Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 691: Forced into the palace

Nowadays, Mr. Ban has too many resources.

 Similarly, he is much stronger than Madara in the original Naruto novel.

At the moment, Banye still has not mastered the secret of natural energy, but he feels lucky when going off-road. Therefore, if Orochimaru is allowed to continue to stay in the "Akatsuki" organization, then Orochimaru's mastery of natural energy is actually equivalent to Madara's mastery of natural energy. How can Cross Country be willing to see such a situation?

Therefore, Cross Country decided to follow Orochimaru and cooperate more closely during the period of studying natural energy, to say the least.

 When going off-road, you have to keep an eye on Orochimaru!

  The secret of natural energy cannot be exposed to Master Ban!

  followed by.

After confirming the cooperation, Cross Country is preparing to follow Orochimaru and head to the new Sound Ninja Village, which is the Star Ninja Village that Cross Country destroyed. There is no doubt that when Orochimaru knew that Cross Country started to build the Country of Waves, he also felt that the situation of a Country of Fields was really too small. Therefore, while developing the Kingdom of Tian, ​​Orochimaru was developing the Kingdom of Bears where the Star Ninja Village was located. He wanted the two countries to develop together and eventually merge into one country.

The power that Orochimaru possesses is also beyond the imagination of Cross Country. It is very difficult for Cross Country to develop a country of waves. Orochimaru is actually able to further develop the resources of the Country of Bears while developing the Country of Fields. Off-roading is something you never expected. The accumulation of Sannin is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people. When Uchiha Fugaku was still thinking about the position of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Waves, who could have imagined that Orochimaru would become the Daimyo of two countries early on?

However, Orochimaru, who is obsessed with research work, obviously has no attachment to power.

 Otherwise, how could the Hokage of Konoha Village get the cross-country teacher Minato?

If Orochimaru was not obsessed with research, it can be said that the position of the Fourth Hokage must belong to Orochimaru.

Even if the Third Hokage is unwilling to abdicate and make way for others, Orochimaru is still powerful, but Orochimaru's power is enough to force the Third Hokage to become the Fourth Hokage!

It was also because he was not obsessed with power. On the way back to the original Star Ninja Village, Orochimaru suddenly faced Cross Country and said: "Qiao Cross Road, I know that you want to develop the country of Waves. From the intelligence, you seem to You also joined an organization called "Twilight"? If I guess correctly, your teacher, Minato, must be in that organization, right? You master and disciple are reunited again, are you planning to do something? What? Could it be?"

"Could it be that he is planning to attack Konoha Village? No, should it be said that he is planning to attack the Country of Fire?"

 “That’s what I meant.”

When thinking about unifying the ninja world, ushering in peace, and changing the times, Cross Country had the idea of ​​annexing the Land of Fire first. Now, since Orochimaru mentioned this matter, Cross Country replied calmly: "If the Country of Waves wants to fully develop, its foundation is still somewhat insufficient. On the contrary, the Country of Fire is the country with the richest resources. , if the Country of Fire can be annexed and the Leaf Village is added, the Country of Waves can be fully developed."

"Of course, I want the country of Waves to develop, not because of any organization, but because of my ideals. Orochimaru, what I like to accomplish most is to protect the people close to me. Now someone threatens the ninja world. , it’s like someone is threatening the people close to me, so I built a force just to protect them. I hope you don’t misunderstand me. I don’t have any ambitions for the ninja world, but..."

 “Someone has been forcing me!”

that person.

 It must be more than just keeping an eye on you!

 No matter what the situation is, Orochimaru is a smart person and a person who can understand many secrets. Just like now, Cross Country thought he was mentioning Madara in a subtle way, but Orochimaru might not be able to guess who he was referring to. He never thought that after joining the "Akatsuki" organization, Orochimaru actually knew the existence of Madara very quickly. He even knew that Madara was the behind-the-scenes BOSS in the ninja world. He just knew what the Shura Uchiha Madara had back then. How terrifying, Orochimaru has no intention of becoming an enemy of Madara.

 However, just because Orochimaru does not want to be an enemy of Madara does not mean that Madara cannot cause trouble for Orochimaru.

 In this case

Orochimaru stared deeply at Cross Country and suddenly said: "Do you want to annex the Land of Fire and add a Konoha Village? Cross Country, even if you are strong enough and Minato is strong enough, if you want to complete your strategy, there is no need to say anything. It will take a few years, right? But I have an idea that can help you speed up the annexation. Do you want to know what it is?"

 “What is it?”

Off-road asked rhetorically.

"That is"

 “Three Kingdoms Unify!”

Orochimaru smiled slightly and said: "Now I have the resources of the Country of Fields and the Country of Bears in my hands. As long as you are willing to bid for the cross-country, I can hand over the Country of Fields and the Country of Bears to you at any time. For me, the two There is not much difference between the resources of this country and the resources given to me by the two ninja villages. I just need more experiments and hope for more experimental products. Right now, my main research is the energy of the curse seal, cross-country, You only need to cooperate with me during my research, and you will be able to obtain the resources of both countries."

 “Do you think this deal is good?”

"is very good."

Smiling, Cross Country suddenly shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, Orochimaru, you are from the Akatsuki organization, and the Akatsuki organization is my enemy. As a member of Dusk, I cannot be with Akatsuki." The people of the organization cooperate so closely. Especially when it comes to the development of the Kingdom of Waves, I can't just watch the power of the members of the "Akatsuki" organization merge into my Kingdom of Waves."

 “So, if we want to cooperate...”

 “Orochimaru, you still have to pay something, and that is to quit the Akatsuki organization.”

 After Off-Road finished speaking, he thought Orochimaru needed to hesitate for a few seconds.

Who would have thought that almost as soon as Cross Country finished speaking, Orochimaru nodded vigorously and said: "No problem, then after I quit the "Akatsuki" organization, I will join your "Dusk". But it's agreed. I don't have time to deal with the "Xiao" organizational troubles, so I'll leave it to you, cross-country!"


I never expected that Orochimaru would quit the "Akatsuki" organization so easily.

Even when listening to Orochimaru's words, he felt unrealistic.

However, what feels unrealistic is obviously not just Orochimaru's easy withdrawal from the "Akatsuki" organization.

 Because in the Leaf Village, when the Third Hokage looked at the smiling face of Uchiha Fugaku in front of him, he also felt unrealistic in his heart.

 The reason.

Of course, the Third Hokage never expected that Uchiha Fugaku would dare to come to force him to marry him!

 “The Third Hokage, first of all, I hope you can abolish the position of Hinata Hizu as the clan leader.”

“Second, I hope you can remove Danzo Shimura from his position in the village elders and deprive him of the right to be in charge of the ANBU.”

“Third, our Uchiha clan’s security force needs to regain the right to guard the border.”

 “Look at these requirements of mine.”

 “Isn’t it too much?”

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