Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 661: Hell (Part 2)

 One step to heaven, one step to hell.

 Either to die or to risk one's life.

Between heaven and hell, there is no doubt that the choice of cross-country must be hell. He would rather crush his Yin Escape Brand and die than let Payne of the Hell Path swallow his Yin Escape Brand, step by step In heaven, souls still remain and can be reincarnated. Between dying and fighting for his life, Cross Country also chose the latter. He would rather have no bones left and his soul dissipate than watch Hell Road Payne devour his soul.

 This is the choice for off-roading, and it is also the pride of the Shadow Mage!

And when the power of the Erwei Mata Brigade in the Yin escape brand was unsealed, and the power of the Poseidon from the Devil Sea was added, two figures suddenly appeared from behind the cross country, not the Erwei Mata Brigade, but also the Devil Sea Area's Poseidon. Poseidon, who is it?

At this moment, in front of Hell Road Payne in front of the cross-country, the figure of King Yama emerged behind him. Compared with the Hell Path Payne's King Yama, the two-tailed Brigade behind the cross-country and the figure of the Poseidon in the Devil's Sea are undoubtedly more numerous. However, compared with the terrifying King Yama, the Two-tailed Brigade and the Devil's Sea's figure are undoubtedly more numerous. Poseidon is still a little behind.

 However, the situation is different from before.

Previously, in front of the figure of King Yama behind Payne in the Hell Path, Cross Country didn't even have the strength to resist at all. He could only watch the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand being gradually swallowed up by King Yama in front of him. Now, the power of the Second Tail Brigade, the Devil Sea God of the Sea, is unleashed. Although the power of Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand is still suppressed, in front of Hell Road Payne, Cross Country has a little bit of the power to fight back.

 In this case, risking your life is the right choice.

  followed by.

Staring at the Hell Path Payne in front of him, and at the King of Yama in front of him, Cross Country said lightly:

"seal up!"


It was just the word "sealing", and the devilish sea **** behind the off-road body was shattered there with a bang. There is no doubt that it was the result of the off-road control. In an instant, the power of Poseidon that controlled the Devil's Sea completely exploded in order to get rid of the **** path Payne in front of him.

And when the power of the Poseidon in the Devil's Sea exploded completely under the control of the off-road, the terrifying cold air swept over, directly covering the body of Hell Road Payne. Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, Hell Path Payne's body was gradually frozen there, and gradually turned into an ice cube. At the same time, even the figure of King Yama behind Payne in Hell Road was slowly frozen there. At the same time, the spiritual energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand was finally not swallowed up by the figure of King Yama behind Payne in Hell Road. Next, slowly disappeared.

This is obviously good news. Cross-country finally has a way to control Hell Road Payne.

Although the loss of the Yin Escape Brand is an immeasurable loss, as long as it can survive, Cross Country is still confident that it can restore the achievements of the Yin Escape Brand to the peak level. However, just when Cross Country secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Xin Dao finally had a way to deal with Hell Path Payne, the figure of King Yama behind Hell Path Payne unexpectedly exploded his power again.

That is a weird and terrifying ability, the ability to swallow the off-road Yin Escape brand and force the off-road Yin Escape brand to degrade.

Almost as soon as he used that kind of power, the cold air on Hell Path Payne's body disappeared little by little, just like the power of the Devil Sea Poseidon under off-road control had no impact on Hell Path Payne at all.

 However, is there really no impact at all?

 Actually, the influence is just not reflected in Hell Path Payne!

When the cold air on Hell Path Payne's body slowly disappeared, Nagato, who was hiding in the dark and controlling Hell Path Payne with his samsara eyes, suddenly had a little bit of frost on his body. The appearance of those frosts undoubtedly shocked Konan, who was protecting Nagato, if Nagato hadn't coughed hard several times and told Konan that he was fine.

Xonan, who has always stood firmly by Nagato's side, may be about to leave with Nagato.

  Let’s talk about the other side.

The power of the Devil Sea God Poseidon gradually faded away, and the coldness on Hell Road Payne's body slowly disappeared. When Cross Country saw this, his pupils tightened severely.

what to do?

The power of the Poseidon of the Devil's Sea is of no use in front of Payne of Hell. Do you want me to blow up the power of the Erwei Brigade again?

 It is true that a tailed beast like the second tail has indeed disappeared into the ninja world. However, if the power of the Erwei Mata Brigade really explodes under the control of the cross-country, the power of the Erwei Mata Brigade will be considered to have completely disappeared in the true sense!


Just hesitating for half a second, the cross-country is resolute and determined to explode the power of the second tail and the brigade.

 It’s just the strength of a second-tailed brigade. Compared with your own life, who is more important?

Taking a step back, the strength of the Two-Tails Brigade has completely disappeared. Then in the future, wouldn’t it be impossible for Madara to resurrect the Ten-Tails?

With this thought, Cross Country took a deep breath, and suddenly began to use the power of the Erwei Brigade to prepare for self-destruction. Who would have thought that just when Cross Country controlled the Erwei Mata Brigade and was about to start self-destructing, the Erwei Mata Brigade's force seemed to have rebelled. Suddenly, the figure of the Erwei Mata Brigade behind Cross Country rushed in. Arriving in front of the figure of Hell Dao Payn behind Hell Dao Pain, he was devoured by the figure of King Yama without any hesitation.

At that moment, Cross Country was undoubtedly stunned. After all, no one could imagine that the strength of the Erwei Brigade could rebel at this time.

But just as Hell Road Payne looked at the situation in front of him, he was a little unable to accept the next round of cross-country outbreak, which was easily resolved by the figure of King Yama behind him. Erwei Brigade betrayed again, shockingly A faint smile filled Cross Country's face, but it was Hell Path Payne, or Nagato who manipulated Hell Path Payne to "blacken", with a look of disbelief in his eyes!

 “The true meaning of the two tails”

 “Is it betrayal?”

  Controlling the Hell Path Payne, why did Nagato murmur such a sentence after his "blackening"?

 The reason is

 After Erwei betrayed the Cross Country again and threw itself into the arms of King Yama, it surprisingly betrayed King Yama again and returned to the arms of the Cross Country!

Thinking about it in cross-country, the two betrayals of the Erwei Brigade were tantamount to a false surrender.

 Pretending to betray Cross Country, in fact, the strength of the Erwei Brigade wanted to help Cross Country, and everything went smoothly.

 Smoothly swallowed the figure of King Yama behind Payne in the Hell Path!

 Helping cross-country smoothly.

 Take back your own power!

 “Two tails are traveling again, it seems I have to thank you very much!”

"As long as the King of Yama who devours Pain in the **** realm, then my Yin Escape Brand accomplishments"

 “You can truly achieve consummation!”

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