Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 681: Partner

 The development of the country of Waves must start from waterways.

As for the country with the most developed waterway industry, it goes without saying that it must be the country of water that Terumi Mei is about to master.

As long as we can reach an agreement with the Country of Water and complete waterway assistance, Cross Country firmly believes that the development of the Country of Waves can become faster. However, friendship being friendship, it is impossible to directly ask Terumi Mei for some waterway assistance. After all, the future Terumi Mei is the fifth Mizukage of Kiri Ninja Village. There is no way that there are emotional factors in her decision-making. in.

So, since it is a deal, the Country of Waves must have something that the Mist Ninja Village likes, right?


 The answer is no.

The Country of Waves is now in a state of poverty. It needs the support of "rich families" like the Uchiha clan when it develops. What can off-roading bring to the Mist Ninja Village?

 The only way is, of course, to brush your face.

 Off-road, relying on the name of Shadow Mage, went to White Wolf with nothing. This was the result of discussions after the four-race alliance meeting.

Of course, off-roading is not a pedantic person. If facial brushing can really succeed and really bring benefits to the Kingdom of Waves, then a trip to the Kingdom of Water and a little facial brushing with Terumi Mei will have nothing to do with it. Therefore, almost a week after the Battle of the Kingdom of Waves ended, Cross Country was ready to go to the Kingdom of Water.

Because Kimimaro and Haku are both from the Kingdom of Water in the true sense, so before leaving for the cross-country trip, they prepared to take Kimimaro and Haku's two apprentices with them. As for Gaara, he really should Back to the Sand Ninja Village. After all, Gaara is the Jinchūriki in the Sand Ninja Village. It is impossible for all of them to follow the cross-country training.

However, before returning to the Sand Ninja Village, Cross Country summarized Gaara's training progress and training methods, turned it into a scroll, and gave it to Gaara. He told Gaara that no one could read the scroll he gave Gaara at will, otherwise something terrible might happen.

 After Gaara nodded vigorously, Cross Country said goodbye to Gaara again and embarked on the journey back to the Kingdom of Water.

 Back to the land of water again, what is it like going off-road?

 It is a very inferior feeling.

The inferiority complex mentioned here does not mean that Cross Country feels inferior for itself, but that it feels inferior to the country occupied by the "Twilight" organization. If you look at the various industries in the Kingdom of Water, how well they are developing, and then look at the situation in the Kingdom of Waves, it seems a bit miserable. Terumi Mei was about to become the leader of the Kingdom of Water at a young age, but after working hard for so long on cross-country and winning several hard battles, she became the talker of the Kingdom of Waves.

Comparing one person to another is really irritating!

Then, the journey to the Kingdom of Water was uneventful. In addition, the "revolutionary army" led by Terumi Mei basically deprived the Kingdom of Water of its rights. Therefore, when we met Terumi Mei this time on the cross-country, everyone in the Kingdom of Water The "Revolutionary Army" was also on vacation, and there was no accident at all when meeting Terumi Mei off-road.

However, when Cross Country and Terumi Mei were talking about the Land of Waves, Terumi Mei just frowned, and Cross Country knew that the situation was a little bad.

“Shadow Mage, are you here just to talk to me about the Kingdom of Waves?”

 “Well, that’s right.”

Cross Country nodded and said: "The Country of Waves is a small country. If you want to develop, you must rely on big trees. The development of the Country of Water in terms of waterways is obvious to everyone in the ninja world. Therefore, I I hope that the Country of Water will support the Country of Waves a little, and as long as it can help the country of Waves’ waterway industry get on track, I will be happy.”

 “Get on the right track?”

The corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, and Terumi Mei asked back: "Kage Mage, do you know how many resources are needed to help your country's waterway industry get on the right track?"

"have no idea."

“Then do you know how many resources are needed to build a country’s port?”

"have no idea."

“Then do you have a shipbuilding industry in the Kingdom of Waves? If there are no ships, how can you develop the waterway industry?”

“It seems that there is, but it seems that there is not!”

Faced with a situation where he didn't know anything, Terumi Mei covered his forehead and said with a wry smile: "Kage Mage, you are very strong. Unfortunately, your strength can only face war, not the development of a country. To be honest, you don't know anything. I It's hard to continue talking with you. After all, supporting a country depends on whether that country has the capital to be supported. Now I don't know the situation of your country of waves, and you don't know the situation of your country of waves either. The face of your shadow mage"

 “Sorry, it’s useless.”

 Is facial recognition ineffective?

 It was considered early on that the negotiation with Terumi Mei was likely to end.

Off-road didn't say anything. The development of your "revolutionary army" was mainly because of me. Instead, he silently changed the subject and didn't talk about letting Terumi Mei support the country of Waves. However, Cross Country's retreat makes Terumi Mei feel a little embarrassed. After all, it is a fact that Cross Country helps the country of water. Now because of the interests of the country and the country, friendly relations have suddenly been forgotten. This is Terumi Meidu. Feeling ashamed.

 But what about off-roading?

He really had no intention of retreating in order to advance. Later, when Terumi Mei said that he wanted to give some small benefits to the country of Waves, he even refused because he didn't want to feel like he was begging for food.

 Three days later, I left the territory of the Kingdom of Water, and I was not in a good mood for the cross-country trip.

 One of the reasons is naturally that countries with water cannot come to help and can only give some charity, but the more reason is that they feel off-road and are really not suitable to develop a country.

It seems that everything in the Kingdom of Waves is handled by the people from the Four Races Alliance.

 He, the shadow mage, is just a symbol of combat power in the Kingdom of Waves.

 Although combat power is very important, talent is also indispensable. At this time, Cross Country thought of Nagato in the original Naruto novel. How did that guy Nagato develop the Land of Rain so well? It seems that Konan was the only one around Nagato. Could it be that Konan helped him? The Land of Rain developed by Nagato?

With this thought in mind, Cross Country was ready to return home to the Country of Waves to see if Xiaonan was a talented person to manage the country.

 However, when he returned home, he never expected that a guy beyond his expectation would be waiting at his home early!

That guy is the third Tsuchikage of Iwa Ninja Village!

 Furthermore, the purpose of the third Tsuchikage coming this time is actually to

He actually wants to go cross-country and become a partner of their Iwa Ninja Village!

“Shadow Mage, I lost last time, but you will be the losers this time.”

“After all, no matter how strong you are as a Shadow Mage”

“It can’t change the fact that the country of Wave is a small country and a poor country!”

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