Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 683: Clear (Part 1)

  It is the Fourth Hokage.

 There is also the resurrected Uzumaki Kushina!

I never expected that Uzumaki Kushina actually recovered so well. Now she is following the Fourth Hokage from Mt. Myoboku to the Kingdom of Waves, and she has joined the cross-country family as soon as she arrived.

With the arrival of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina, the originally deserted home of Cross Country has become a little more lively.


  After Kushina Uzumaki was resurrected, she became very strange.

She no longer had the fiery personality she had before, and even less her violent temper. If those who were familiar with Uzumaki Kushina saw her again, they would probably think that Uzumaki Kushina was some virtuous woman who had traveled through time and happened to become... Became Kushina Uzumaki's.

However, with Kushina Uzumaki taking care of Kimimaro and Haku, and with the care of Murasaki Minazuki, there is no need for Cross Country to be afraid of Kimimaro and Haku's life.

It is also because of this that life in the off-road future becomes more comfortable.

 Normally, he is practicing, or he is giving instructions to Kimimaro, practicing in vain.

When I got tired of practicing, I went to the Country of Waves with the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina. I watched the Country of Waves develop rapidly with the help of the Iwa Ninja Village. The common people in every household were With the new changes, the Fourth Hokage always has that sunny smile on his face, as if building a country is much happier than he was in Konoha Village.

After Uzumaki Kushina stayed for a while, she asked Cross Country for advice on the secret technique of escape.

Off-road naturally knows everything about Uzumaki Kushina who has helped him.

It's a pity that Uzumaki Kushina seems to have no intention of practicing and just wants to know the secret of Yin's escape. Even after listening to the cross-country talk about the secret of Yin's escape, Uzumaki Kushina has never practiced it again. Practice. But today, a few months later, Uzumaki Kushina suddenly made a request for cross-country.

That is.

Let Uzumaki Naruto come to the Land of Waves!

 This is a very troublesome thing. Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage both faked their deaths. If their secrets are exposed, they will be tantamount to rebelling against the Leaf Village. If Konoha Village can be annexed in the future, there will naturally be no worries in this regard. The Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina can completely become the saviors of Konoha Village and allow Konoha Village to smoothly merge into the power of the Country of Waves. inside the range.


Now it is difficult for Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage to come forward. There is only one person in the entire ninja world who can take Uzumaki Naruto.

That person is undoubtedly an off-roader.

However, when he was preparing to go to the Leaf Village of the Land of Fire to pick up Naruto Uzumaki, an unexpected arrival suddenly made it impossible for him to return to the Land of Fire.

Looking at Qing in front of him, Cross Country sighed deeply, wondering why Terumi Mei suddenly wanted to help the country of Waves again?

Doesn’t it mean that the country and its affairs cannot be mixed with personal feelings?

Seeing the boxes of war supplies being slowly unloaded from the ships crossing the ocean, Cross Country exhaled the turbid air in his chest and abdomen, then faced Ao and asked: "Ao, Terumi Mei, if something happens , just tell me directly. Although our conversation last time was a bit unpleasant, I am not a small-minded person. Besides, if it were me, I would also put the interests of my own country and my own village first, so Qing , just tell me if you have anything to do, I have other important things to deal with."

As soon as Xue Yu finished speaking, Qing Shi's face turned red. Obviously, Xue Xue's words made him feel very ironic.

 At the beginning, when the "revolutionary army" of the Kingdom of Water was facing danger, it was thanks to the shadow mage of Konoha Village that they were able to compete with the power of the water shadow in the Kingdom of Water.

Now the Shadow Mage has some intention of betraying the Leaf Village and establishing his own country. When he came to ask for help, the "revolutionary army" of the Kingdom of Water that had begun to develop was actually not helpful at all.

 Whoever it is, I’m afraid I have some thoughts in my heart, right?

 Still off-road.

Now he is so frank and direct. What he means is that your "revolutionary army" in the Kingdom of Water is in trouble, and you only need to say it.

Qing listened to Cross Country's words and suddenly felt that Terumi Mei was much stronger than Cross Country in some aspects, but that kind of strength was not really strong. Guys like cross-country, who don't take profits seriously, seem to be the real strong ones in the ninja world. Immediately, with a sigh, Qing looked helplessly at Jiujiang and said: "Your Majesty Shadow Mage, to be honest, we have indeed encountered some troubles, so we would like to ask you to go to the Kingdom of Water to help."

"We all know that BOSS rejected you last time, so BOSS means that he can't ask you for help. That would be really embarrassing. However, the problem we are facing is very serious. If we are not careful, Kimimaro The family I live in may be purged. I came here to ask for your help with gifts. "

“Your Majesty Shadow Mage, can you follow me to Mist Ninja Village?”

"over there"

 “The final battle is about to begin!”

 What is the final battle?

  It means that the "revolutionary army" of the Kingdom of Water is going to take over the battle of Mist Ninja Village!

It seems that Terumi Mei's "Revolutionary Army" of the Kingdom of Water is developing really well. Otherwise, how could Terumi Mei have the idea of ​​taking over the Kiri Ninja Village?

But if Terumi Mei was to cross the country, he would definitely not be willing to take over the Mist Ninja Village.

  To take over the Mist Ninja Village is equivalent to giving up the entire Kingdom of Water.

Now in the Kingdom of Water, Terumi Mei is the only one talking about things. He can clearly control the power of a country, so why should he give up a country and only want to control the power of a ninja village?


 Such a thing, Cross Country cannot talk directly to Terumi Mei, Qing and others. After all, in Cross Country, the concept of Ninja Village is very weak. In his thoughts, his own affairs are always the most important.

But now, since Aoto is shameless and comes to ask for help with gifts, even if it is not for Terumi Mei, Ao's "revolutionary army" force, cross-country for Kimimaro, still has to go to the Kiri Ninja Village. Moreover, because things were in a hurry, Cross Country did not take Kimimaro and Shiro with him. He personally followed them by water and embarked on the journey to the Mist Ninja Village.

 There was just one thing that was unexpected when traveling off-road.

 That was when we were preparing to go cross-country to the Mist Ninja Village to eliminate the more complicated forces in the Mist Ninja Village.

 In the Leaf Village, a purge is about to begin!

 That is the purge plan launched under the conspiracy of Shimura Danzo!

“Hizu, I guess the elite members of your Hyuga clan are ready, right?”

 “Now that we are ready, let’s go tonight”

 “It’s destined to be a **** night!”

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