Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 651: Deprivation of the five senses (Part 1)

  Can you use "Tsukiyomi" for off-roading?

 In the original Naruto novel, the "Tsukuyomi" can only be used by the Itachi **** after he awakens the Mangekyō Sharingan?

How can it be!

It is obviously the pupil technique of the Mangekyou Sharingan, but why can Cross Country use "Tsukiyomi" in front of the Third Tsuchikage?


Of course it was the insights gained from that cross-country trip back to Konoha Village, the confrontation with God Itachi, and the insights gained from working with Shisui to defeat Madara's clone.

As for the specific reasons, we must first talk about the power of the Sharingan eye and what is going on.

In the original Naruto novel, the most intuitive understanding of the Sharingan is probably that of the second Hokage Senju Tobirama. According to the explanation given by the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, the Sharingan requires certain conditions to be stimulated and awakened. When the Uchiha clan understands the true meaning of "love" and then loses it, the emotion of "love" can be converted into powerful hatred.

That power of hatred can cause a special chakra to invade the brains of the Uchiha clan, causing the nerves to grow in an orderly manner, causing their eyes to undergo mutations. This is the condition for the opening of the Sharingan.

 And what is that special chakra?

 It is the so-called pupil power!

The stronger the pupil power is, the common form of Sharingan will evolve accordingly, and the number of Magatama will increase little by little.

The Sharingan in the form of one Magatama has the ability to see the eye, and the Sharingan in the form of the second Magatama has the ability to see, and the ability to copy the eye is added. When the Sharingan in its ordinary form grows into a three-magatama, its insight ability is enhanced again, its copying ability is enhanced again, and the ability of the hypnotic eye continues to increase.

 Generally, when ninjas of the Uchiha clan want to cast illusions, they must use the ability of hypnotic eyes.

 Shisui, who can understand other gods, and Itachi, the **** of Tsukuyomi, are undoubtedly able to maximize the effect of the hypnotic eye. When Shisui and Itachi God awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan, their eye power will have a "qualitative" leap. That leap is like the difference between when they practice spiritual energy cross-country and when they condense the Yin Escape Brand. .


The last time he returned to Konoha Village, when Itachi God, using the three-magatama Sharingan, cast his own genjutsu across the country, which was a shortened version of "Tsukuyomi", the genjutsu called banishment, Cross Country suddenly discovered the Sharingan in the form of a three-magatama, an extra hypnotic eye, which seemed not as complicated as he imagined.

 In fact, when the pupil power of the Sharingan increases to a certain extent, it can transform the Sharingan in the second Magatama form into the Sharingan in the Three Magatama form, which is the so-called hypnotic eye.

It’s just the ability to use pupil power to increase mental energy and cast illusions silently!

So, since you can use the pupil power to enhance your mental energy, you can use a reduced version of "Tsukuyomi", which is Itachi's illusion called banishment. If your own spiritual energy can be comparable to the increase in the pupil power of the Mangekyō Sharingan words of spiritual energy

 Can some illusions that can only be cast by the Mangekyō Sharingan be cast with mental energy alone?

 With this idea in mind, off-roading is the beginning of experimentation.

When he was teaching Kimimaro, Gaara and other little ones, he seemed to be in a daze silently. In fact, he was trying to use his own spiritual energy to simulate the effect of the spiritual energy amplified by the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan Eyes. Come.

Then, through experiments and failures, Cross Country found that it was too difficult to achieve the desired effect. To put it simply, it is a shortened version of "Tsukuyomi" used by Itachi God, which is the illusion called banishment. He can successfully imitate it with his spiritual energy. However, in the original Naruto novel, the "Tsukuyomi" that Itachi can use after awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan cannot be imitated by Cross Country.

Over time, Off-Road has almost given up. Who would have thought that when he got the news of the arrival of the Third Tsuchikage, Off-Road suddenly successfully completed his experiment in an experiment!

At that time, it was when Cross Country's "Tsukiyomi" was released, and it was also the time when Cross Country understood what the ability to condense the six stages of Yin Escape Brand was.

It is also because of this that Cross Country is confident that he can defeat the Third Tsuchikage and the ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village led by the Third Tsuchikage. Because of Cross Country's belief, he has comprehended the six-level condensation ability of the Yin Escape Brand, plus the ability to use "Tsukuyomi" to limit enemies, combined with his original ability as a shadow mage, making him a shadow-level powerhouse in the ninja world.

 When he is the shadow mage, he is the number one!

 Even the third Tsuchikage could not resist his ferocious power!



In the space of "Tsukuyomi", the Third Tsuchikage only felt that he was tied to a wooden stake. The cross-country figure slowly appeared in front of the Third Tsuchikage, holding an ordinary sword and fiercely It stabbed the Third Tsuchikage hard.

Listening to the third Tsuchikage's cries of pain, Xue Yue smiled slightly, and couldn't help but think that "Tsukiyomi" is indeed useful.

It turns out that when Cross Country used spiritual energy to simulate the spiritual energy that was amplified by the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan Eyes, the reason why he could only imitate the genjutsu called Banishment, which is a reduced version of "Tsukuyomi", was because Cross Country did not use his own Spiritual energy creates a spiritual space in an instant.

 That’s right.

The real secret of "Tsukuyomi" used by Itachi God is that it uses the spiritual energy of its own Mangekyō Sharingan eyes to create a spiritual space.

In this spiritual space, as long as God Itachi can drag other people's spiritual energy into it, he can torture the enemy's spirit severely while controlling time, space, and quality, and instantly kill Kaka in the original Naruto novel. Like Xi, destroy the enemy's mental will and kill them instantly.

At this moment, Cross Country is in his own "Tsukiyomi" space. He is undoubtedly going to use the same method to destroy the spiritual will of the Third Tsuchikage. Not to mention directly defeating the Third Tsuchikage, let alone weakening the Third Tsuchikage. Strength. However, under the extreme control of the cross-country, he tortured the third Tsuchikage for three days and three nights in the mental space. However, except for the third Tsuchikage's spirit being slightly depressed, his strength was not reduced at all.

His eyes were slightly narrowed. At this time, the cross-country clearly admired the third Tsuchikage's standing.

Especially when compared with Kakashi in the original Naruto novel, the Third Tsuchikage's mental will is simply ridiculously strong, and he was actually able to endure three days and three nights in the "Tsukuyomi" space.

Moreover, just when Cross Country was vaguely admiring the Third Tsuchikage in front of him, and at the same time when the "Tsukuyomi" space he had built with his spiritual energy was already on the verge of collapse, the Third Tsuchikage's face suddenly raised a smile. He sneered, and immediately stared at the cross-country road in front of him that had tortured him for three days and nights, and suddenly sneered:

 “Kid, even though your secret technique brings back some bad memories for me.”

“But now I want to thank the guy who made people feel scared, because it was not his words.”

“Perhaps I won’t be able to hold on under your secret technique!”

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