Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 659: Hell (middle)

 meaning of master.

 Could it be Mr. Ban?

I never expected that the "blackened" Nagato would be loyal to Madara just like the "blackened" Uchiha Obito.

When Cross Country heard what Hell Road Payne said, the corners of his eyes twitched violently, and then suddenly the physical energy in his body exploded again, just before Hell Road Payne's trump card could be used. , and rushed as far as possible to Nagato, who had become loyal to Madara after "blackening".

There is no doubt that since the "blackened" Nagato is like the "blackened" Uchiha Obito and the "blackened" Lin, he respects Madara as his master. So, this time Nagato controlled Hell Road Payne to come, there must be a way to restrain cross-country. Therefore, being able to fight as close as possible to the "blackened" Nagato is already the limit of what cross-country can do.

  It's just a joke to say that he directly captured the "blackened" Nagato alive.


No matter how fast the cross-country speed is, how can it be faster than the Hell Road Payne in front of me?

He had just used Kagura's Heart Eye to lock the spiritual energy aura of the "blackened" Nagato. He originally thought of using the "Moon Step" to capture the "blackened" Nagato's off-road, but in an instant he was preparing to use the Shadow Flash Technique. , with the idea of ​​keeping a low profile, thinking that as long as he could go to Nagato's side after "blackening".

Who would have thought that Hell Path Payne's spell casting speed would be so fast.

 In other words, Hell Road Payne waited here early, which means he was prepared early!


Suddenly, a very strange energy emerged from Payne's body in Hell. That energy was so terrifying that even the six sections of the Yin Escape Brand were condensed into cross-country. Almost when that strange energy enveloped Cross Country, Cross Country only felt that his ability to escape the Yin Escape Brand was shrinking little by little, or it could be said to be weakening little by little. As a result, the spiritual energy that can be perfectly controlled in the Yin Escape Brand has become awkward to control off-road.

Furthermore, when the figure of King Yama gradually appeared behind Payne in the Hell Path.

If you want to use your own spiritual energy, you want to use the instantaneous technique of shadowing.


"My secret technique of Yin Escape and my secret technique of Shadow Escape cannot be restrained like this!"

“What kind of method did Madara find to be able to restrain himself so hard?”

 “Could it be.”

 “Is it that King Yama?”

There is really a God of Death in the world of Naruto, is there really a King of Yama?

Cross Country is not very clear. He only knows that the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage cast the corpse seal in the original Hokage. In the comics, there is indeed a shadow of the God of Death, which appears in the place they want to seal. in front of the target. In the original book of Naruto, Hell Path Payne's ability is to control King Yama, or the ability to control Pluto, and Cross Country also knows about it. But whether it's the God of Death who appears after casting the corpse seal, or the King of Hell under the control of Payne in Hell, aren't they just phantoms?


Now staring at the shadow behind Payne in the Hell Road, Cross Country feels a tremor from the bottom of his heart?


When Xue Chuang saw the figure of King Yama, he actually found that King Yama, who should have an expressionless face, had a faint sneer on his lips?

Sure enough, just as King Yama's sneer rose, a sound like thunder suddenly echoed in the ears of the cross country!

"Those who dream of eternal life will be punished!"



That. Is that the voice of King Yama?

For a moment, when he heard the thunder-like sound next to his ears, Cross Country's body froze in place. Naturally, it wasn't that Cross Country was completely frightened by the sound beside his ears, but that he discovered Hell Road Payne. After saying this, King Yama behind him actually opened his mouth and began to eat up the spiritual energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand!

Once upon a time, devouring other people’s spiritual energy and killing them was a trick for off-roading.

 When he was in the Daming Mansion of the Kingdom of Water, Cross Country also used the method of devouring other people's spiritual energy and killed many shadow-level strong men created by Madara, didn't he?

Now, things are turning, and it’s finally the turn of the off-road Yin Eun brand to be swallowed up.

Just when King Yama opened his mouth and began to devour the spiritual energy in Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country only felt that his own Yin Escape Brand continued to weaken, and when the spiritual energy was swallowed up by Cross Country, he had no room to fight back. From the level of condensation of the sixth stage of the Yin Escape Brand, it will soon be reduced to the level of the condensation of the fifth stage of the Yin Escape Brand. If this continues, it may only take a few minutes for Cross Country to die miserably in the Hell Road. It's in my hand!

 But, what can be done?

Penn’s abilities in the Hell Path are really weird, the majesty of King Yama is really terrifying, and the cross-country has no power to fight back!

However, the more there is no other way, or the more desperate the situation, the more calm you have to be. It seems that now, cross-country is facing the invasion of Hell Road Payne and has no ability to resist at all. Therefore, off-roaders need to rely on their own trump cards to defeat Hell Road Payne and King of Hell in front of them.

However, hasn’t the trump card of cross-country always been the secret technique of escape?

Now that the secret techniques of escaping for a living have been restrained, what method can cross-country use to solve the crisis in front of us?


 It must be the power that off-roaders wanted to devour before, but could not!


Of course it’s the power of the Erwei Brigade in the off-road body, plus the power of the Poseidon of the Devil’s Sea!

 In the past, Cross Country was afraid of swallowing up the original power of Erweiyou Brigade and the power of the Poseidon in the Devil's Sea. Now, when facing a dead end, Cross Country can only use the power sealed in the Yin Escape Brand. Therefore, it can be said that he gave up his Yin Escape brand directly. He took a deep breath and suddenly penetrated into the power of Erwei Youqi and the power of Poseidon in the Devil Sea. He hoped to use the power of the two to help him. , get rid of the Hell Path Payne in front of him, and get rid of the God of Death who suppressed him severely.

Nagato, who controlled Hell Road Payne, obviously never thought that cross-country still had a trump card.

It is also because of this that when the off-road Yin Escape brand is about to be completely swallowed up, causing the cross-country Yin Escape accomplishments to completely collapse.


 A scorching flame, coupled with a cold air, suddenly enveloped the off-road body!

There is no doubt that Payne, the **** road in front of cross-country, will face another menopausal counterattack from cross-country!

 “Want to kill me? Nagato, no. It’s Pain!”

 “It depends on whether you have that ability!”

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