Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 687: curse seal



 Off-road is not an emotional idiot, it’s just that many times, he doesn’t think about emotions.

Especially Terumi Mei’s special emotions, how can Cross Country understand them?

Thinking about cross-country, he and Terumi Mei were nothing more than collaborators. As a ninja from the Kiri Ninja Village, and now the Fifth Mizukage in the Kiri Ninja Village, even if Terumi Mei wanted to find an emotional sustenance, how could he find it? Where are the ninjas of Konoha Village?

Just like Tsunade Hime, she is also one of the best female ninjas in the ninja world, and can even be said to be the representative of female ninjas.

Even if it is very difficult for a strong person like Tsunade Hime to find a partner, her first choice must be the ninjas of Konoha Village, not the ninjas of other ninja villages.

However, Cross Country still regards himself as a ninja of Konoha Village. How can others treat Cross Country the same way they treat ninjas of Konoha Village?

In the Konoha Village, Cross Country is a transcendent existence. The alliance of the four tribes under his command has a powerful force. He is also one of the masterminds of the "Twilight" organization, which is equivalent to the Supreme Emperor of the Country of Waves. Under such circumstances, the Shadow Mage is completely a powerful force in the ninja world, not the so-called Shadow Mage of Konoha Village.

 So, when the Third Tsuchikage was negotiating with Cross Country, he didn't think much about the affairs of Konoha Village.

Even in the subconscious thoughts of the Third Tsuchikage, he felt that sooner or later there would be a battle between Cross Country and Konoha Village.

Then, while discussing the future development of Mist Ninja Village with Terumi Mei, Cross-country passed through the future road of Mist Ninja Village and silently planned the future path of the Country of Waves. After dealing with these things immediately, Cross-country was about to go to the Country of Fire, and then Back to Uzumaki Naruto. The current Uzumaki Naruto and the Uzumaki Naruto in the original Hokage must have taken a completely different path.

Just like Gaara, in the original Naruto novel, he was Shura who loved himself. Now, isn’t it still about protecting important things in order to transform into Shura?

 I just don’t know if Naruto Uzumaki can achieve the achievements in the original Hokage without following the trajectory of the original Hokage.

 But it doesn’t matter.

 With the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina here, Uzumaki Naruto's future can only get better.

 At least that’s how it seems to people like Off-Road.

  followed by.

Just when Cross Country said goodbye to Terumi Mei in a dull manner, and was about to return to the Land of Fire under Terumi Mei's resentful gaze, he suddenly used Kagura's inner eye perception. Cross Country actually discovered that after the Ghost Lantern clan was exterminated, there were still some A remnant kid, led by a certain shadow-level powerhouse, was preparing to quietly leave the territory of Mist Ninja Village.

“Shadow-level powerhouse? His aura actually gives me a strange feeling?”

"Could it be that he is a newly born shadow-level warrior in the ninja world? His spiritual energy gives me a childish feeling, so let's go and see what's going on!"

To be honest, there is only one kid left in the Ghost Light Clan. Cross Country is not afraid at all that that kid will become a famous existence in the ninja world like the two pillars in the original Naruto novel. After all, he is just a member of the Ghost Light Clan, even if it is fully developed. , is nothing more than the second-generation Hokage in the original Naruto novel.

Because of this, Cross Country didn't take the kid from the Ghost Lantern clan to heart, he just cared about the shadow-level strongman who suddenly appeared.

 Then, using spiritual energy to lock the guy's aura, the off-road figure followed the sound of "swish" and used the technique of shadow instant to arrive in front of the shadow-level strongman. But when facing that shadow-level powerhouse, Cross Country felt more shocked, because that brand-new shadow-level powerhouse was actually not a newcomer, but Orochimaru using his own reincarnation technique.

 Just changed a body again!

 But, isn’t Orochimaru’s reincarnation technique a method of using Yin Escape Brand?

 How is it possible that even the breath of spiritual energy changes?

 Squinting his eyes slightly, he felt that Orochimaru in front of him was probably cooperating with Madara. If this were the case, Orochimaru would not be a collaborator of Cross Country, but an enemy of Cross Country. After all, anyone who can bring benefits to Madara is in some way an enemy of cross-country!

 While Off-Road was staring at Orochimaru, Orochimaru was also looking at Off-Road.

Realizing that Cross Country's eyes did not stay on the kid from the Ghost Light Clan, Orochimaru was still wearing the uniform of the "Akatsuki" organization, so he smiled and said: "Cross Country, long time no see, I just took away a kid from the Ghost Light Clan from you. , You don’t need to chase me so far, right? Also, the secret technique you used just now is very interesting. If you have time, can you discuss it with me a little bit?”

"no problem."

Cross Country smiled casually and said: "Orochimaru, are you coming to Mist Ninja Village just for a kid from the Ghost Lantern clan? I just discovered that you seem to have used the reincarnation technique again, and your current reincarnation technique The art is completely different from before.”

 “Do you have a new collaborator?”


 Listening to Off-Road's words, Orochimaru was obviously stunned.

After being stunned for a long time, Orochimaru said slowly with his hoarse voice: "I don't have any collaborators. It's just that there were some accidents during the experiment. Off-road, I have seen different worlds in recent times, and even more I know what the ultimate in ninjutsu is. In order to study the ultimate in ninjutsu, I am searching for members of the blood family in the ninja world. I heard that your disciple is the awakened member of the Kaguya clan's corpse vein. If you have time for the Ice Escape Awakeners of the Yue Clan, I hope you can bring them to see me."

“Of course, I think it would be better to bring them to see me after a while.”

 “Because now my experiment is at a progressive stage.”

“When I finish my research, if you bring them here, I can give them a small gift!”

 “That gift is.”

 Speaking, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and his eyes once again showed a look called fanaticism.

 When Orochimaru said this, Cross Country's eyes fell on Orochimaru's neck. Because, on Orochimaru's neck, Cross Country obviously saw a black mark, and because of seeing that mark, Cross Country clearly knew why Orochimaru's spiritual energy aura was completely different from before.

 Because, Orochimaru now has captured Jugo from the original Naruto novel!

That is to say

 What Orochimaru is currently studying is the very mysterious power in the early days of Naruto's original work!


 Curse seal!

 However, knowing the later plot of Naruto's original work, cross-country is to understand the mysterious and strange curse seal, which is a manifestation of using natural energy. At this stage, although off-roading does not require immortal mode, it can still have the power of a peak shadow-level powerhouse. However, if you can increase your strength, you can only feel happy when you go off-road, right?

 Hence, when staring at Orochimaru's curse seal, Cross Country also showed interest.

With just a glance from the corner of his eye, when Zi Yue found out that the kid from the Ghost Lantern clan was actually imprinted with a curse seal by Orochimaru, a flash of astonishment flashed through Zi Yue's eyes!

 “Isn’t it said that it is still in the experimental stage?”

 “Orochimaru is ready.”

 “Are you going to do experiments with this kid from the Ghost Lantern Clan?”

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