Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 66: Madness?

 “The Art of Kirigakure?”

“Isn’t that the signature ninjutsu of Zabuza Zabuza?”

"not good!"

 During the confrontation between Cross Country and Ghost Lantern Full Moon, Ghost Lantern Full Moon disappeared again at an astonishing speed. Cross Country was secretly feeling something bad.

  After all, the gap in strength between Cross Country and Gui Deng Full Moon was too big. Gui Deng Full Moon relied on its astonishing speed to make Cross Country faintly unstoppable. What's more, after the ghost lamp full moon disappeared, he used the Kirigakure technique after completing the seal, which made the cross country feel that the difficulty of fighting against the ghost lamp full moon had increased!

With his understanding of the plot of the original work, Cross Country naturally knows the effects of using the Kirigakure Technique.

To put it bluntly, almost all ninjas in the Kirigakure Village can use the Kirigakure Jutsu, because it is not difficult to cast the Kirigakure Jutsu. You only need to use chakra to roll up water to create thick fog, and you can easily complete the Kirigakure Jutsu. The technique is used.

However, it happens to be such an ordinary ninjutsu. If it is combined with a unique skill of the Mist Ninja, it becomes a terrifying assassination technique!

 That is the silent killing technique!

In the familiar plot of the original work, Kakashi Hatake encountered the rebel ninja Kijin Zai Buza, who used the Kirigakure technique, combined with the silent killing technique, to perfectly restrain Kakashi's Sharingan. , under the shocking assassination, even Konoha's top technician Kakashi entered a critical situation.

As for the ghost lamp full moon in front of Cross Country, even though he is a bit young, his name in the original plot is very famous!

 Because among the seven famous Mist ninjas, the only one who can skillfully use the seven ninja swords is the ghost full moon who is facing off-road at this time!

Especially in the four battles at the end of the original plot, Ghost Lantern Full Moon, who was reincarnated and resurrected by the dirty earth, relied on his amazing strength to fully demonstrate the terrifying strength of the seven Mist Ninjas in the four battles, which made the familiar The cross-country plot of the original novel is secretly frightening.

At this time, Ghost Lantern Full Moon used the Hidden Mist Technique again, combined with the Silent Killing Technique to carry out assassinations. It can be said that the pupils in his eyes contracted slightly at the moment when the fog was dense. But at that time, Cross Country still didn't expect that Gui Deng Man Yue was so skilled in using the silent killing technique!

Almost at the moment when the fog was dense, the feeling of danger echoed in my mind, and the chakra under my feet exploded to avoid it quickly.

Who would have thought that even if the cross-country dodge time was fast enough, the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique was used. However, when Cross Country successfully evaded the first round of assassination by Ghost Lantern Full Moon, the wet feeling still appeared on Cross Country's face, causing a touch of bright red blood to flow along Cross Country's cheek to the ground!

"So fast!"

“What’s even more troublesome is that the Kirigakure Technique combined with the Silent Killing Technique is a method of combat that completely restrains me.”

 “Ghost Lantern Full Moon, how did he discover my weakness?”

Wiping the blood flowing from his cheek, Cross Country's eyes were densely filled with solemn color, but there was also a hint of surprise in them.

 Obviously, Cross Country is a little curious. How did Ghost Lantern Man Yue know that the Kirigakure Technique combined with the Silent Killing Technique was aimed at him.

 At this stage, Cross Country has some considerable attainments in physical skills and Anbu. Especially with the accelerated training on the APP, Cross Country has achieved amazing results in terms of "jutsu". Whether it is the secret technique of the Nara clan, or the Rasengan, the advanced ninjutsu of the Rasengan, he has mastered it perfectly. In the hands of off-roaders.

 It is no exaggeration to say that if Gui Deng Man Yue really uses ordinary methods to fight off-road, there is still a glimmer of hope for off-road.

However, Gui Deng Man Yue chose to completely restrain cross-country operations, which really made cross-country people a little confused.

 Even in the secret technique of the Fourth Hokage, he mastered the method of sensing wind.

However, when the change in the nature of wind chakra has not been cultivated to the extreme, the wind perception ability of cross-country can only be used to perceive the surrounding distance of ten meters in detail. And under the overwhelming strength of Ghost Lantern Full Moon, the cross-country can ensure that the perception within three meters of the surrounding is correct, which is a blessing among misfortunes.

At this time, Gui Deng Man Yue chose to use the Hidden Mist Technique, combined with the Silent Killing Technique, to assassinate Cross Country.

