunshen Shisui, who is equally famous in the ninja world today!

“Off-road, you’re actually back?”

In the quiet training ground, when Shisui saw Shisui, he saw that he was wearing ANBU clothes, and he sighed silently.

However, if we just met and said some serious words, it would inevitably put both of us in a bad mood. Therefore, when he saw Zhisui greeting him, Cross Country smiled slightly and said: "Zhisui, long time no see. I have some things to deal with when I came back recently. In order to avoid exposing myself, I was the first one to contact you after I came back. It’s you, not Uncle Shikaku.”

 Speaking, when Cross Country was using Kagura's Heart Eye to perceive, he suddenly felt that there was a strong figure following Shisui behind him.

 The smile that raised at the corner of his mouth became a little more intense.

His eyes slowly shifted to the figure, and then he said to Shisui in front of him: "Zhisui, since Itachi is here, just let him out. We haven't seen him for a long time, Itachi really It's a lot of progress, isn't it?"

 “Is he going to spar with me?”

 Sure enough!

Itachi Shen hid around the training ground in order to test how far he was from the cross-country.

 When it comes to off-roading, it’s really the shadow of Itachi’s childhood.

Every time he faced off-roading, he never got any benefits, and on the road of growth, Uchiha Fugaku always asked Itachi to pursue cross-country as his goal, which really made Itachi have a desire in his heart.

 That is to defeat off-road!

 It's a pity that the cross-country can no longer stay in Konoha Village. Even if Itachi wants to challenge the cross-country, he has no chance.

Now we know from Shisui that the cross-country has quietly returned to Konoha Village. Itachi God, who is also wearing ANBU costume, came with great interest, ready to challenge the cross-country.

Who would have thought that the sneak attack was not successful and was discovered off-road.

Hiding around the training ground, knowing that Cross Country had discovered him, Itachi could only sigh silently, slowly reveal himself, and said: "Cross Country, I was actually discovered by you, your perception ability is getting stronger and stronger. "

“But the stronger you are, the more I want to challenge you.”

 “Give me a chance to challenge you, okay?”

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