So under the thick fog, the off-road ability to observe the surrounding situation with the naked eye completely disappears. Even if the Fourth Hokage's secret technique, wind perception, is used to perceive the surrounding situation, it will still be interfered by the chakra contained in the thick fog. , further reducing the off-road sensing distance, allowing him to only perceive the situation two meters around at most.

 Two meters! Just two meters!

 What can it be used for?

 The speed of Ghost Lantern Full Moon is so fast. When he strikes two meters away from Cross Country, whether Cross Country can save his life depends on luck.

 Therefore, Gui Deng Man Yue uses a method of completely restraining cross-country fighting to make cross-country feel miserable!

Who doesn’t know that Ghost Light Full Moon uses the Kirigakure Jutsu and the Silent Killing Technique to deal with Cross Country? It was also his mistake to use the Uchiha clan’s shuriken throwing method before Cross Country.

Hindo Cross Country is a member of the Uchiha clan. Oni Deng Mangetsu suffered a loss in Uchiha Shisui, so his first thought was to use the Kirigakure Jutsu to restrain Cross Country's Sharingan.

And how could Ghost Light Full Moon imagine that Cross Country was from the Nara clan, not the Uchiha clan, and he didn't have a Sharingan.

Under the circumstances, Gui Deng Man Yue used a method that completely restrained off-roading and launched a fierce attack on the weaknesses of off-roading. Immediately afterwards, when Cross Country used chakra bursts to avoid Gui Deng Full Moon's assassinations several times, looking at Cross Country covered in bloodstains, Gui Deng Full Moon smiled coldly, and voices came to Cross Country from all directions. In the ears!

 “Little devil, being able to survive under my silent killing technique for so long is a feat of yours!”

 “But didn’t you notice?”

"If my speed is just a little faster, you will die by my sword!"

 “Look at the wounds on your body!”

“Three blood marks on the chest, two blood marks on the neck, and even a blood mark on the forehead!”

 “How long can you persist in this situation?”

“Tell me where on your body will my knife fall next time?”

“Is it the throat? The heart? Between the eyebrows? Or the arteries in your arms?”

With the sound of the ghostly full moon appearing, the pressure of off-roading can’t help but become even greater!

 Human beings often need to use their naked eyes to observe the mood around them in order to maintain peace of mind.

If a person suddenly loses his visual ability and is suddenly in a state of "blindness", that person will inevitably feel a little panic.

What's more, when you are "blind" when you go off-road, you still have to feel great pressure from Gui Deng Man Yue?

 Her heart was beating fiercely, and her head felt full of blood.

The sound of the ghost lantern full moon came, and it obviously had a certain effect, that is, it made the off-roading more and more uneasy!

"Damn it! If I could master a stronger Wind Release Ninjutsu, then I only need to use the Wind Release Ninjutsu, and the Kirigakure Jutsu of Ghost Light Mangetsu would be defeated!"

“But even in the secret scroll of the Fourth Hokage, there is no wind release ninjutsu that can break the Kirigakure Jutsu. So what should I do now?”

“Are you just waiting for death under the silent killing technique of Ghost Lantern Full Moon?”

Hunting secretly, the premonition of danger appeared again. Cross-country evaded in desperation, but still could not avoid the assassination of the full moon.

In an instant, bright red blood dripped down the cross-country arm and onto the ground.

 The assassination of Gui Deng Man Yue, shockingly, the off-road arm was crippled!

If he hadn't been rescued in time, Cross Country might have died of blood loss at the hands of Ghost Man Yue due to too much blood flowing on his arm.

The severe damage to his off-road arm undoubtedly made Gui Deng Man Yue feel even more proud.

But when the sound of the full moon of the ghost lamp reached Cross Country's ears again along the thick fog, I felt the pain coming from my arm. Because of the loss of too much blood, Cross Country's head was a little dizzy, and something suddenly flashed in my eyes. A flash of light.

Immediately afterwards, under the proud laughter of Gui Deng Full Moon, a faint smile suddenly appeared at the corner of the injured cross-country's mouth, which made Gui Deng Full Moon's laughter suddenly stop there!

Because just when Gui Deng Full Moon was using laughter to put more pressure on Cross Country, what shocked Gui Deng Full Moon was that Cross Country suddenly closed his eyes when his arm was injured and bleeding continued!

"That rascal"

 “Is that guy crazy?”

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